Book of Numbers

in·Outspeak ­

and·he·speaks ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to ­Moseh ­in·the·outspeak·of ­Syny ­in·tent·of ­assembly

in·one ­to·the·new·moon ­the·second ­in·the·year ­the·second ­to·go·them ­from·the·land·of ­Egypts² ­saying :

ꜝbear⁺ ­°the·head·of ­all·of ­the·assembly·of ­the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr

to·their·families⁺ ­to·the·house·of ­their·fathers⁺

in·count·of ­names⁺·of

all ­membered ­to·their·rollskulls⁺ :

from·son·of ­twenty⁺ ­year ­and➝upward

all·of ­going ­host ­in·Princepowr

you·reckon⁺ ­°them ­to·their·hosts⁺ ­you ­and·Aharon :

and·with·you⁺ ­they·are⁺

man ­man ­to·the·branch

man ­head ­to·the·house·of ­his·fathers⁺ ­he :

and·these ­the·names⁺·of ­the·mortals⁺

that ­they·stand⁺ ­with·you⁺

to·See-Son ­Powr-of-Rock ­the·son·of ­Field-of-Light :

to·Heard ­Shalom-of-Powr ­the·son·of ­Rock-of-Breasted :

to·Gloryhand ­Copperer ­the·son·of ­People-Noble :


Given-by-Powr ­the·son·of ­Least :

to·Residence ­Powr-of-Father ­the·son·of ­Strong :

to·the·sons⁺·of ­He-Adds

to·Fruits² ­Powr-Hears ­the·son·of ­People-of-Splendor

to·Frustration ­Yielded-of-Powr ­the·son·of ­Ransomed-of-Rock :


Father-of-Vindication ­the·son·of ­My-Hacker :

to·Vindicator ­Brother-of-Help ­the·son·of ­People-of-Breasted :

to·Blessed ­Pegging-of-Powr ­the·son·of ­Riler :

to·Clout ­Powr-Adds ­the·son·of ­Known-of-Powr :


Brother-of-Bad ­the·son·of ­Eyed :

these ­the·called⁺·of ­the·assembly

the·wellborns⁺·of ­the·branches⁺·of ­their·fathers⁺

the·heads⁺·of ­the·thousands⁺·of ­Princepowr ­they⁺ :

and·he·takes ­Moseh ­and·Aharon

°the·mortals⁺ ­these

that ­they·were·punctured⁺ ­in·names⁺ :

and·°all·of ­the·assembly ­they·congregated⁺ ­in·one ­to·the·new·moon ­the·second

and·they·trace·their·childage⁺ ­upon ­their·families⁺ ­to·the·house·of ­their·fathers⁺

in·count·of ­names⁺ ­from·son·of ­twenty⁺ ­year ­and➝upward ­to·their·rollskulls⁺ :

as·how ­he·commanded ­Yʜᴡʜ ­°Moseh

and·he·reckons·them ­in·the·outspeak·of ­Syny :


and·they·are⁺ ­the·sons⁺·of ­See-Son ­the·firstborn·of ­Princepowr

their·childages⁺ ­to·their·families⁺ ­to·the·house·of ­their·fathers⁺

in·count·of ­names⁺ ­to·their·rollskulls⁺

all ­membered ­from·son·of ­twenty⁺ ­year ­and➝upward

all·of ­going·of ­host :

that·are·reckoned⁺·them ­to·the·branch·of ­See-Son

six ­and·forty⁺ ­thousand ­and·five·of ­hundred⁺ :


to·the·sons⁺·of ­Heard

their·childages⁺ ­to·their·families⁺ ­to·the·house·of ­their·fathers⁺

that·are·reckoned⁺·him ­in·count·of ­names⁺ ­to·their·rollskulls⁺

all ­membered ­from·son·of ­twenty⁺ ­year ­and➝upward

all·of ­going·of ­host :

that·are·reckoned⁺·them ­to·the·branch·of ­Heard

nine ­and·fifty⁺ ­thousand ­and·three·of ­hundred⁺ :


to·the·sons⁺·of ­Clout

their·childages⁺ ­to·their·families⁺ ­to·the·house·of ­their·fathers⁺

in·count·of ­names⁺ ­from·son·of ­twenty⁺ ­year ­and➝upward

all·of ­going·of ­host :

that·are·reckoned⁺·them ­to·the·branch·of ­Clout

five ­and·forty⁺ ­thousand

and·six·of ­hundred⁺ ­and·fifty⁺ :


to·the·sons⁺·of ­Gloryhand

their·childages⁺ ­to·their·families⁺ ­to·the·house·of ­their·fathers⁺

in·count·of ­names⁺ ­from·son·of ­twenty⁺ ­year ­and➝upward

all·of ­going·of ­host :

that·are·reckoned⁺·them ­to·the·branch·of ­Gloryhand

four ­and·seventy⁺ ­thousand ­and·six·of ­hundred⁺ :


to·the·sons⁺·of ­He-Is-Hire

their·childages⁺ ­to·their·families⁺ ­to·the·house·of ­their·fathers⁺

in·count·of ­names⁺ ­from·son·of ­twenty⁺ ­year ­and➝upward

all·of ­going·of ­host :

that·are·reckoned⁺·them ­to·the·branch·of ­He-Is-Hire

four ­and·fifty⁺ ­thousand ­and·four·of ­hundred⁺ :


to·the·sons⁺·of ­Residence

their·childages⁺ ­to·their·families⁺ ­to·the·house·of ­their·fathers⁺

in·count·of ­names⁺ ­from·son·of ­twenty⁺ ­year ­and➝upward

all·of ­going·of ­host :

that·are·reckoned⁺·them ­to·the·branch·of ­Residence

seven ­and·fifty⁺ ­thousand ­and·four·of ­hundred⁺ :


to·the·sons⁺·of ­He-Adds ­to·the·sons⁺·of ­Fruits²

their·childages⁺ ­to·their·families⁺ ­to·the·house·of ­their·fathers⁺

in·count·of ­names⁺ ­from·son·of ­twenty⁺ ­year ­and➝upward

all·of ­going·of ­host :

that·are·reckoned⁺·them ­to·the·branch·of ­Fruits²

forty⁺ ­thousand ­and·five·of ­hundred⁺ :


to·the·sons⁺·of ­Frustration

their·childages⁺ ­to·their·families⁺ ­to·the·house·of ­their·fathers⁺

in·count·of ­names⁺ ­from·son·of ­twenty⁺ ­year ­and➝upward

all·of ­going·of ­host :

that·are·reckoned⁺·them ­to·the·branch·of ­Frustration

two² ­and·thirty⁺ ­thousand ­and·hundred² :


to·the·sons⁺·of ­Son-of-Right

their·childages⁺ ­to·their·families⁺ ­to·the·house·of ­their·fathers⁺

in·count·of ­names⁺ ­from·son·of ­twenty⁺ ­year ­and➝upward

all·of ­going·of ­host :

that·are·reckoned⁺·them ­to·the·branch·of ­Son-of-Right

five ­and·thirty⁺ ­thousand ­and·four·of ­hundred⁺ :


to·the·sons⁺·of ­Vindicator

their·childages⁺ ­to·their·families⁺ ­to·the·house·of ­their·fathers⁺

in·count·of ­names⁺ ­from·son·of ­twenty⁺ ­year ­and➝upward

all·of ­going·of ­host :

that·are·reckoned⁺·them ­to·the·branch·of ­Vindicator

two² ­and·sixty⁺ ­thousand ­and·seven ­hundred⁺ :


to·the·sons⁺·of ­Blessed

their·childages⁺ ­to·their·families⁺ ­to·the·house·of ­their·fathers⁺

in·count·of ­names⁺ ­from·son·of ­twenty⁺ ­year ­and➝upward

all·of ­going·of ­host :

that·are·reckoned⁺·them ­to·the·branch·of ­Blessed

one ­and·forty⁺ ­thousand ­and·five·of ­hundred⁺ :


the·sons⁺·of ­Knot

their·childages⁺ ­to·their·families⁺ ­to·the·house·of ­their·fathers⁺

in·count·of ­names⁺ ­from·son·of ­twenty⁺ ­year ­and➝upward

all·of ­going·of ­host :

that·are·reckoned⁺·them ­to·the·branch·of ­Knot

three ­and·fifty⁺ ­thousand ­and·four·of ­hundred⁺ :


these ­that·are·reckoned⁺ ­that ­he·reckoned ­Moseh ­and·Aharon ­and·the·wellborns⁺·of ­Princepowr

two² ­and·ten ­man

man ­one ­to·the·house·of ­his·fathers⁺ ­they·were⁺ :

and·they·are⁺ ­all·of ­the·reckoned⁺·of ­the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr ­to·the·house·of ­their·fathers⁺

from·son·of ­twenty⁺ ­year ­and➝upward

all·of ­going ­host ­in·Princepowr :

and·they·are⁺ ­all·of ­that·are·reckoned⁺

six·of ­hundred⁺ ­thousand ­and·three·of ­thousands⁺

and·five·of ­hundred⁺ ­and·fifty⁺ :

and·the·Debtorïtes⁺ ­to·the·branch·of ­their·fathers⁺

they·were·not·reckoned⁺ ­in·their·midst :


and·he·speaks ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to ­Moseh ­saying :

surely ­°the·branch·of ­Debtor ­you·do·not·reckon

and·°their·head ­you·do·not·bear

in·the·midst·of ­the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr :

and·you ­give·to·reckon ­°the·Debtorïtes⁺ ­upon ­the·dwelling·place·of ­the·witness ­and·upon ­all·of ­his·things⁺ ­and·upon ­all ­that ­to·him

they⁺ ­they·bear⁺ ­°the·dwelling·place ­and·°all·of ­his·things⁺

and·they⁺ ­they·assist⁺·him

and·turninground ­to·the·dwelling·place ­they·camp⁺ :

and·when·journeying ­the·dwelling·place ­they·make·descend⁺ ­°him ­the·Debtorïtes⁺

and·when·camping ­the·dwelling·place

they·raise⁺ ­°him ­the·Debtorïtes⁺

and·the·stranger ­the·presenting·himself ­he·is·put·to·death :

and·they·camped⁺ ­the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr

man ­upon ­his·camp ­and·man ­upon ­his·banner ­to·their·hosts⁺ :

and·the·Debtorïtes⁺ ­they·camp⁺ ­turninground ­to·the·dwelling·place·of ­the·witness

and ­he·is·not ­anger

upon ­the·assembly·of ­the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr

and·they·watched⁺ ­the·Debtorïtes⁺

°the·watch·of ­the·dwelling·place·of ­the·witness :

and·they·do⁺ ­the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr

as·all ­that ­he·commanded ­Yʜᴡʜ ­°Moseh ­surely ­they·did⁺ :


and·he·speaks ­Yʜᴡʜ

to ­Moseh ­and·to ­Aharon ­saying :

man ­upon ­his·banner ­in·signs⁺ ­to·the·house·of ­their·fathers⁺

they·camp⁺ ­the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr

from·before ­turninground ­to·tent·of ­assembly ­they·camp⁺ :

and·that·camp⁺ ­➝frontward ­➝dawn

the·banner·of ­the·camp·of ­Gloryhand ­to·their·hosts⁺

and·wellborn ­to·the·sons⁺·of ­Gloryhand

Copperer ­the·son·of ­People-Noble :

and·his·host ­and·that·are·reckoned⁺·them

four ­and·seventy⁺ ­thousand ­and·six·of ­hundred⁺ :

and·that·camp⁺ ­upon·him ­the·branch·of ­He-Is-Hire

and·wellborn ­to·the·sons⁺·of ­He-Is-Hire

Given-by-Powr ­the·son·of ­Least :

and·his·host ­and·that·are·reckoned⁺·him

four ­and·fifty⁺ ­thousand ­and·four·of ­hundred⁺ :

the·branch·of ­Residence

and·wellborn ­to·the·sons⁺·of ­Residence

Powr-of-Father ­the·son·of ­Strong :

and·his·host ­and·that·are·reckoned⁺·him

seven ­and·fifty⁺ ­thousand ­and·four·of ­hundred⁺ :

all·of ­that·are·reckoned⁺ ­to·the·camp·of ­Gloryhand ­hundred·of ­thousand ­and·eighty⁺ ­thousand ­and·six·of ­thousands⁺ ­and·four·of ­hundred⁺ ­to·their·hosts⁺

headmost ­they·journey⁺ :

the·banner·of ­the·camp·of ­See-Son ­➝right ­to·their·hosts⁺

and·wellborn ­to·the·sons⁺·of ­See-Son

Powr-of-Rock ­the·son·of ­Field-of-Light :

and·his·host ­and·that·are·reckoned⁺·him

six ­and·forty⁺ ­thousand ­and·five·of ­hundred⁺ :

and·that·camp⁺ ­upon·him ­the·branch·of ­Heard

and·wellborn ­to·the·sons⁺·of ­Heard

Shalom-of-Powr ­the·son·of ­Rock·of ­Breasted :

and·his·host ­and·that·are·reckoned⁺·them

nine ­and·fifty⁺ ­thousand ­and·three·of ­hundred⁺ :

and·the·branch·of ­Clout

and·wellborn ­to·the·sons⁺·of ­Clout

Powr-Adds ­the·son·of ­Tendent-of-Powr :

and·his·host ­and·that·are·reckoned⁺·them

five ­and·forty⁺ ­thousand

and·six·of ­hundred⁺ ­and·fifty⁺ :

all·of ­that·are·reckoned⁺ ­to·the·camp·of ­See-Son ­hundred·of ­thousand ­and·one ­and·fifty⁺ ­thousand ­and·four·of ­hundred⁺ ­and·fifty⁺ ­to·their·hosts⁺

and·second⁺ ­they·journey⁺ :

and·he·journeyed ­tent·of ­assembly ­the·camp·of ­the·Debtorïtes⁺ ­in·the·midst·of ­the·camps⁺

as·how ­they·camp⁺ ­surely ­they·journey⁺

man ­upon ­his·hand ­to·their·banners⁺ :

the·banner·of ­the·camp·of ­Fruits² ­to·their·hosts⁺ ­➝sea

and·wellborn ­to·the·sons⁺·of ­Fruits²

Powr-Hears ­the·son·of ­People-of-Splendor :

and·his·host ­and·that·are·reckoned⁺·them

forty⁺ ­thousand ­and·five·of ­hundred⁺ :

and·upon·him ­the·branch·of ­Frustration

and·wellborn ­to·the·sons⁺·of ­Frustration

Yielded-of-Powr ­the·son·of ­Ransomed-of-Rock :

and·his·host ­and·that·are·reckoned⁺·them

two² ­and·thirty⁺ ­thousand ­and·hundred² :

and·the·branch·of ­Son-of-Right

and·wellborn ­to·the·sons⁺·of ­Son-of-Right

Father-of-Vindication ­the·son·of ­My-Hacker :

and·his·host ­and·that·are·reckoned⁺·them

five ­and·thirty⁺ ­thousand ­and·four·of ­hundred⁺ :

all·of ­that·are·reckoned⁺ ­to·the·camp·of ­Fruits² ­hundred·of ­thousand ­and·eight·of ­thousands⁺ ­and·hundred ­to·their·hosts⁺

and·third⁺ ­they·journey⁺ :

the·banner·of ­the·camp·of ­Vindicator ­➝north ­to·their·hosts⁺

and·wellborn ­to·the·sons⁺·of ­Vindicator

Brother-of-Help ­the·son·of ­People-of-Breasted :

and·his·host ­and·that·are·reckoned⁺·them

two² ­and·sixty⁺ ­thousand ­and·seven ­hundred⁺ :

and·that·camp⁺ ­upon·him ­the·branch·of ­Blessed

and·wellborn ­to·the·sons⁺·of ­Blessed

Pegging-of-Powr ­the·son·of ­Riler :

and·his·host ­and·that·are·reckoned⁺·them

one ­and·forty⁺ ­thousand ­and·five·of ­hundred⁺ :

and·the·branch·of ­Knot

and·wellborn ­to·the·sons⁺·of ­Knot

Brother-of-Bad ­the·son·of ­Eyed :

and·his·host ­and·that·are·reckoned⁺·them

three ­and·fifty⁺ ­thousand ­and·four·of ­hundred⁺ :

all·of ­that·are·reckoned⁺ ­to·the·camp·of ­Vindicator

hundred·of ­thousand ­and·seven ­and·fifty⁺ ­thousand ­and·six·of ­hundred⁺

to·the·afterward ­they·journey⁺ ­to·their·banners⁺ :


these ­the·reckoned⁺·of ­the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr ­to·the·house·of ­their·fathers⁺

all·of ­the·reckoned⁺·of ­the·camps⁺ ­to·their·hosts⁺

six·of ­hundred⁺ ­thousand ­and·three·of ­thousands⁺

and·five·of ­hundred⁺ ­and·fifty⁺ :



in·the·midst·of ­the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr

as·how ­he·commanded ­Yʜᴡʜ ­°Moseh :

and·they·do⁺ ­the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr

as·all ­that ­he·commanded ­Yʜᴡʜ ­°Moseh ­surely ­they·camped⁺ ­to·their·banners⁺ ­and·surely ­they·journeyed⁺

man ­to·his·families⁺ ­upon ­the·house·of ­his·fathers⁺ :

and·these ­the·childages⁺·of ­Aharon ­and·Moseh

in·day·of ­he·spoke ­Yʜᴡʜ ­with ­Moseh ­in·the·mount·of ­Syny :

and·these ­the·names⁺·of ­the·sons⁺·of ­Aharon ­the·firstborn ­Noble

and·Father-of-Him ­Powr-Helped ­and·Island-of-Palm :

these ­the·names⁺·of ­the·sons⁺·of ­Aharon

the·priests⁺ ­that·are·anointed⁺

that ­he·filled ­their·hand ­to·be·priest :

and·he·dies ­Noble ­and·Father-of-Him ­to·the·face⁺·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­when·they·present⁺ ­fire ­stranger ­to·the·face⁺·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­in·the·outspeak·of ­Syny

and·sons⁺ ­they·were·not⁺ ­to·them

and·he·is·priest ­Powr-Helped ­and·Island-of-Palm

upon ­the·face⁺·of ­Aharon ­their·father :


and·he·speaks ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to ­Moseh ­saying :

ꜝpresent ­°the·branch·of ­Debtorïte

and·you·caused·to·stand ­°him

to·the·face⁺·of ­Aharon ­the·priest

and·they·assisted⁺ ­°him :

and·they·watched⁺ ­°his·watch ­and·°the·watch·of ­all·of ­the·assembly

to·face⁺·of ­tent·of ­assembly

to·serve ­°the·service·of ­the·dwelling·place :

and·they·watched⁺ ­°all·of ­things⁺·of ­tent·of ­assembly

and·°the·watch·of ­the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr

to·serve ­°the·service·of ­the·dwelling·place :

and·you·gave ­°the·Debtorïtes⁺

to·Aharon ­and·to·his·sons⁺

given⁺ ­given⁺ ­they⁺ ­to·him

from·with ­the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr :

and·°Aharon ­and·°his·sons⁺ ­you·reckon

and·they·watched⁺ ­°their·priesthood

and·the·stranger ­the·presenting·himself ­he·is·put·to·death :


and·he·speaks ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to ­Moseh ­saying :

and·I ­¡lo! ­I·took ­°the·Debtorïtes⁺ ­from·the·midst·of ­the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr

under ­all·of ­firstborn ­outspurt·of ­womb ­from·the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr

and·they·were⁺ ­to·me ­the·Debtorïtes⁺ :

as ­to·me ­all·of ­firstborn

in·the·day·of ­my·striking ­all·of ­firstborn ­in·the·land·of ­Egypts² ­I·made·sacred ­to·me ­all·of ­firstborn ­in·Princepowr

from·adam ­unto ­beast

to·me ­they·are⁺ ­I ­Yʜᴡʜ :

and·he·speaks ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to ­Moseh

in·the·outspeak·of ­Syny ­saying :

ꜝreckon ­°the·sons⁺·of ­Debtor

to·the·house·of ­their·fathers⁺ ­to·their·families⁺

all ­membered ­from·son·of ­new·moon ­and➝upward ­you·reckon·them :

and·he·reckons ­°them ­Moseh ­upon ­the·mouth·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

as·how ­he·was·commanded :

and·they·are⁺ ­these ­the·sons⁺·of ­Debtor ­in·their·names⁺

Driven ­and·Associate ­and·Bitterness :

and·these ­the·names⁺·of ­the·sons⁺·of ­Driven ­to·their·families⁺

White ­and·Hearing :

and·the·sons⁺·of ­Associate ­to·their·families⁺

People-High ­and·Elixer

Alliance ­and·Might-of-Powr :

and·the·sons⁺·of ­Bitterness ­to·their·families⁺ ­Piercedïte ­and·Budgeïte

these ­they⁺ ­the·families⁺·of ­the·Debtorïte ­to·the·house·of ­their·fathers⁺ :


the·family·of ­the·Whiteïte

and·the·family·of ­the·Hearingïte

these ­they⁺

the·families⁺·of ­the·Drivenïte :

that·are·reckoned⁺·them ­in·count·of ­all·of ­membered

from·son·of ­new·moon ­and➝upward


seven·of ­thousands⁺ ­and·five·of ­hundred⁺ :

the·families⁺·of ­the·Drivenïte

after⁺ ­the·dwelling·place ­they·camp⁺ ­➝sea :

and·wellborn·of ­house·of ­father ­to·the·Drivenïte

Powr-Adds ­the·son·of ­To-Powr :

and·the·watch·of ­the·sons⁺·of ­Driven ­in·tent·of ­assembly

the·dwelling·place ­and·the·tent

his·covering ­and·knitting·of ­opening·of ­tent·of ­assembly :

and·the·slingcurtains⁺·of ­the·courtyard ­and·°the·knitting·of ­the·opening·of ­the·courtyard

that ­upon ­the·dwelling·place ­and·upon ­the·offering·place ­turninground


to·all·of ­his·service :

and·to·Associate ­the·family·of ­the·Peoplehighïte ­and·the·family·of ­the·Elixerïte

and·the·family·of ­the·Allianceïte

and·the·family·of ­the·Might-of-Powrïte

these ­they⁺ ­the·families⁺·of ­the·Associateïte :

in·count·of ­all ­membered

from·son·of ­new·moon ­and➝upward

eight·of ­thousands⁺ ­and·six ­hundred⁺

the·watching⁺·of ­the·watch·of ­the·sanctuary :

the·families⁺·of ­the·sons⁺·of ­Associate ­they·camp⁺

upon ­the·flank·of ­the·dwelling·place ­➝right :

and·wellborn·of ­house·of ­father ­to·the·families⁺·of ­the·Associateïte

Powr-Secret ­the·son·of ­Might-of-Powr :

and·their·watch ­the·ark ­and·the·table ­and·the·lampstand ­and·the·offering·places⁺

and·the·things⁺·of ­the·sanctuary

that ­they·assist⁺ ­in·them


and·all·of ­his·service :

and·the·wellborn·of ­the·wellborns⁺·of ­the·Debtorïte

Powr-Helped ­the·son·of ­Aharon ­the·priest

the·reckoning·of ­the·watching⁺·of ­the·watch·of ­the·sanctuary :

to·Bitternessïte ­the·family·of ­the·Piercedïte

and·the·family·of ­the·Budgeïte

these ­they⁺ ­the·families⁺·of ­Bitternessïte :

and·that·are·reckoned⁺·them ­in·count·of ­all ­membered

from·son·of ­new·moon ­and➝upward

six·of ­thousands⁺ ­and·hundred² :

and·wellborn·of ­house·of ­father ­to·the·families⁺·of ­Bitternessïte

Rock-of-Powr ­the·son·of ­Father-of-Strength

upon ­the·flank·of ­the·dwelling·place ­they·camp⁺ ­➝north :

and·the·reckoning·of ­the·watch·of ­the·sons⁺·of ­Bitterness

the·boards⁺·of ­the·dwelling·place

and·his·bolts⁺ ­and·his·standing·pillars⁺ ­and·his·lord·brackets⁺

and·all·of ­his·things⁺

and·all·of ­his·service :

and·the·standing·pillars⁺·of ­the·courtyard ­turninground ­and·their·lord·brackets⁺

and·their·nails⁺ ­and·their·remnantcords⁺ :

and·that·camp⁺ ­to·the·face⁺·of ­the·dwelling·place ­➝frontward ­to·face⁺·of ­tent·of ­assembly ­➝dawn ­Moseh ­and·Aharon ­and·his·sons⁺ ­watching⁺ ­the·watch·of ­the·sanctuary

to·the·watch·of ­the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr

and·the·stranger ­the·presenting·himself ­he·is·put·to·death :

all·of ­the·reckoned⁺·of ­the·Debtorïtes⁺ ­that ­he·reckoned ­Moseh ­and·Aharon ­upon ­the·mouth·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to·their·families⁺

all ­membered ­from·son·of ­new·moon ­and➝upward

two² ­and·twenty⁺ ­thousand :

and·he·says ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to ­Moseh ­ꜝreckon ­all·of ­firstborn ­membered ­to·the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr

from·son·of ­new·moon ­and➝upward

and·ꜝbear ­°the·count·of ­their·names⁺ :

and·you·took ­°the·Debtorïtes⁺ ­to·me ­I ­Yʜᴡʜ

under ­all·of ­firstborn ­in·the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr

and·°the·beast·of ­the·Debtorïtes⁺

under ­all·of ­firstborn

in·the·beast·of ­the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr :

and·he·reckons ­Moseh

as·how ­he·commanded ­Yʜᴡʜ ­°him

°all·of ­firstborn ­in·the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr :

and·he·is ­all·of ­firstborn ­membered ­in·count·of ­names⁺ ­from·son·of ­new·moon ­and➝upward ­to·that·are·reckoned⁺·them

two² ­and·twenty⁺ ­thousand

three ­and·seventy⁺ ­and·hundred² :


and·he·speaks ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to ­Moseh ­saying :

ꜝtake ­°the·Debtorïtes⁺ ­under ­all·of ­firstborn ­in·the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr

and·°the·beast·of ­the·Debtorïtes⁺ ­under ­their·beast

and·they·were⁺ ­to·me ­the·Debtorïtes⁺ ­I ­Yʜᴡʜ :

and·°the·ransoms⁺·of ­the·three

and·the·seventy⁺ ­and·the·hundred²

the·extra⁺ ­upon ­the·Debtorïtes⁺

from·the·firstborn·of ­the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr :

and·you·took ­five·of ­five·of ­shekels⁺ ­to·the·rollskull

in·the·shekel·of ­the·sanctuary ­you·take

twenty⁺ ­chaw ­the·shekel :

and·you·gave ­the·silver

to·Aharon ­and·to·his·sons⁺

the·ransoms⁺·of ­the·extra⁺ ­in·them :

and·he·takes ­Moseh

°the·silver·of ­the·ransom

from·with ­the·extra⁺

upon ­the·ransoms⁺·of ­the·Debtorïtes⁺ :

from·with ­the·firstborn·of ­the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr ­he·took ­°the·silver

five ­and·sixty⁺ ­and·three·of ­hundred⁺ ­and·thousand ­in·the·shekel·of ­the·sanctuary :

and·he·gives ­Moseh ­°the·silver·of ­the·ransoms⁺ ­to·Aharon ­and·to·his·sons⁺ ­upon ­the·mouth·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

as·how ­he·commanded ­Yʜᴡʜ ­°Moseh :


and·he·speaks ­Yʜᴡʜ

to ­Moseh ­and·to ­Aharon ­saying :

bearing ­°the·head·of ­the·sons⁺·of ­Associate

from·the·midst·of ­the·sons⁺·of ­Debtor

to·their·families⁺ ­to·the·house·of ­their·fathers⁺ :

from·son·of ­thirty⁺ ­year ­and➝upward

and·unto ­son·of ­fifty⁺ ­year

all ­entering ­to·the·host

to·do ­ministry ­in·tent·of ­assembly :

this ­the·service·of ­the·sons⁺·of ­Associate ­in·tent·of ­assembly

the·sanctuary·of ­the·sanctuaries⁺ :

and·he·entered ­Aharon ­and·his·sons⁺ ­when·journeying ­the·camp

and·they·made·descend⁺ ­°the·screen·of ­the·knitting

and·they·covered⁺ ­in·her

°the·ark·of ­the·witness :

and·they·gave⁺ ­upon·him ­covering·of ­bareskin·of ­tahas

and·they·stretched⁺ ­covering·of ­all-all·of ­blue ­from·to➝upward

and·they·placed⁺ ­his·lonepoles⁺ :

and·upon ­the·table·of ­the·face⁺ ­they·stretch⁺ ­covering·of ­blue

and·they·gave⁺ ­upon·him ­°the·dishes⁺ ­and·°the·spoons⁺ ­and·°the·innocence-bowls⁺

and·°the·cups⁺·of ­the·libation

and·the·bread·of ­the·always ­upon·him ­he·is :

and·they·stretched⁺ ­upon·them ­covering·of ­fangworm·of ­scarlet

and·they·covered⁺ ­°him

in·covering·of ­bareskin·of ­tahas

and·they·placed⁺ ­°his·lonepoles⁺ :

and·they·took⁺ ­covering·of ­blue ­and·they·covered⁺ ­°the·lampstand·of ­the·light ­and·°her·lamps⁺

and·°her·takertong ­and·°her·firepans⁺

and·°all·of ­the·things⁺·of ­her·oil

that ­they·assist⁺ ­to·her ­in·them :

and·they·gave⁺ ­°her ­and·°all·of ­her·things⁺

to ­covering·of ­bareskin·of ­tahas

and·they·gave⁺ ­upon ­the·shaking :

and·upon ­the·offering·place·of ­the·gold ­they·stretch⁺ ­covering·of ­blue

and·they·covered⁺ ­°him

in·covering·of ­bareskin·of ­tahas

and·they·placed⁺ ­°his·lonepoles⁺ :

and·they·took⁺ ­°all·of ­the·things⁺·of ­the·assistance ­that ­they·assist⁺ ­in·them ­in·the·sanctuary ­and·they·gave⁺ ­to ­covering·of ­blue

and·they·covered⁺ ­°them

in·covering·of ­bareskin·of ­tahas

and·they·gave⁺ ­upon ­the·shaking :

and·they·made·bountiful⁺ ­°the·offering·place

and·they·stretched⁺ ­upon·him

covering·of ­purple :

and·they·gave⁺ ­upon·him ­°all·of ­his·things⁺ ­that ­they·assist⁺ ­upon·him ­in·them ­°the·firepans⁺ ­°the·skewers⁺ ­and·°the·shovels⁺ ­and·°the·aspersoria⁺

all·of ­the·things⁺·of ­the·offering·place

and·they·stretched⁺ ­upon·him ­covering·of ­bareskin·of ­tahas ­and·they·placed⁺ ­his·lonepoles⁺ :

and·he·was·all·done ­Aharon ­and·his·sons⁺ ­to·cover ­°the·sanctuary ­and·°all·of ­the·things⁺·of ­the·sanctuary ­when·journeying ­the·camp

and·after⁺ ­surely ­they·enter⁺ ­the·sons⁺·of ­Associate ­to·bear

and ­they·do·not·touch⁺ ­to ­the·sanctuary ­and·they·died⁺

these ­the·burden·of ­the·sons⁺·of ­Associate ­in·tent·of ­assembly :

and·the·reckoning·of ­Powr-Helped ­the·son·of ­Aharon ­the·priest ­the·oil·of ­the·light ­and·the·incense·of ­the·aromatics⁺

and·the·tribute·of ­the·always ­and·the·oil·of ­the·anointment

the·reckoning·of ­all·of ­the·dwelling·place ­and·all ­that ­in·him

in·sanctuary ­and·in·his·things⁺ :

and·he·speaks ­Yʜᴡʜ

to ­Moseh ­and·to ­Aharon ­saying :

you·do·not·cut·down ­°the·stem·of ­the·families⁺·of ­the·Associateïte

from·the·midst·of ­the·Debtorïtes⁺ :

and·this ­ꜝdo⁺ ­to·them ­and·they·lived⁺ ­and ­they·do·not·die⁺

when·they·approach⁺ ­°the·sanctuary·of ­the·sanctuaries⁺

Aharon ­and·his·sons⁺ ­they·enter⁺

and·they·placed⁺ ­°them ­man ­man ­upon ­his·service ­and·to ­his·burden :

and ­they·do·not·enter⁺ ­to·see ­as·devouring ­°the·sanctuary ­and·they·died⁺ :


and·he·speaks ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to ­Moseh ­saying :

bearing ­°the·head·of ­the·sons⁺·of ­Driven ­also ­they⁺

to·the·house·of ­their·fathers⁺ ­to·their·families⁺ :

from·son·of ­thirty⁺ ­year ­and➝upward ­unto ­son·of ­fifty⁺ ­year ­you·reckon ­°them

all ­that·enters ­to·host·together ­host

to·serve ­service ­in·tent·of ­assembly :

this ­the·service·of

the·families⁺·of ­the·Drivenïte

to·serve ­and·to·burden :

and·they·bore⁺ ­°the·curtains⁺·of ­the·dwelling·place ­and·°tent·of ­assembly

his·covering ­and·the·covering·of ­the·tahas ­that ­upon·him ­from·to➝upward


opening·of ­tent·of ­assembly :

and·°the·slingcurtains⁺·of ­the·courtyard ­and·°the·knitting·of ­the·opening·of ­the·gate·of ­the·courtyard ­that ­upon ­the·dwelling·place ­and·upon ­the·offering·place ­turninground


and·°all·of ­the·things⁺·of ­their·service

and·°all ­that ­he·is·done ­to·them ­and·they·served⁺ :

upon ­the·mouth·of ­Aharon ­and·his·sons⁺ ­she·is ­all·of ­the·service·of ­the·sons⁺·of ­the·Drivenïte

to·all·of ­their·burden

and·to·all·of ­their·service

and·you·reckoned⁺ ­upon·them ­in·watch

°all·of ­their·burden :

this ­the·service·of ­the·families⁺·of ­the·sons⁺·of ­the·Drivenïte ­in·tent·of ­assembly


in·the·hand·of ­Island-of-Palm

the·son·of ­Aharon ­the·priest :


the·sons⁺·of ­Bitterness

to·their·families⁺ ­to·the·house·of ­their·fathers⁺ ­you·reckon ­°them :

from·son·of ­thirty⁺ ­year ­and➝upward ­and·unto ­son·of ­fifty⁺ ­year ­you·reckon·them

all ­that·enters ­to·the·host

to·serve ­°service·of ­tent·of ­assembly :

and·this ­the·watch·of ­their·burden

to·all·of ­their·service ­in·tent·of ­assembly

the·boards⁺·of ­the·dwelling·place

and·his·bolts⁺ ­and·his·standing·pillars⁺ ­and·his·lord·brackets⁺ :

and·the·standing·pillars⁺·of ­the·courtyard ­turninground ­and·their·lord·brackets⁺ ­and·their·nails⁺ ­and·their·remnantcords⁺

to·all·of ­their·things⁺

and·to·all·of ­their·service

and·in·names⁺ ­you·reckon⁺

°the·things⁺·of ­the·watch·of ­their·burden :

this ­the·service·of ­the·families⁺·of ­the·sons⁺·of ­Bitterness

to·all·of ­their·service ­in·tent·of ­assembly

in·the·hand·of ­Island-of-Palm

the·son·of ­Aharon ­the·priest :

and·he·reckons ­Moseh ­and·Aharon ­and·the·wellborns⁺·of ­the·assembly ­°the·sons⁺·of ­the·Associateïte

to·their·families⁺ ­and·to·the·house·of ­their·fathers⁺ :

from·son·of ­thirty⁺ ­year ­and➝upward

and·unto ­son·of ­fifty⁺ ­year

all ­that·enters ­to·the·host

to·service ­in·tent·of ­assembly :

and·they·are⁺ ­that·are·reckoned⁺·them ­to·their·families⁺

thousands² ­seven ­hundred⁺ ­and·fifty⁺ :

these ­the·reckoned⁺·of ­the·families⁺·of ­the·Associateïte

all ­the·servant ­in·tent·of ­assembly

that ­he·reckoned ­Moseh ­and·Aharon

upon ­the·mouth·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­in·the·hand·of ­Moseh :

and·the·reckoned⁺·of ­the·sons⁺·of ­Driven

to·their·families⁺ ­and·to·the·house·of ­their·fathers⁺ :

from·son·of ­thirty⁺ ­year ­and➝upward

and·unto ­son·of ­fifty⁺ ­year

all ­that·enters ­to·the·host

to·service ­in·tent·of ­assembly :

and·they·are⁺ ­that·are·reckoned⁺·them

to·their·families⁺ ­to·the·house·of ­their·fathers⁺

thousands² ­and·six ­hundred⁺ ­and·thirty⁺ :

these ­the·reckoned⁺·of ­the·families⁺·of ­the·sons⁺·of ­Driven

all ­the·servant ­in·tent·of ­assembly

that ­he·reckoned ­Moseh ­and·Aharon ­upon ­the·mouth·of ­Yʜᴡʜ :

and·the·reckoned⁺·of ­the·families⁺·of ­the·sons⁺·of ­Bitterness

to·their·families⁺ ­to·the·house·of ­their·fathers⁺ :

from·son·of ­thirty⁺ ­year ­and➝upward

and·unto ­son·of ­fifty⁺ ­year

all ­that·enters ­to·the·host

to·service ­in·tent·of ­assembly :

and·they·are⁺ ­that·are·reckoned⁺·them ­to·their·families⁺

three·of ­thousands⁺ ­and·hundred² :

these ­the·reckoned⁺·of

the·families⁺·of ­the·sons⁺·of ­Bitterness

that ­he·reckoned ­Moseh ­and·Aharon

upon ­the·mouth·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­in·the·hand·of ­Moseh :

all·of ­that·are·reckoned⁺ ­that ­he·reckoned ­Moseh ­and·Aharon ­and·the·wellborns⁺·of ­Princepowr ­°the·Debtorïtes⁺

to·their·families⁺ ­and·to·the·house·of ­their·fathers⁺ :

from·son·of ­thirty⁺ ­year ­and➝upward

and·unto ­son·of ­fifty⁺ ­year

all ­that·enters ­to·serve ­service·of ­service ­and·service·of ­burden ­in·tent·of ­assembly :

and·they·are⁺ ­that·are·reckoned⁺·them

eight·of ­thousands⁺

and·five·of ­hundred⁺ ­and·eighty⁺ :

upon ­the·mouth·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­he·reckoned ­°them ­in·the·hand·of ­Moseh

man ­man ­upon ­his·service ­and·upon ­his·burden

and·that·are·reckoned⁺·him ­that ­he·commanded ­Yʜᴡʜ ­°Moseh :


and·he·speaks ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to ­Moseh ­saying :

ꜝcommand ­°the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr

and·they·send·out ­from ­the·camp

all·of ­leprous ­and·all·of ­emitting

and·all ­defiled ­to·soul :

from·membered ­unto ­punctured ­you·send·out

to ­from·the·exterior ­to·the·camp ­you·send·them·out

and ­they·do·not·defile⁺ ­°their·camps⁺

that ­I ­dwelling ­in·their·midst :

and·they·do⁺ ­surely ­the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr

and·they·send·out ­°them

to ­from·the·exterior ­to·the·camp

as·how ­he·spoke ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to ­Moseh

surely ­they·did⁺ ­the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr :


and·he·speaks ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to ­Moseh ­saying :

ꜝspeak ­to ­the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr

man ­or ­woman ­as ­they·do⁺ ­from·all·of ­the·sins⁺·of ­the·adam

to·disguise·oneself ­disguisal ­in·Yʜᴡʜ

and·she·transgressed ­the·soul ­she :

and·they·raised·their·hands⁺ ­°their·sin ­that ­they·did⁺

and·he·returned ­°his·transgression ­in·his·head

and·his·fifth ­ꜝlet·him·add ­upon·him

and·he·gave ­to·that ­he·transgressed ­to·him :

and·if ­there·is·ńot ­to·the·man ­goel ­to·return ­the·transgression ­to·him

the·transgression ­the·returned ­to·Yʜᴡʜ ­to·the·priest

from·aloneside ­the·powrram·of ­the·atonements⁺

that ­he·atones ­in·him ­upon·him :

and·all·of ­high·offering ­to·all·of ­the·sanctuaries⁺·of ­the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr ­that ­they·present⁺ ­to·the·priest ­to·him ­he·is :

and·man ­°his·sanctuaries⁺ ­to·him ­they·are⁺

man ­that ­he·gives ­to·the·priest ­to·him ­he·is :


and·he·speaks ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to ­Moseh ­saying :

ꜝspeak ­to ­the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr

and·you·said ­to·them

man ­man ­as ­she·drifts ­his·woman

and·she·disguised·herself ­in·him ­disguisal :

and·he·bedded ­man ­with·her ­bed·of ­seed

and·he·was·hooded ­from·the·eyes²·of ­her·man

and·she·was·hidden ­and·she ­she·defiled·herself

and·witness ­there·is·ńot ­in·her

and·she ­she·was·not·clenched :

and·he·crossed·over ­upon·him ­breath·of ­jealousy ­and·he·was·jealous ­°his·woman ­and·she ­she·defiled·herself

or ­he·crossed·over ­upon·him ­breath·of ­jealousy ­and·he·was·jealous ­°his·woman

and·she ­she·did·not·defile·herself :

and·he·brought·in ­the·man ­°his·woman ­to ­the·priest

and·he·brought·in ­°her·present ­upon·her

the·tenth·of ­the·bucket ­meal·of ­hairbarley

he·does·not·pour ­upon·him ­oil ­and ­he·does·not·give ­upon·him ­white·incense

as ­tribute·of ­jealousies⁺ ­he

tribute·of ­memorial ­commemorating ­guilt :

and·he·presented ­°her ­the·priest

and·he·caused·her·to·stand ­to·the·face⁺·of ­Yʜᴡʜ :

and·he·took ­the·priest ­waters⁺ ­sacred⁺ ­in·thing·of ­claycraft

and·from ­the·dust ­that ­he·is ­in·the·floor·of ­the·dwelling·place

he·takes ­the·priest ­and·he·gave ­to ­the·waters⁺ :

and·he·caused·to·stand ­the·priest ­°the·woman ­to·the·face⁺·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·he·disheveled ­°the·head·of ­the·woman

and·he·gave ­upon ­her·spoons² ­°the·tribute·of ­the·memorial

tribute·of ­jealousies⁺ ­she

and·in·the·hand·of ­the·priest ­they·are⁺

the·waters⁺·of ­the·bitter⁺ ­the·cursed⁺ :

and·he·told·seven ­°her ­the·priest ­and·he·said ­to ­the·woman ­if ­he·did·not·bed ­man ­with·you

and·if ­you·did·not·drift ­defilement ­under ­your·man

ꜝbe·innocent ­from·the·waters⁺·of ­the·bitter⁺ ­the·cursed⁺ ­these :

and·you ­as ­you·drifted ­under ­your·man ­and·as ­you·defiled·yourself

and·he·gives ­man ­in·you ­°his·bed

from·not·unto ­your·man :

and·he·told·seven ­the·priest ­°the·woman ­in·the·seven·of ­the·oath

and·he·said ­the·priest ­to·the·woman

he·gives ­Yʜᴡʜ ­°you ­to·oath ­and·to·seven ­in·the·midst·of ­your·people

when·giving ­Yʜᴡʜ ­°your·flank ­falling

and·°your·belly ­bloated :

and·they·entered⁺ ­the·waters⁺ ­the·cursed⁺ ­these ­in·your·bowels⁺

to·cause·to·bloat ­belly ­and·to·let·fall ­flank

and·she·said ­the·woman ­truly ­truly :

and·he·wrote ­°the·oaths⁺ ­these ­the·priest ­in·the·account

and·he·wiped ­to ­the·waters⁺·of ­the·bitter⁺ :

and·he·gave·to·drink ­°the·woman

°the·waters⁺·of ­the·bitter⁺ ­the·cursed⁺

and·they·entered⁺ ­in·her ­the·waters⁺ ­the·cursed⁺ ­to·bitter⁺ :

and·he·took ­the·priest ­from·the·hand·of ­the·woman

°the·tribute·of ­the·jealousies⁺

and·he·exalted ­°the·tribute ­to·the·face⁺·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·he·presented ­°her ­to ­the·offering·place :

and·he·scooped ­the·priest ­from ­the·tribute ­°her·memorial

and·he·incendiated ­➝the·offering·place

and·after ­he·gives·to·drink ­°the·woman ­°the·waters⁺ :

and·he·gave·her·to·drink ­°the·waters⁺ ­and·she·was ­if ­she·defiled·herself ­and·she·disguises·herself ­disguisal ­in·her·man

and·they·entered⁺ ­in·her ­the·waters⁺ ­the·cursed⁺ ­to·bitter⁺

and·she·bloated ­her·belly

and·she·fell ­her·flank

and·she·was ­the·woman ­to·oath ­in·the·impresence·of ­her·people :

and·if ­she·did·not·defile·herself ­the·woman

and·pure ­she

and·she·was·innocent ­and·she·was·seeded ­seed :

this ­the·torah·of ­the·jealousies⁺

that ­she·drifts ­woman ­under ­her·man ­and·she·defiled·herself :

or ­man ­that ­she·crosses·over ­upon·him ­breath·of ­jealousy ­and·he·was·jealous ­°his·woman

and·he·caused·to·stand ­°the·woman ­to·the·face⁺·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·he·did ­to·her ­the·priest

°all·of ­the·torah ­this :

and·he·was·innocent ­the·man ­from·guilt

and·the·woman ­she

she·bears ­°her·guilt :


and·he·speaks ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to ­Moseh ­saying :

ꜝspeak ­to ­the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr

and·you·said ­to·them

man ­or ­woman ­as ­he·does·wonderously ­to·vow ­the·vow·of ­Envowed

to·envow ­to·Yʜᴡʜ :

from·wine ­and·strong·drink ­he·envows

sours·of ­wine ­and·sours·of ­strong·drink ­he·does·not·drink

and·all·of ­assist·of ­grapes⁺ ­he·does·not·drink

and·grapes⁺ ­fresh⁺ ­and·dry⁺ ­he·does·not·eat :

all·of ­the·days⁺·of ­his·vow

from·all ­that ­he·is·done ­from·the·vine·of ­the·wine ­from·incisans⁺ ­and·unto ­zag ­he·does·not·eat :

all·of ­the·days⁺·of ­the·vow·of ­his·vow

bareblade ­he·does·not·cross·over ­upon ­his·head

unto ­filling ­the·days⁺ ­that ­he·envows ­to·Yʜᴡʜ ­sacred ­he·is

making·great ­the·disheveling·of ­the·hair·of ­his·head :

all·of ­the·days⁺·of ­his·envowing ­to·Yʜᴡʜ

upon ­soul ­dead ­he·does·not·enter :

to·his·father ­and·to·his·mama ­to·his·brother ­and·to·his·sister

he·does·not·defile·himself ­to·them ­in·their·death

as ­the·vow·of ­his·Powers⁺ ­upon ­his·head :

all·of ­the·days⁺·of ­his·vow

sacred ­he ­to·Yʜᴡʜ :

and·as ­he·dies ­dead ­upon·him ­in·suddenly ­suddenly

and·he·defiled ­the·head·of ­his·vow

and·he·shaved ­his·head ­in·the·day·of ­his·purification

in·the·day ­the·seventh ­he·shaves·him :

and·in·the·day ­the·eighth ­he·brings·in ­two²·of ­pigeons⁺

or ­two²·of ­sons⁺·of ­dove

to ­the·priest

to ­opening·of ­tent·of ­assembly :

and·he·did ­the·priest ­one ­to·sin ­and·one ­to·upward·offering

and·he·atoned ­upon·him

from·wħich ­he·sinned ­upon ­the·soul

and·he·sanctified ­°his·head ­in·the·day ­he :

and·he·envowed ­to·Yʜᴡʜ ­°the·days⁺·of ­his·vow

and·he·brought·in ­lamb ­the·son·of ­his·year ­to·transgression

and·the·days⁺ ­the·headmost⁺ ­they·fall⁺

as ­he·was·defiled ­his·vow :

and·this ­the·torah·of ­the·Envowed

in·day ­filling ­the·days⁺·of ­his·vow

he·brings·in ­°him

to ­opening·of ­tent·of ­assembly :

and·he·presented ­°his·present ­to·Yʜᴡʜ ­lamb ­the·son·of ­his·year ­complete ­one ­to·upward·offering

and·lamb ­one ­the·daughter·of ­her·year ­complete ­to·sin

and·powrram ­one ­complete ­to·shaloms⁺ :

and·basket·of ­matzahs⁺ ­flour·of ­pierced-challahs⁺ ­mixed⁺ ­in·the·oil

and·wafers⁺·of ­matzahs⁺ ­anointed⁺ ­in·the·oil

and·their·tribute ­and·their·libations⁺ :

and·he·presented ­the·priest ­to·the·face⁺·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·he·did ­°his·sin ­and·°his·upward·offering :

and·°the·powrram ­he·does ­offering·of ­shaloms⁺ ­to·Yʜᴡʜ

upon ­the·basket·of ­the·matzahs⁺

and·he·did ­the·priest

°his·tribute ­and·°his·libation :

and·he·shaved ­the·Envowed ­opening·of ­tent·of ­assembly ­°the·head·of ­his·vow

and·he·took ­°the·hair·of ­the·head·of ­his·vow

and·he·gave ­upon ­the·fire

that ­under ­the·offering·of ­the·shaloms⁺ :

and·he·took ­the·priest ­°the·arm ­cooked ­from ­the·powrram

and·pierced-challah·of ­matzah ­one ­from ­the·basket

and·wafer·of ­matzah ­one

and·he·gave ­upon ­the·spoons²·of ­the·Envowed

after ­his·shaving·oneself ­°his·vow :

and·he·exalted ­°them ­the·priest ­exaltationoffering ­to·the·face⁺·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

sanctuary ­he ­to·the·priest

upon ­the·brisket·of ­the·exaltationoffering

and·upon ­the·leg·of ­the·high·offering

and·after ­he·drinks ­the·Envowed ­wine :

this ­the·torah·of ­the·Envowed ­that ­he·vows

his·present ­to·Yʜᴡʜ ­upon ­his·vow

from·aloneside ­that ­she·catches ­his·hand

as·the·mouth·of ­his·vow ­that ­he·vows

surely ­he·does

upon ­the·torah·of ­his·Vow :


and·he·speaks ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to ­Moseh ­saying :

ꜝspeak ­to ­Aharon ­and·to ­his·sons⁺ ­saying

thus ­you·kneel⁺ ­°the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr

saying ­to·them :

he·kneels·you ­Yʜᴡʜ ­and·he·watches·you :

ꜝlet·him·light·up ­Yʜᴡʜ ­his·face⁺ ­to·you ­and·he·graces·you :

he·bears·up ­Yʜᴡʜ ­his·face⁺ ­to·you

and·he·places ­to·you ­shalom :

and·they·placed⁺ ­°my·name ­upon ­the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr

and·I ­I·kneel·them :


and·he·is ­in·day ­all·done ­Moseh ­to·raise ­°the·dwelling·place ­and·he·anoints ­°him ­and·he·sanctifies ­°him ­and·°all·of ­his·things⁺

and·°the·offering·place ­and·°all·of ­his·things⁺

and·he·anoints·them ­and·he·sanctifies ­°them :

and·they·present⁺ ­the·wellborns⁺·of ­Princepowr

the·heads⁺·of ­the·house·of ­their·fathers⁺

they⁺ ­the·wellborns⁺·of ­the·branches⁺

they⁺ ­that·stand⁺ ­upon ­that·are·reckoned⁺ :

and·they·bring·in⁺ ­°their·present ­to·the·face⁺·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­six ­wagons⁺·of ­turtleshell ­and·two²·of ­and·ten ­plowcattle

wagon ­upon ­the·two²·of ­the·wellborns⁺ ­and·bull ­to·one

and·they·present⁺ ­°them ­to·the·face⁺·of ­the·dwelling·place :

and·he·says ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to ­Moseh ­saying :

ꜝtake ­from·with·them

and·they·were⁺ ­to·serve ­°service·of ­tent·of ­assembly

and·you·gave ­°them ­to ­the·Debtorïtes⁺

man ­as·the·mouth·of ­his·service :

and·he·takes ­Moseh

°the·wagons⁺ ­and·°the·plowcattle

and·he·gives ­°them ­to ­the·Debtorïtes⁺ :

°the·two²·of ­the·wagons⁺ ­and·°the·four·of ­the·plowcattle

he·gave ­to·the·sons⁺·of ­Driven

as·the·mouth·of ­their·service :

and·°the·four·of ­the·wagons⁺ ­and·°the·eight·of ­the·plowcattle

he·gave ­to·the·sons⁺·of ­Bitterness

as·the·mouth·of ­their·service

in·the·hand·of ­Island-of-Palm

the·son·of ­Aharon ­the·priest :

and·to·the·sons⁺·of ­Associate ­he·did·not·give

as ­the·service·of ­the·sanctuary ­upon·them

in·the·shoulder ­they·bear⁺ :

and·they·present⁺ ­the·wellborns⁺ ­°the·dedication·of ­the·offering·place

in·day ­being·anointed ­°him

and·they·present⁺ ­the·wellborns⁺ ­°their·present ­to·the·face⁺·of ­the·offering·place :

and·he·says ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to ­Moseh

wellborn ­one ­to·the·day ­wellborn ­one ­to·the·day

they·present⁺ ­°their·present

to·the·dedication·of ­the·offering·place :

and·he·is ­that·presents ­in·the·day ­the·headmost ­°his·present

Copperer ­the·son·of ­People-Noble ­to·the·branch·of ­Gloryhand :

and·his·present ­dish·of ­silver ­one ­thirty⁺ ­and·hundred ­her·shekelness

aspersorium·of ­one·of ­silver

seventy⁺ ­shekel ­in·the·shekel·of ­the·sanctuary

the·two²·of·them ­full⁺ ­flour ­mixed ­in·the·oil ­to·tribute :

spoon·of ­one ­ten ­gold ­full ­incense :

cow ­one ­son·of ­plowcattle ­powrram ­one ­lamb ­one ­the·son·of ­his·year ­to·upward·offering :

hairgoat·of ­mightygoats⁺ ­one ­to·sin :

and·to·the·offering·of ­the·shaloms⁺ ­plowcattle ­two²

powrrams⁺ ­five ­rams⁺ ­five

lambs⁺ ­sons⁺·of ­year ­five

this ­the·present·of ­Copperer ­the·son·of ­People-Noble :


in·the·day ­the·second

he·presented ­Given-by-Powr ­the·son·of ­Least

the·wellborn·of ­He-Is-Hire :

he·presented ­°his·present ­dish·of ­silver ­one ­thirty⁺ ­and·hundred ­her·shekelness

aspersorium·of ­one·of ­silver

seventy⁺ ­shekel ­in·the·shekel·of ­the·sanctuary

the·two²·of·them ­full⁺ ­flour ­mixed ­in·the·oil ­to·tribute :

spoon·of ­one ­ten ­gold ­full ­incense :

cow ­one ­son·of ­plowcattle ­powrram ­one ­lamb ­one ­the·son·of ­his·year ­to·upward·offering :

hairgoat·of ­mightygoats⁺ ­one ­to·sin :

and·to·the·offering·of ­the·shaloms⁺ ­plowcattle ­two²

powrrams⁺ ­five ­rams⁺ ­five

lambs⁺ ­sons⁺·of ­year ­five

this ­the·present·of ­Given-by-Powr ­the·son·of ­Least :


in·the·day ­the·third

wellborn ­to·the·sons⁺·of ­Residence

Powr-of-Father ­the·son·of ­Strong :

his·present ­dish·of ­silver ­one ­thirty⁺ ­and·hundred ­her·shekelness

aspersorium·of ­one·of ­silver

seventy⁺ ­shekel ­in·the·shekel·of ­the·sanctuary

the·two²·of·them ­full⁺ ­flour ­mixed ­in·the·oil ­to·tribute :

spoon·of ­one ­ten ­gold ­full ­incense :

cow ­one ­son·of ­plowcattle ­powrram ­one ­lamb ­one ­the·son·of ­his·year ­to·upward·offering :

hairgoat·of ­mightygoats⁺ ­one ­to·sin :

and·to·the·offering·of ­the·shaloms⁺ ­plowcattle ­two²

powrrams⁺ ­five ­rams⁺ ­five

lambs⁺ ­sons⁺·of ­year ­five

this ­the·present·of ­Powr-of-Father ­the·son·of ­Strong :


in·the·day ­the·fourth

wellborn ­to·the·sons⁺·of ­See-Son

Powr-of-Rock ­the·son·of ­Field-of-Light :

his·present ­dish·of ­silver ­one ­thirty⁺ ­and·hundred ­her·shekelness

aspersorium·of ­one·of ­silver

seventy⁺ ­shekel ­in·the·shekel·of ­the·sanctuary

the·two²·of·them ­full⁺ ­flour ­mixed ­in·the·oil ­to·tribute :

spoon·of ­one ­ten ­gold ­full ­incense ­

cow ­one ­son·of ­plowcattle ­powrram ­one ­lamb ­one ­the·son·of ­his·year ­to·upward·offering :

hairgoat·of ­mightygoats⁺ ­one ­to·sin :

and·to·the·offering·of ­the·shaloms⁺ ­plowcattle ­two²

powrrams⁺ ­five ­rams⁺ ­five

lambs⁺ ­sons⁺·of ­year ­five

this ­the·present·of ­Powr-of-Rock ­the·son·of ­Field-of-Light :


in·the·day ­the·fifth

wellborn ­to·the·sons⁺·of ­Heard

Shalom-of-Powr ­the·son·of ­Rock-of-Breasted :

his·present ­dish·of ­silver ­one ­thirty⁺ ­and·hundred ­her·shekelness

aspersorium·of ­one·of ­silver

seventy⁺ ­shekel ­in·the·shekel·of ­the·sanctuary

the·two²·of·them ­full⁺ ­flour ­mixed ­in·the·oil ­to·tribute :

spoon·of ­one ­ten ­gold ­full ­incense :

cow ­one ­son·of ­plowcattle ­powrram ­one ­lamb ­one ­the·son·of ­his·year ­to·upward·offering :

hairgoat·of ­mightygoats⁺ ­one ­to·sin ­

and·to·the·offering·of ­the·shaloms⁺ ­plowcattle ­two²

powrrams⁺ ­five ­rams⁺ ­five

lambs⁺ ­sons⁺·of ­year ­five

this ­the·present·of ­Shalom-of-Powr ­the·son·of ­Rock-of-Breasted :


in·the·day ­the·sixth

wellborn ­to·the·sons⁺·of ­Clout

Powr-Adds ­the·son·of ­Known-of-Powr :

his·present ­dish·of ­silver ­one ­thirty⁺ ­and·hundred ­her·shekelness

aspersorium·of ­one·of ­silver

seventy⁺ ­shekel ­in·the·shekel·of ­the·sanctuary

the·two²·of·them ­full⁺ ­flour ­mixed ­in·the·oil ­to·tribute :

spoon·of ­one ­ten ­gold ­full ­incense :

cow ­one ­son·of ­plowcattle ­powrram ­one ­lamb ­one ­the·son·of ­his·year ­to·upward·offering :

hairgoat·of ­mightygoats⁺ ­one ­to·sin :

and·to·the·offering·of ­the·shaloms⁺ ­plowcattle ­two²

powrrams⁺ ­five ­rams⁺ ­five

lambs⁺ ­sons⁺·of ­year ­five

this ­the·present·of ­Powr-Adds ­the·son·of ­Known-of-Powr :


in·the·day ­the·seventh

wellborn ­to·the·sons⁺·of ­Fruits²

Powr-Hears ­the·son·of ­People-of-Splendor :

his·present ­dish·of ­silver ­one ­thirty⁺ ­and·hundred ­her·shekelness

aspersorium·of ­one·of ­silver

seventy⁺ ­shekel ­in·the·shekel·of ­the·sanctuary

the·two²·of·them ­full⁺ ­flour ­mixed ­in·the·oil ­to·tribute :

spoon·of ­one ­ten ­gold ­full ­incense :

cow ­one ­son·of ­plowcattle ­powrram ­one ­lamb ­one ­the·son·of ­his·year ­to·upward·offering :

hairgoat·of ­mightygoats⁺ ­one ­to·sin :

and·to·the·offering·of ­the·shaloms⁺ ­plowcattle ­two²

powrrams⁺ ­five ­rams⁺ ­five

lambs⁺ ­sons⁺·of ­year ­five

this ­the·present·of ­Powr-Hears ­the·son·of ­People-of-Splendor :


in·the·day ­the·eighth

wellborn ­to·the·sons⁺·of ­Frustration

Yielded-of-Powr ­the·son·of ­Ransom ­Rock :

his·present ­dish·of ­silver ­one ­thirty⁺ ­and·hundred ­her·shekelness

aspersorium·of ­one·of ­silver

seventy⁺ ­shekel ­in·the·shekel·of ­the·sanctuary

the·two²·of·them ­full⁺ ­flour ­mixed ­in·the·oil ­to·tribute ­

spoon·of ­one ­ten ­gold ­full ­incense :

cow ­one ­son·of ­plowcattle ­powrram ­one ­lamb ­one ­the·son·of ­his·year ­to·upward·offering :

hairgoat·of ­mightygoats⁺ ­one ­to·sin :

and·to·the·offering·of ­the·shaloms⁺ ­plowcattle ­two²

powrrams⁺ ­five ­rams⁺ ­five

lambs⁺ ­sons⁺·of ­year ­five

this ­the·present·of ­Yielded-of-Powr ­the·son·of ­Ransom :


Ransomed-of-Rock :


in·the·day ­the·ninth

wellborn ­to·the·sons⁺·of ­Son-of-Right

Father-of-Vindication ­the·son·of ­My-Hacker :

his·present ­dish·of ­silver ­one ­thirty⁺ ­and·hundred ­her·shekelness

aspersorium·of ­one·of ­silver

seventy⁺ ­shekel ­in·the·shekel·of ­the·sanctuary

the·two²·of·them ­full⁺ ­flour ­mixed ­in·the·oil ­to·tribute :

spoon·of ­one ­ten ­gold ­full ­incense :

cow ­one ­son·of ­plowcattle ­powrram ­one ­lamb ­one ­the·son·of ­his·year ­to·upward·offering :

hairgoat·of ­mightygoats⁺ ­one ­to·sin :

and·to·the·offering·of ­the·shaloms⁺ ­plowcattle ­two²

powrrams⁺ ­five ­rams⁺ ­five

lambs⁺ ­sons⁺·of ­year ­five

this ­the·present·of ­Father-of-Vindication ­the·son·of ­My-Hacker :


in·the·day ­the·tenth

wellborn ­to·the·sons⁺·of ­Vindicator

Brother-of-Help ­the·son·of ­People-of-Breasted :

his·present ­dish·of ­silver ­one ­thirty⁺ ­and·hundred ­her·shekelness

aspersorium·of ­one·of ­silver

seventy⁺ ­shekel ­in·the·shekel·of ­the·sanctuary

the·two²·of·them ­full⁺ ­flour ­mixed ­in·the·oil ­to·tribute :

spoon·of ­one ­ten ­gold ­full ­incense ­

cow ­one ­son·of ­plowcattle ­powrram ­one ­lamb ­one ­the·son·of ­his·year ­to·upward·offering :

hairgoat·of ­mightygoats⁺ ­one ­to·sin :

and·to·the·offering·of ­the·shaloms⁺ ­plowcattle ­two²

powrrams⁺ ­five ­rams⁺ ­five

lambs⁺ ­sons⁺·of ­year ­five

this ­the·present·of ­Brother-of-Help ­the·son·of ­People-of-Breasted :


in·day·of ­øne ­and·ten ­day

wellborn ­to·the·sons⁺·of ­Blessed

Pegging-of-Powr ­the·son·of ­Riler :

his·present ­dish·of ­silver ­one ­thirty⁺ ­and·hundred ­her·shekelness

aspersorium·of ­one·of ­silver

seventy⁺ ­shekel ­in·the·shekel·of ­the·sanctuary

the·two²·of·them ­full⁺ ­flour ­mixed ­in·the·oil ­to·tribute :

spoon·of ­one ­ten ­gold ­full ­incense :

cow ­one ­son·of ­plowcattle ­powrram ­one ­lamb ­one ­the·son·of ­his·year ­to·upward·offering :

hairgoat·of ­mightygoats⁺ ­one ­to·sin :

and·to·the·offering·of ­the·shaloms⁺ ­plowcattle ­two²

powrrams⁺ ­five ­rams⁺ ­five

lambs⁺ ­sons⁺·of ­year ­five

this ­the·present·of ­Pegging-of-Powr ­the·son·of ­Riler :


in·day·of ­two² ­and·ten ­day

wellborn ­to·the·sons⁺·of ­Knot

Brother-of-Bad ­the·son·of ­Eyed :

his·present ­dish·of ­silver ­one ­thirty⁺ ­and·hundred ­her·shekelness

aspersorium·of ­one·of ­silver

seventy⁺ ­shekel ­in·the·shekel·of ­the·sanctuary

the·two²·of·them ­full⁺ ­flour ­mixed ­in·the·oil ­to·tribute :

spoon·of ­one ­ten ­gold ­full ­incense :

cow ­one ­son·of ­plowcattle ­powrram ­one ­lamb ­one ­the·son·of ­his·year ­to·upward·offering :

hairgoat·of ­mightygoats⁺ ­one ­to·sin :

and·to·the·offering·of ­the·shaloms⁺ ­plowcattle ­two²

powrrams⁺ ­five ­rams⁺ ­five

lambs⁺ ­sons⁺·of ­year ­five

this ­the·present·of ­Brother-of-Bad ­the·son·of ­Eyed :


this ­the·dedication·of ­the·offering·place ­in·day ­being·anointed ­°him

from·with ­the·wellborns⁺·of ­Princepowr

dishes⁺·of ­silver ­two² ­and·ten ­aspersoria⁺·of ­silver ­two² ­and·ten

spoons⁺·of ­gold ­two² ­and·ten :

thirty⁺ ­and·hundred ­the·dish ­one ­silver

and·seventy⁺ ­the·aspersorium ­one

all·of ­the·silver·of ­the·things⁺

thousands² ­and·four ­hundred⁺ ­in·the·shekel·of ­the·sanctuary :

spoons⁺·of ­gold ­two² ­and·ten ­full⁺ ­incense

ten ­ten ­the·spoon ­in·the·shekel·of ­the·sanctuary

all·of ­the·gold·of ­the·spoons⁺ ­twenty⁺ ­and·hundred :

all·of ­the·plowcattle ­to·the·upward·offering ­two² ­and·ten ­cows⁺ ­powrrams⁺ ­two² ­and·ten ­lambs⁺ ­sons⁺·of ­year ­two² ­and·ten ­and·their·tribute

and·hairgoats⁺·of ­mightygoats⁺ ­two² ­and·ten ­to·sin :

and·all·of ­the·plowcattle·of ­the·offering·of ­the·shaloms⁺ ­twenty⁺ ­and·four ­cows⁺

powrrams⁺ ­sixty⁺ ­rams⁺ ­sixty⁺

lambs⁺ ­sons⁺·of ­year ­sixty⁺

this ­the·dedication·of ­the·offering·place

after⁺ ­being·anointed ­°him :

and·when·entering ­Moseh ­to ­tent·of ­assembly ­to·speak ­with·him

and·he·hears ­°the·voice ­speaker·oneself ­to·him ­from·upon ­the·atonement ­that ­upon ­the·ark·of ­the·witness

from·between ­the·two²·of ­the·cherubs⁺

and·he·speaks ­to·him :


and·he·speaks ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to ­Moseh ­saying :

ꜝspeak ­to ­Aharon

and·you·said ­to·him

when·you·offer·up ­°the·lamps⁺

to ­the·snip·of ­the·face⁺·of ­the·lampstand

they·light·up ­the·seven·of ­the·lamps⁺ :

and·he·does ­surely ­Aharon

to ­the·snip·of ­the·face⁺·of ­the·lampstand

he·offered·up ­her·lamps⁺

as·how ­he·commanded ­Yʜᴡʜ ­°Moseh :

and·this ­the·doing·of ­the·lampstand ­hardened ­gold

unto ­her·flank ­unto ­her·bud ­hardened ­she

as·the·sight ­that ­he·showed ­Yʜᴡʜ ­°Moseh

surely ­he·did ­°the·lampstand :


and·he·speaks ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to ­Moseh ­saying :

ꜝtake ­°the·Debtorïtes⁺

from·the·midst·of ­the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr

and·you·purified ­°them :

and·thus ­you·do ­to·them ­to·purify·them

ꜝspatter ­upon·them ­waters⁺·of ­sin

and·they·made·cross·by⁺ ­bareblade ­upon ­all·of ­their·flesh

and·they·washed⁺ ­their·coverings⁺ ­and·they·purified·themselves⁺ :

and·they·took⁺ ­cow ­son·of ­plowcattle


flour ­mixed ­in·the·oil

and·cow ­second ­son·of ­plowcattle ­you·take ­to·sin :

and·you·presented ­°the·Debtorïtes⁺

to·face⁺·of ­tent·of ­assembly


°all·of ­the·assembly·of ­the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr :

and·you·presented ­°the·Debtorïtes⁺ ­to·the·face⁺·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·they·propped·up ­the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr ­°their·hands² ­upon ­the·Debtorïtes⁺ :

and·he·exalted ­Aharon ­°the·Debtorïtes⁺ ­exaltationoffering ­to·the·face⁺·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

from·with ­the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr

and·they·were⁺ ­to·serve ­°the·service·of ­Yʜᴡʜ :

and·the·Debtorïtes⁺ ­they·prop·up ­°their·hands²

upon ­the·head·of ­the·cows⁺

and·ꜝdo ­°one ­sin ­and·°one ­upward·offering ­to·Yʜᴡʜ

to·atone ­upon ­the·Debtorïtes⁺ :

and·you·caused·to·stand ­°the·Debtorïtes⁺

to·the·face⁺·of ­Aharon ­and·to·the·face⁺·of ­his·sons⁺

and·you·exalted ­°them ­exaltationoffering ­to·Yʜᴡʜ :

and·you·separated ­°the·Debtorïtes⁺

from·the·midst·of ­the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr

and·they·were⁺ ­to·me ­the·Debtorïtes⁺ :

and·after⁺ ­surely ­they·enter⁺ ­the·Debtorïtes⁺

to·serve ­°tent·of ­assembly

and·you·purified ­°them

and·you·exalted ­°them ­exaltationoffering :

as ­given⁺ ­given⁺ ­they⁺ ­to·me

from·the·midst·of ­the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr

under ­outspurt·of ­all·of ­womb ­firstborn·of ­all ­from·the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr

I·took ­°them ­to·me :

as ­to·me ­all·of ­firstborn ­in·the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr

in·the·adam ­and·in·the·beast

in·the·day·of ­my·striking ­all·of ­firstborn ­in·the·land·of ­Egypts²

I·made·sacred ­°them ­to·me :

and·I·take ­°the·Debtorïtes⁺

under ­all·of ­firstborn ­in·the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr :

and·I·give! ­°the·Debtorïtes⁺ ­given⁺ ­to·Aharon ­and·to·his·sons⁺ ­from·the·midst·of ­the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr

to·serve ­°the·service·of ­the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr ­in·tent·of ­assembly

and·to·atone ­upon ­the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr

and ­he·is·not ­in·the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr ­smiting

when·approaching ­the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr ­to ­the·sanctuary :

and·he·does ­Moseh ­and·Aharon ­and·all·of ­the·assembly·of ­the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr ­to·the·Debtorïtes⁺

as·all ­that ­he·commanded ­Yʜᴡʜ ­°Moseh ­to·the·Debtorïtes⁺

surely ­they·did⁺ ­to·them ­the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr :

and·they·make·themselves·sinless⁺ ­the·Debtorïtes⁺ ­and·they·wash⁺ ­their·coverings⁺

and·he·exalts ­Aharon ­°them ­exaltationoffering ­to·the·face⁺·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·he·atones ­upon·them ­Aharon ­to·purify·them :

and·after⁺ ­surely ­they·entered⁺ ­the·Debtorïtes⁺ ­to·serve ­°their·service ­in·tent·of ­assembly

to·the·face⁺·of ­Aharon ­and·to·the·face⁺·of ­his·sons⁺

as·how ­he·commanded ­Yʜᴡʜ ­°Moseh ­upon ­the·Debtorïtes⁺

surely ­they·did⁺ ­to·them :

and·he·speaks ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to ­Moseh ­saying :

this ­that ­to·the·Debtorïtes⁺

from·son·of ­five ­and·twenty⁺ ­year ­and➝upward

he·enters ­to·host·together ­host

in·service·of ­tent·of ­assembly :

and·from·son·of ­fifty⁺ ­year

he·returns ­from·the·host·of ­the·service

and ­he·does·not·serve ­again :

and·he·assisted ­°his·brothers⁺ ­in·tent·of ­assembly ­to·watch ­watch

and·service ­he·does·not·serve

thus ­you·do ­to·the·Debtorïtes⁺ ­in·their·watches⁺ :


and·he·speaks ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to ­Moseh ­in·the·outspeak·of ­Syny ­in·the·year ­the·second ­to·go·them ­from·the·land·of ­Egypts² ­in·the·new·moon ­the·headmost ­saying :

and·they·do⁺ ­the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr ­°the·Hopover ­in·his·assembly·time :

in·four ­and·ten ­day ­in·the·new·moon ­this ­between ­the·evenings² ­you·do⁺ ­°him ­in·his·assembly·time

as·all·of ­his·prescriptions⁺ ­and·as·all·of ­his·judgments⁺ ­you·do⁺ ­°him :

and·he·speaks ­Moseh ­to ­the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr ­to·do ­the·Hopover :

and·they·do⁺ ­°the·Hopover ­in·the·headmost ­in·four ­and·ten ­day ­to·the·new·moon ­between ­the·evenings² ­in·the·outspeak·of ­Syny

as·all ­that ­he·commanded ­Yʜᴡʜ ­°Moseh

surely ­they·did⁺ ­the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr :

and·he·is ­mortals⁺ ­that ­they·were⁺ ­defiled⁺ ­to·soul·of ­adam

and ­they·were·not·able⁺ ­to·do ­the·Hopover ­in·the·day ­he

and·they·are·present⁺ ­to·the·face⁺·of ­Moseh ­and·to·the·face⁺·of ­Aharon ­in·the·day ­he :

and·they·say⁺ ­the·mortals⁺ ­they⁺ ­to·him

we⁺ ­defiled⁺ ­to·soul·of ­adam

to·¿what ­we·are·diminished⁺ ­to·not ­presenting ­°the·present·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­in·his·assembly·time

in·the·midst·of ­the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr :

and·he·says ­to·them ­Moseh

ꜝstand⁺ ­and·ꜝlet·me·hear

¿what ­he·commands ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to·you⁺ :


and·he·speaks ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to ­Moseh ­saying :

ꜝspeak ­to ­the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr ­saying

man ­man ­as ­he·is ­defiled ­to·soul ­or ­in·step ­afar ­to·you⁺ ­or ­to·your⁺·saecula⁺

and·he·did ­Hopover ­to·Yʜᴡʜ :

in·the·new·moon ­the·second ­in·four ­and·ten ­day ­between ­the·evenings² ­they·do⁺ ­°him

upon ­matzahs⁺ ­and·bitters⁺ ­they·eat⁺·him :

they·do·not·let·survive⁺ ­from·him ­unto ­dayplow

and·bone ­they·do·not·break⁺ ­in·him

as·all·of ­the·prescription·of ­the·Hopover ­they·do⁺ ­°him :

and·the·man ­that ­he ­pure ­and·in·step ­he·was·not ­and·he·ceased ­to·do ­the·Hopover

and·she·was·cut·down ­the·soul ­she ­from·her·people⁺

as ­the·present·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­he·did·not·present ­in·his·assembly·time

his·sin ­he·bears ­the·man ­he :

and·as ­he·lodges ­with·you⁺ ­lodger ­and·he·did ­Hopover ­to·Yʜᴡʜ

as·the·prescription·of ­the·Hopover ­and·as·his·judgment ­surely ­he·does

prescription ­one ­he·is ­to·you⁺

and·to·the·lodger ­and·to·the·nativedawned·of ­the·land :


and·in·day ­raising ­°the·dwelling·place

he·covered ­the·cloud ­°the·dwelling·place

to·the·tent·of ­the·witness

and·in·the·evening ­he·is ­upon ­the·dwelling·place ­as·sight·of ­fire ­unto ­dayplow :

surely ­he·is ­always

the·cloud ­he·covers·him

and·sight·of ­fire ­night :

and·to·the·mouth·of ­gone·up ­the·cloud ­from·upon ­the·tent

and·after⁺ ­surely

they·journey⁺ ­the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr

and·in·rising·place·of ­that ­he·dwells ­there ­the·cloud

there ­they·camp⁺ ­the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr :

upon ­the·mouth·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­they·journey⁺ ­the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr

and·upon ­the·mouth·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­they·camp⁺

all·of ­days⁺·of ­that ­he·dwells ­the·cloud ­upon ­the·dwelling·place ­they·camp⁺ :

and·when·prolonging ­the·cloud ­upon ­the·dwelling·place ­days⁺ ­many⁺

and·they·watched⁺ ­the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr ­°the·watch·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­and ­they·do·not·journey⁺ :

and·there·is ­that ­he·is ­the·cloud ­days⁺ ­count ­upon ­the·dwelling·place

upon ­the·mouth·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­they·camp⁺

and·upon ­the·mouth·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­they·journey⁺ :

and·there·is ­that ­he·is ­the·cloud ­from·evening ­unto ­dayplow

and·he·was·gone·up ­the·cloud ­in·the·dayplow ­and·they·journeyed⁺

or ­daytime ­and·night

and·he·was·gone·up ­the·cloud ­and·they·journeyed⁺ :

or ­days² ­or ­new·moon ­or ­days⁺ ­when·prolonging ­the·cloud ­upon ­the·dwelling·place ­to·dwell ­upon·him

they·camp⁺ ­the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr ­and ­they·do·not·journey⁺

and·when·he·is·gone·up ­they·journey⁺ :

upon ­the·mouth·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­they·camp⁺

and·upon ­the·mouth·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­they·journey⁺

°the·watch·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­they·watched⁺

upon ­the·mouth·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­in·the·hand·of ­Moseh :


and·he·speaks ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to ­Moseh ­saying :

ꜝdo ­to·you ­two²·of ­trumpets⁺·of ­silver

hardened ­you·do ­°them

and·they·were⁺ ­to·you ­to·the·called·gathering·of ­the·assembly

and·to·journey ­°the·camps⁺ :

and·they·hit⁺ ­in·them

and·they·assembled·themselves⁺ ­to·you ­all·of ­the·assembly

to ­opening·of ­tent·of ­assembly :

and·if ­in·one ­they·hit⁺

and·they·assembled·themselves⁺ ­to·you ­the·wellborns⁺

the·heads⁺·of ­the·thousands⁺·of ­Princepowr :

and·you·hit⁺ ­cheer

and·they·journeyed⁺ ­the·camps⁺

that·camp⁺ ­➝frontward :

and·you·hit⁺ ­cheer ­second

and·they·journeyed⁺ ­the·camps⁺

that·camp⁺ ­➝right

cheer ­they·hit⁺ ­to·their·journeys⁺ :

and·when·congregating ­°the·congregation

you·hit⁺ ­and ­you·do·not·cheer⁺ :

and·the·sons⁺·of ­Aharon ­the·priests⁺

they·hit⁺ ­in·trumpets⁺

and·they·were⁺ ­to·you⁺ ­to·prescription·of ­eternity ­to·your⁺·saecula⁺ :

and·as ­you·enter⁺ ­battle ­in·your⁺·land ­upon ­the·rocker ­the·rocker ­°you⁺

and·you·cheered⁺ ­in·trumpets⁺

and·you·were·remembered⁺ ­to·the·face⁺·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­your⁺·Powers⁺

and·you·were·saved⁺ ­from·your⁺·enemies⁺ :

and·in·the·day·of ­your⁺·gladness ­and·in·your⁺·assemblies⁺ ­and·in·the·heads⁺·of ­your⁺·new·moons⁺

and·you·hit⁺ ­in·trumpets⁺ ­upon ­your⁺·upward·offerings⁺

and·upon ­the·offerings⁺·of ­your⁺·shaloms⁺

and·they·were⁺ ­to·you⁺ ­to·memorial ­to·the·face⁺·of ­your⁺·Powers⁺

I ­Yʜᴡʜ ­your⁺·Powers⁺ :


and·he·is ­in·the·year ­the·second ­in·the·new·moon ­the·second ­in·twenty⁺ ­in·the·new·moon

he·was·gone·up ­the·cloud

from·upon ­the·dwelling·place·of ­the·witness :

and·they·journey⁺ ­the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr ­to·their·journeys⁺ ­from·the·outspeak·of ­Syny

and·he·dwells ­the·cloud ­in·the·outspeak·of ­Sprigging :

and·they·journey⁺ ­in·the·headmost

upon ­the·mouth·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­in·the·hand·of ­Moseh :

and·he·journeys ­the·banner·of ­the·camp·of ­the·sons⁺·of ­Gloryhand ­in·the·headmost ­to·their·hosts⁺

and·upon ­his·host

Copperer ­the·son·of ­People-Noble :

and·upon ­the·host·of

the·branch·of ­the·sons⁺·of ­He-Is-Hire

Given-by-Powr ­the·son·of ­Least :

and·upon ­the·host·of

the·branch·of ­the·sons⁺·of ­Residence

Powr-of-Father ­the·son·of ­Strong :

and·he·was·made·to·descend ­the·dwelling·place

and·they·journeyed⁺ ­the·sons⁺·of ­Driven ­and·the·sons⁺·of ­Bitterness

the·bearers⁺·of ­the·dwelling·place :

and·he·journeyed ­the·banner·of ­the·camp·of ­See-Son ­to·their·hosts⁺

and·upon ­his·host

Powr-of-Rock ­the·son·of ­Field-of-Light :

and·upon ­the·host·of

the·branch·of ­the·sons⁺·of ­Heard

Shalom-of-Powr ­the·son·of ­Rock·of ­Breasted :

and·upon ­the·host·of ­the·branch·of ­the·sons⁺·of ­Clout

Powr-Adds ­the·son·of ­Known-of-Powr :

and·they·journeyed⁺ ­the·Associateïtes⁺

the·bearers⁺·of ­the·sanctuary

and·they·raised⁺ ­°the·dwelling·place ­unto ­their·entering :

and·he·journeyed ­the·banner·of ­the·camp·of ­the·sons⁺·of ­Fruits² ­to·their·hosts⁺

and·upon ­his·host

Powr-Hears ­the·son·of ­People-of-Splendor :

and·upon ­the·host·of

the·branch·of ­the·sons⁺·of ­Frustration

Yielded-of-Powr ­the·son·of ­Ransom ­Rock :

and·upon ­the·host·of

the·branch·of ­the·sons⁺·of ­Son-of-Right

Father-of-Vindication ­the·son·of ­My-Hacker :

and·he·journeyed ­the·banner·of ­the·camp·of ­the·sons⁺·of ­Vindicator

gathering ­to·all·of ­the·camps⁺ ­to·their·hosts⁺

and·upon ­his·host

Brother-of-Help ­the·son·of ­People-of-Breasted :

and·upon ­the·host·of

the·branch·of ­the·sons⁺·of ­Blessed

Pegging-of-Powr ­the·son·of ­Riler :

and·upon ­the·host·of

the·branch·of ­the·sons⁺·of ­Knot

Brother-of-Bad ­the·son·of ­Eyed :

these ­the·journeys⁺·of ­the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr ­to·their·hosts⁺

and·they·journey⁺ :

and·he·says ­Moseh ­to·Concealed ­the·son·of ­Tendent-of-Powr ­the·Vindictivenessïte ­the·relative-by-marriage·of ­Moseh

journeying⁺ ­we⁺ ­to ­the·rising·place ­that ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ

°him ­I·give ­to·you⁺

ꜝwalk! ­with·us ­and·we·did·good⁺ ­to·you

as ­Yʜᴡʜ ­he·spoke ­good ­upon ­Princepowr :

and·he·says ­to·him ­I·do·not·walk

but ­rather ­to ­my·land ­and·to ­my·childage ­I·walk :

and·he·says ­¡please! ­ꜝdo·not·abandon ­°us

for ­upon ­sureness ­you·knew ­our·camping ­in·the·outspeak

and·you·were ­to·us ­to·eyes² :

and·he·was ­as ­you·walk ­near·us

and·he·was ­the·good ­he ­that ­he·does·good ­Yʜᴡʜ ­near·us ­and·we·did·good⁺ ­to·you :

and·they·journey⁺ ­from·the·mount·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

step·of ­three·of ­days⁺

and·the·ark·of ­the·covenant·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­journeying ­to·their·face⁺ ­step·of ­three·of ­days⁺

to·scout ­to·them ­peaceful·place :

and·the·cloud·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­upon·them ­daytime

when·they·journey⁺ ­from ­the·camp :

and·he·is ­when·journeying ­the·ark ­and·he·says ­Moseh

ꜝarise! ­Yʜᴡʜ ­and·they·are·scattered⁺ ­your·enemies⁺

and·they·flee⁺ ­that·hate⁺·you ­from·your·face⁺ :

and·when·he·is·at·peace ­he·says

ꜝreturn! ­Yʜᴡʜ

the·multitudes⁺·of ­the·thousands⁺·of ­Princepowr :

and·he·is ­the·people ­as·griping·themselves⁺

bad ­in·the·ears²·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·he·hears ­Yʜᴡʜ ­and·he·is·scorched ­his·nostrils

and·she·is·consumed ­in·them ­the·fire·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·she·eats ­in·the·end·of ­the·camp :

and·he·cries ­the·people ­to ­Moseh

and·he·mediates ­Moseh ­to ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·she·drowns ­the·fire :

and·he·calls ­the·name·of ­the·rising·place ­he ­Consumption

as ­she·was·consumed ­in·them ­the·fire·of ­Yʜᴡʜ :

and·the·gather-gathering ­that ­in·his·impresence

they·yearned·for⁺ ­yearning

and·they·return⁺ ­and·they·weep⁺ ­also ­the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr


¿who ­he·gives·to·us·eat ­flesh :

we·remembered⁺ ­°the·fish

that ­we·eat⁺ ­in·Egypts² ­gratuitously

°the·hardcucumbers⁺ ­and·°the·melons⁺

and·°the·sprouts ­and·°the·onions⁺ ­and·°the·garlics⁺ :

and·now ­our·soul ­dry ­there·is·ńot ­all

if·not ­to ­the·whatness ­our·eyes² :

and·the·whatness ­as·seed·of ­cloutseed ­he

and·his·eye ­as·the·eye·of ­the·bdellium :

they·paddled·around ­the·people ­and·they·gleaned⁺ ­and·they·ground⁺ ­in·the·millstone ­or ­they·crushed⁺ ­in·the·crusher

and·they·cooked⁺ ­in·the·scuttle

and·they·did⁺ ­°him ­loaves⁺

and·he·was ­his·taste

as·the·taste·of ­the·zest·of ­the·oil :

and·when·descending ­the·dew ­upon ­the·camp ­night

he·descends ­the·whatness ­upon·him :

and·he·hears ­Moseh ­°the·people ­weeping ­to·his·families⁺

man ­to·the·opening·of ­his·tent

and·he·is·scorched ­the·nostrils·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­very

and·in·the·eyes²·of ­Moseh ­he·was·bad :

and·he·says ­Moseh ­to ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to·¿what ­you·did·bad ­to·your·servant

and·to·¿what ­I·did·not·find ­grace ­in·your·eyes²

to·place ­°the·burden·of ­all·of ­the·people ­this ­upon·me :

¿I ­I·progenated ­°all·of ­the·people ­this

if ­I ­I·enchilded·him

as ­you·say ­to·me ­ꜝbear·him ­in·your·bosom ­as·how ­he·bears ­the·true·caretaker ­°the·suckling

upon ­the·adamah

that ­you·vowed·seven ­to·his·fathers⁺ :

from·¿where ­to·me ­flesh

to·give ­to·all·of ­the·people ­this

as ­they·weep⁺ ­upon·me ­saying

ꜝgive! ­to·us ­flesh ­and·ꜝlet·us·eat⁺ :

I·am·not·able ­I ­alone·me

to·bear ­°all·of ­the·people ­this

as ­weighty ­from·me :

and·if ­thus ­you ­doing ­to·me ­ꜝkill·me ­¡please! ­killing

if ­I·found ­grace ­in·your·eyes²

and ­ꜝlet·me·not·see ­in·my·badness :


and·he·says ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to ­Moseh ­ꜝgather! ­to·me ­seventy⁺ ­man ­from·the·elders⁺·of ­Princepowr

that ­you·knew

as ­they⁺ ­the·elders⁺·of ­the·people ­and·his·officers⁺

and·you·took ­°them ­to ­tent·of ­assembly

and·they·posted·themselves⁺ ­there ­near·you :

and·I·descended ­and·I·spoke ­near·you ­there

and·I·set·aside ­from ­the·breath ­that ­upon·you ­and·I·placed ­upon·them

and·they·bore⁺ ­with·you ­in·the·burden·of ­the·people

and ­you·do·not·bear ­you ­alone·you :

and·to ­the·people ­you·say ­ꜝsanctify·yourselves⁺ ­to·aftermorrow ­and·you·ate⁺ ­flesh

as ­you·wept⁺ ­in·the·ears²·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­saying ­¿who ­he·gives·to·us·eat ­flesh

as ­he·was·good ­to·us ­in·Egypts²

and·he·gave ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to·you⁺ ­flesh ­and·you·ate⁺ :

not ­day ­one ­you·eat⁺ ­and·not ­days²

and·not ­five ­days⁺ ­and·not ­ten ­days⁺

and·not ­twenty⁺ ­day :

unto ­new·moon·of ­days⁺ ­unto ­that ­he·goes ­from·your⁺·nostrils

and·he·was ­to·you⁺ ­to·torment

because ­as ­you·rejected⁺ ­°Yʜᴡʜ ­that ­in·your⁺·impresence

and·you·weep⁺ ­to·his·face⁺ ­saying

to·¿what ­this ­we·went⁺ ­from·Egypts² :

and·he·says ­Moseh

six·of ­hundred⁺·of ­thousand ­on·foot

the·people ­that ­I ­in·his·impresence

and·you ­you·said ­flesh ­I·give ­to·them

and·they·ate⁺ ­new·moon·of ­days⁺ :

¿sheep ­and·plowcattle ­he·is·slaughtered ­to·them ­and·he·found ­to·them

if ­°all·of ­the·fish⁺·of ­the·sea ­he·is·gathered ­to·them ­and·he·found ­to·them :


and·he·says ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to ­Moseh

¿the·hand·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­she·is·cropped·short

now ­you·see ­¿he·is·fated·upon·you ­my·speech ­if ­not :

and·he·goes ­Moseh ­and·he·speaks ­to ­the·people

°the·speeches⁺·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·he·gathers ­seventy⁺ ­man ­from·the·elders⁺·of ­the·people

and·he·causes·to·stand ­°them ­turninground ­the·tent :

and·he·descends ­Yʜᴡʜ ­in·the·cloud ­and·he·speaks ­to·him

and·he·sets·aside ­from ­the·breath ­that ­upon·him

and·he·gives ­upon ­seventy⁺ ­man ­the·elders⁺

and·he·is ­as·at·peace ­upon·them ­the·breath

and·they·prophesy⁺ ­and ­they·did·not·add⁺ :

and·they·survive⁺ ­two²·of ­mortals⁺ ­in·the·camp ­the·name·of ­one ­Powr-Intimate ­and·the·name·of ­the·second ­Handing ­and·she·is·at·peace ­upon·them ­the·breath ­and·they⁺ ­in·that·are·written⁺

and ­they·did·not·go⁺ ­➝the·tent

and·they·prophesy⁺ ­in·the·camp :

and·he·runs ­the·youth

and·he·tells·forth ­to·Moseh ­and·he·says

Powr-Intimate ­and·Handing

prophesying⁺ ­in·the·camp :

and·he·responds ­Yʜᴡ-Saved ­the·son·of ­Issuer ­the·assistant·of ­Moseh ­from·his·choice·youths⁺ ­and·he·says

my·lord ­Moseh ­ꜝdetain·them :

and·he·says ­to·him ­Moseh

¿jealous ­you ­to·me

and·¿who ­he·gives ­all·of ­the·people·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­prophets⁺

as ­he·gives ­Yʜᴡʜ ­°his·breath ­upon·them :

and·he·is·gathered ­Moseh ­to ­the·camp

he ­and·the·elders⁺·of ­Princepowr :

and·breath ­he·journeyed ­from·with ­Yʜᴡʜ ­and·he·shears·off ­quails⁺ ­from ­the·sea

and·he·leaves ­upon ­the·camp ­as·step·of ­day ­thus ­and·as·step·of ­day ­thus

turninground ­the·camp

and·as·mamacubit ­upon ­the·face⁺·of ­the·land :

and·he·arises ­the·people ­all·of ­the·day ­he ­and·all·of ­the·night ­and·all·of ­the·day·of ­the·aftermorrow ­and·they·gather⁺ ­°the·quail

that·makes·little ­he·gathered ­ten ­donkeyloads⁺

and·they·fan·out ­to·them ­fanning·out

turninground ­the·camp :

the·flesh ­he·is·still ­between ­their·teeth²

ere ­he·is·cut·down

and·the·nostrils·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­he·was·scorched ­in·the·people

and·he·strikes ­Yʜᴡʜ ­in·the·people

stroke ­much ­very :

and·he·calls ­°the·name·of ­the·rising·place ­he ­Tombses⁺·of ­the·Yearning

as ­there ­they·entombed⁺

°the·people ­the·yearning⁺ :

from·Tombs ­the·Yearning ­they·journeyed⁺ ­the·people ­Courtyardses⁺

and·they·are⁺ ­in·Courtyards :


and·she·speaks ­Bitterness ­and·Aharon ­in·Moseh

upon ­the·matters⁺·of ­the·woman ­the·Kushïte ­that ­he·took

as ­woman ­Kushïte ­he·took :

and·they·say⁺ ­¿only ­surely ­in·Moseh ­he·spoke ­Yʜᴡʜ

¿not ­also ­in·us ­he·spoke

and·he·hears ­Yʜᴡʜ :

and·the·man ­Moseh ­humiliated ­very

from·all·of ­the·adam

that ­upon ­the·face⁺·of ­the·adamah :

and·he·says ­Yʜᴡʜ ­suddenly ­to ­Moseh ­and·to ­Aharon ­and·to ­Bitterness

ꜝgo⁺ ­the·three·of·you⁺ ­to ­tent·of ­assembly

and·they·go⁺ ­the·three·of·them :

and·he·descends ­Yʜᴡʜ ­in·standing·pillar·of ­cloud

and·he·stands ­the·opening·of ­the·tent

and·he·calls ­Aharon ­and·Bitterness

and·they·go⁺ ­the·two²·of·them :

and·he·says ­ꜝhear⁺ ­¡please! ­my·speeches⁺

if ­he·is ­your⁺·prophet

Yʜᴡʜ ­in·the·insight ­to·him ­I·make·myself·known

in·the·dream ­I·speak ­in·him :

not ­surely ­my·servant ­Moseh

in·all·of ­my·house ­true ­he :

mouth ­to ­mouth ­I·speak ­in·him ­and·sight ­and·not ­in·riddles⁺

and·the·nature·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­he·looks

and·¿know·why ­you·did·not·fear⁺

to·speak ­in·my·servant ­in·Moseh :

and·he·is·scorched ­the·nostrils·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­in·them ­and·he·walks :

and·the·cloud ­he·moved·away ­from·upon ­the·tent

and·¡lo! ­Bitterness ­leper ­as·the·snow

and·he·faces ­Aharon ­to ­Bitterness ­and·¡lo! ­leper :

and·he·says ­Aharon ­to ­Moseh

¡o! ­my·lord

¡please! ­ꜝdo·not·put ­upon·us ­sin

that ­we·were·willful⁺ ­and·that ­we·sinned⁺ :

¡please! ­ꜝlet·her·not·be ­as·the·dead

that ­when·he·goes ­from·the·womb·of ­his·mama

and·he·is·eaten ­the·half·of ­his·flesh :

and·he·cries ­Moseh

to ­Yʜᴡʜ ­saying

powr ­¡please! ­ꜝheal ­¡please! ­to·her :


and·he·says ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to ­Moseh ­and·her·father ­spitting ­he·spit ­in·her·face⁺

¿not ­she·is·embarrassed ­seven·of ­days⁺

she·is·locked ­seven·of ­days⁺ ­from·the·exterior ­to·the·camp

and·after ­she·is·gathered :

and·she·is·locked ­Bitterness ­from·exterior ­to·the·camp ­seven·of ­days⁺

and·the·people ­he·did·not·journey

unto ­being·gathered ­Bitterness :

and·after ­they·journeyed⁺ ­the·people ­from·Courtyards

and·they·camp⁺ ­in·the·outspeak·of ­Sprigging :


and·he·speaks ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to ­Moseh ­saying :

ꜝsend ­to·you ­mortals⁺ ­and·they·scout⁺ ­°the·land·of ­Cashiers⁺

that ­I ­giving ­to·the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr

man ­one ­man ­one ­to·the·branch·of ­his·fathers⁺ ­you·send⁺

all ­wellborn ­in·them :

and·he·sends ­°them ­Moseh ­from·the·outspeak·of ­Sprigging ­upon ­the·mouth·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

all·of·them ­mortals⁺

the·heads⁺·of ­the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr ­they⁺ :

and·these ­their·names⁺

to·the·branch·of ­See-Son

Heard ­the·son·of ­Remembered :

to·the·branch·of ­Heard

Judge ­the·son·of ­Creviceïte :

to·the·branch·of ­Gloryhand

Dog ­the·son·of ­He-Faces :

to·the·branch·of ­He-Is-Hire

Goel ­the·son·of ­He-Adds :

to·the·branch·of ­Fruits² ­Savior ­the·son·of ­Issuer :

to·the·branch·of ­Son-of-Right

Rescueïte ­the·son·of ­Healed :

to·the·branch·of ­Residence

Clout-of-Powr ­the·son·of ­¬Sodi :

to·the·branch·of ­He-Adds ­to·the·branch·of ­Frustration

Cloutt ­the·son·of ­¬Susi :

to·the·branch·of ­Vindicator

People-of-Powr ­the·son·of ­My-Yielded :

to·the·branch·of ­Blessed

¬Sethur ­the·son·of ­Who-as-Powr :

to·the·branch·of ­Knot

Concealed ­the·son·of ­And-Adding :

to·the·branch·of ­Clout

¬Geuel ­the·son·of ­¬Machi :

these ­the·names⁺·of ­the·mortals⁺

that ­he·sent ­Moseh ­to·scout ­°the·land

and·he·calls ­Moseh ­to·Savior ­the·son·of ­Issuer ­Yʜᴡ-Saved :

and·he·sends ­°them ­Moseh

to·scout ­°the·land·of ­Cashier

and·he·says ­to·them ­go·up⁺ ­this ­in·the·Negev

and·you·went·up⁺ ­°the·mount :

and·you·saw⁺ ­°the·land ­¿what ­she

and·°the·people ­that·settles ­upon·her

¿firm ­he ­¿slack

¿little ­he ­if ­much :

and·¿what ­the·land ­that ­he ­settling ­in·her

¿good ­she ­if ­bad

and·¿what ­the·cities⁺ ­that ­he ­settling ­in·them

¿in·camps⁺ ­if ­in·fortifications⁺ :

and·¿what ­the·land ­¿well-oiled ­she ­if ­lean ­¿there·is ­in·her ­tree ­if ­there·is·ńot


and·you·took⁺ ­from·the·fruit·of ­the·land


days⁺·of ­firstfruits⁺·of ­grapes⁺ :

and·they·go·up⁺ ­and·they·scout⁺ ­°the·land

from·the·outspeak·of ­Tzin ­unto ­Broadway ­to·Entrance·of ­Rampart :

and·they·go·up⁺ ­in·the·Negev ­and·he·enters ­unto ­Alliance

and·there ­Brother-of-Lot ­Linen ­and·My-Terrace

the·children⁺·of ­the·Pendant

and·Alliance ­seven ­years⁺ ­she·was·built

to·the·face⁺·of ­Zoan ­Egypts² :

and·they·enter⁺ ­unto ­River·of ­Cluster·of ­and·they·cut·down ­from·there ­prunelet ­and·cluster·of ­grapes⁺ ­one

and·they·bear⁺·him ­in·the·shaking ­in·two²

and·from ­the·pomegranates⁺ ­and·from ­the·figs⁺ :

to·the·rising·place ­he

he·called ­River·of ­Cluster

upon ­the·matters⁺·of ­the·cluster

that ­they·cut·down ­from·there ­the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr :

and·they·return⁺ ­from·scouting ­the·land

from·end·of ­forty⁺ ­day :

and·they·walk⁺ ­and·they·enter⁺ ­to ­Moseh ­and·to ­Aharon ­and·to ­all·of ­the·assembly·of ­the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr ­to ­the·outspeak·of ­Sprigging ­➝Sanctuary

and·they·return⁺ ­°them ­speech ­and·°all·of ­the·assembly

and·they·show⁺·them ­°the·fruit·of ­the·land :

and·they·recount⁺ ­to·him ­and·they·say⁺

we·entered⁺ ­to ­the·land ­that ­you·sent·us

and·also ­emitting·of ­fatmilk ­and·honey ­she ­and·this ­her·fruit :

limit·of ­as ­mighty ­the·people

that·settles ­in·the·land

and·the·cities⁺ ­fortified⁺ ­great⁺ ­very

and·also ­the·children⁺·of ­the·Pendant ­we·saw⁺ ­there :

Amalek ­settling ­in·the·land·of ­the·Negev

and·the·Castdownïte ­and·the·Troddenïte ­and·the·Amurruïte ­settling ­in·the·mount

and·the·Cashierïte ­settling ­upon ­the·sea

and·upon ­the·hand·of ­the·Descender :

and·he·shushs ­Dog ­°the·people ­to ­Moseh

and·he·says ­going·up ­we·go·up⁺ ­and·we·inherited⁺ ­°her

as ­able ­we·are·able⁺ ­to·her :

and·the·mortals⁺ ­that ­they·went·up⁺ ­near·him ­they·said⁺

we·are·not·able⁺ ­to·go·up ­to ­the·people

as ­firm ­he ­from·us :

and·they·let·go⁺ ­the·slurs·of ­the·land ­that ­they·scouted⁺ ­°her

to ­the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr ­saying

the·land ­that ­we·crossed·over⁺ ­in·her ­to·scout ­°her ­land ­eating ­that·settle⁺·her ­she

and·all·of ­the·people ­that ­we·saw⁺ ­in·her·midst ­mortals⁺·of ­measures⁺ :

and·there ­we·saw⁺ ­°the·Fallen⁺ ­the·sons⁺·of ­Pendant ­from ­the·Fallen⁺

and·we·are⁺ ­in·our·eyes² ­as·chagabbugs⁺

and·surely ­we·were⁺ ­in·their·eyes² :

and·she·bears ­all·of ­the·assembly

and·they·give⁺ ­°their·voice

and·they·weep⁺ ­the·people ­in·the·night ­he :

and·they·oppose·themselves⁺ ­upon ­Moseh ­and·upon ­Aharon

all·of ­the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr

and·they·say⁺ ­to·them ­all·of ­the·assembly ­iᵮ·only ­we·died⁺ ­in·the·land·of ­Egypts²

or ­in·the·outspeak ­this ­iᵮ·only ­we·died⁺ :

and·to·¿what ­Yʜᴡʜ ­bringing·in ­°us ­to ­the·land ­this ­to·fall ­in·the·sword

our·women⁺ ­and·our·toddlers ­they·are⁺ ­to·spoil

¿not ­good ­to·us ­returning ­➝Egypts² :

and·they·say⁺ ­man ­to ­his·brother

ꜝlet·us·give⁺ ­head ­and·ꜝlet·us·return⁺ ­➝Egypts² :

and·he·falls ­Moseh ­and·Aharon ­upon ­their·face⁺

to·the·face⁺·of ­all·of ­the·congregation·of ­the·assembly·of ­the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr :

and·Yʜᴡ-Saved ­the·son·of ­Issuer ­and·Dog ­the·son·of ­He-Faces

from ­the·scouts⁺ ­°the·land

they·tore⁺ ­their·coverings⁺ :


to ­all·of ­the·assembly·of ­the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr ­saying

the·land ­that ­we·crossed·over⁺ ­in·her ­to·scout ­°her

good ­the·land ­very ­very :

if ­he·was·pleased ­in·us ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·he·brought·in ­°us ­to ­the·land ­this

and·he·gave·her ­to·us

land ­that ­she ­emitting·of ­fatmilk ­and·honey :

surely ­in·Yʜᴡʜ ­ꜝdo·not·revolt⁺

and·you⁺ ­ꜝdo·not·fear⁺ ­°the·people·of ­the·land

as ­our·bread ­they⁺

he·moved·away ­their·shadow ­from·upon·them ­and·Yʜᴡʜ ­with·us ­ꜝdo·not·fear⁺·them :

and·they·say⁺ ­all·of ­the·assembly

to·execute ­°them ­in·the·stones⁺

and·the·weight·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­he·was·seen ­in·tent·of ­assembly

to ­all·of ­the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr :


and·he·says ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to ­Moseh

unto ­¿where ­they·disregard⁺·me ­the·people ­this

and·unto ­¿where ­they·are·not·true⁺ ­in·me

in·all·of ­the·signs⁺

that ­I·did ­in·his·impresence :

I·strike·him ­in·the·unspeakable ­and·I·disinherit·him

and·I·do ­°you

to·clan ­great ­and·strongboned ­from·him :

and·he·says ­Moseh ­to ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·they·heard⁺ ­Egyptian

as ­you·offered·up ­in·your·vigor ­°the·people ­this ­from·his·impresence :

and·they·said⁺ ­to ­the·settling·of ­the·land ­this

they·heard⁺ ­as ­you ­Yʜᴡʜ

in·the·impresence·of ­the·people ­this

that ­eye ­in·eye ­he·was·seen ­you ­Yʜᴡʜ ­and·your·cloud ­standing ­upon·them

and·in·standing·pillar·of ­cloud ­you ­walking ­to·their·face⁺ ­daytime

and·in·standing·pillar·of ­fire ­night :

and·you·put·to·death ­°the·people ­this ­as·man ­one

and·they·said⁺ ­the·clans⁺

that ­they·heard⁺ ­°your·hearing ­saying :

from·not ­able ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to·bring·in ­°the·people ­this

to ­the·land ­that ­he·vowed·seven ­to·them

and·he·slaughters·them ­in·the·outspeak :

and·now ­he·becomes·great ­¡please! ­the·vigor·of ­My·Lord

as·how ­you·spoke ­saying :

Yʜᴡʜ ­long·of ­nostrils² ­and·much·of ­mercy

bearing ­guilt ­and·rebellion

and·finding·innocent ­he·does·not·find·innocent

reckoning ­guilt·of ­fathers⁺ ­upon ­sons⁺

upon ­third·generation ­and·upon ­fourth⁺ :

ꜝpardon ­¡please! ­to·the·guilt·of ­the·people ­this ­as·the·greatness·of ­your·mercy

and·as·how ­you·bore ­to·the·people ­this

from·Egypts² ­and·unto ­here :

and·he·says ­Yʜᴡʜ

I·pardoned ­as·your·speech :

and·yet ­living ­I

and·he·is·filled ­the·weight·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­°all·of ­the·land :

as ­all·of ­the·mortals⁺ ­that·see⁺ ­°my·weight ­and·°my·signs⁺

that ­I·did ­in·Egypts² ­and·in·the·outspeak

and·they·try·out ­°me ­this ­ten ­times⁺

and ­they·did·not·hear⁺ ­in·my·voice :

if ­they·see⁺ ­°the·land

that ­I·vowed·seven ­to·their·fathers⁺

and·all·of ­that·disregard⁺·me ­they·do·not·see⁺·her :

and·my·servant ­Dog ­on·the·heels ­she·was ­breath ­after ­near·him

and·he·fills ­after⁺·me

and·I·brought·him·in ­to ­the·land ­that ­he·entered ­➝there

and·his·seed ­he·disinherits·her :

and·the·Amalekïte ­and·the·Cashierïte ­settling ­in·the·deepland

aftermorrow ­ꜝface⁺ ­and·ꜝjourney⁺ ­to·you⁺ ­the·outspeak ­the·step·of ­the·sea·of ­Reeds :


and·he·speaks ­Yʜᴡʜ

to ­Moseh ­and·to ­Aharon ­saying :

unto ­¿wħen ­to·the·assembly ­the·bad ­this

that ­they⁺ ­opposing⁺ ­upon·me

°the·oppositions⁺·of ­the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr ­that ­they⁺ ­opposing⁺ ­upon·me ­I·heard :

ꜝsay ­to·them ­living ­I ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

if ­not ­as·how ­you·spoke⁺ ­in·my·ears²

surely ­I·do ­to·you⁺ :

in·the·outspeak ­this ­they·fall⁺ ­your⁺·carcasses⁺ ­and·all·of ­that·are·reckoned⁺·you⁺ ­to·all·of ­your⁺·count

from·son·of ­twenty⁺ ­year ­and➝upward

that ­you·opposed⁺ ­upon·me :

if ­you⁺ ­you·enter⁺ ­to ­the·land

that ­I·bore·up ­°my·hand

to·make·to·dwell ­°you⁺ ­in·her

but ­rather ­Dog ­the·son·of ­He-Faces

and·Yʜᴡ-Saved ­the·son·of ­Issuer :


that ­you·said⁺ ­to·spoil ­he·is

and·I·brought·in ­°them

and·they·knew⁺ ­°the·land

that ­you·rejected⁺ ­in·her :

and·your⁺·carcasses⁺ ­you⁺

they·fall⁺ ­in·the·outspeak ­this :

and·your⁺·sons⁺ ­they·are⁺ ­tendents⁺ ­in·the·outspeak ­forty⁺ ­year

and·they·bore⁺ ­°your⁺·fornications⁺

unto ­completed ­your⁺·carcasses⁺ ­in·the·outspeak :

in·the·count·of ­the·days⁺ ­that ­you·scouted⁺ ­°the·land ­forty⁺ ­day

day ­to·the·year ­day ­to·the·year ­you·bear⁺ ­°your⁺·guilts⁺

forty⁺ ­year

and·you·knew⁺ ­°my·negation :

I ­Yʜᴡʜ ­I·spoke

if ­not ­this ­I·do ­to·all·of ­the·assembly ­the·bad ­this

that·assemble·themselves⁺ ­upon·me

in·the·outspeak ­this ­they·are·completed⁺ ­and·there ­they·die⁺ :


that ­he·sent ­Moseh ­to·scout ­°the·land

and·they·return⁺ ­and·they·oppose⁺ ­upon·him ­°all·of ­the·assembly

to·let·go ­slurs ­upon ­the·land :

and·they·die⁺ ­the·mortals⁺

the·letting·go⁺·of ­the·slurs·of ­the·land ­bad

in·the·smiting ­to·the·face⁺·of ­Yʜᴡʜ :

and·Yʜᴡ-Saved ­the·son·of ­Issuer

and·Dog ­the·son·of ­He-Faces

they·lived⁺ ­from ­the·mortals⁺ ­they⁺

that·walk⁺ ­to·scout ­°the·land :

and·he·speaks ­Moseh ­°the·speeches⁺ ­these

to ­all·of ­the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr

and·they·mourn⁺ ­the·people ­very :

and·they·yoke·up ­in·the·dayplow

and·they·go·up⁺ ­to ­the·head·of ­the·mount ­saying

¡lo!·us ­and·we·went·up⁺ ­to ­the·rising·place ­that ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ ­as ­we·sinned⁺ :

and·he·says ­Moseh

to·¿what ­this ­you⁺ ­crossers⁺ ­°the·mouth·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·she ­she·does·not·prosper :


as ­there·is·ńot ­Yʜᴡʜ ­in·your⁺·impresence

and ­you·are·not·smitten⁺

to·the·face⁺·of ­your⁺·enemies⁺ :

as ­the·Amalekïte ­and·the·Cashierïte ­there ­to·your⁺·face⁺

and·you·fell⁺ ­in·the·sword

for ­upon ­sureness ­you·returned⁺ ­from·after⁺ ­Yʜᴡʜ

and ­he·is·not ­Yʜᴡʜ ­near·you⁺ :

and·they·highcrest⁺ ­to·go·up ­to ­the·head·of ­the·mount

and·the·ark·of ­the·covenant·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­and·Moseh

they·did·not·budge⁺ ­from·the·impresence·of ­the·camp :

and·he·descends ­the·Amalekïte ­and·the·Cashierïte

that·settles ­in·the·mount ­he

and·they·strike⁺·them ­and·they·beat·down·them ­unto ­the·Heremah :


and·he·speaks ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to ­Moseh ­saying :

ꜝspeak ­to ­the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr

and·you·said ­to·them

as ­you·enter⁺ ­to ­the·land·of ­your⁺·seats⁺

that ­I ­giving ­to·you⁺ :

and·you·did⁺ ­fire-offering ­to·Yʜᴡʜ ­upward·offering ­or ­offering

to·do·wonderously ­vow ­or ­in·noble·offering

or ­in·your⁺·assemblies⁺

to·do ­breath·of ­peace ­to·Yʜᴡʜ

from ­the·plowcattle ­or ­from ­the·sheep :

and·he·presented ­that·presents ­his·present ­to·Yʜᴡʜ

tribute ­flour ­a·tenth

mixed ­in·the·fourth·of ­the·hin ­oil :

and·wine ­to·the·libation ­the·fourth·of ­the·hin

you·do ­upon ­the·upward·offering ­or ­to·the·offering

to·the·lamb ­one :

or ­to·the·powrram ­you·do ­tribute

flour ­two²·of ­tenths⁺

mixed ­in·the·oil ­the·third·of ­the·hin :

and·wine ­to·the·libation ­the·third·of ­the·hin

you·present ­breath·of ­peace ­to·Yʜᴡʜ :

and·as ­you·do ­son·of ­plowcattle ­upward·offering ­or ­offering

to·do·wonderously ­vow ­or ­shaloms⁺ ­to·Yʜᴡʜ :

and·he·presented ­upon ­the·son·of ­the·plowcattle ­tribute

flour ­three ­tenths⁺

mixed ­in·the·oil ­the·half·of ­the·hin :

and·wine ­you·present ­to·the·libation ­the·half·of ­the·hin

fire-offering·of ­breath·of ­peace ­to·Yʜᴡʜ :

thus ­he·is·done ­to·the·bull ­one

or ­to·the·powrram ­one

or ­to·the·ovine ­in·the·lambs⁺ ­or ­in·the·mightygoats⁺ :

as·the·count ­that ­you·do⁺

thus ­you·do⁺ ­to·one ­as·their·count :

all·of ­the·nativedawned ­he·does ­thus ­°these

to·present ­fire-offering·of ­breath·of ­peace ­to·Yʜᴡʜ :

and·as ­he·lodges ­with·you⁺ ­lodger ­or ­that ­in·your⁺·midst ­to·your⁺·saecula⁺

and·he·did ­fire-offering·of ­breath·of ­peace ­to·Yʜᴡʜ

as·how ­you·do⁺ ­surely ­he·does :

the·congregation ­prescription ­one ­to·you⁺ ­and·to·the·lodger ­the·lodger

prescription·of ­eternity ­to·your⁺·saecula⁺

as·you⁺ ­as·the·lodger ­he·is ­to·the·face⁺·of ­Yʜᴡʜ :

torah ­one·of ­and·judgment ­one ­he·is ­to·you⁺

and·to·the·lodger ­the·lodger ­with·you⁺ :


and·he·speaks ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to ­Moseh ­saying :

ꜝspeak ­to ­the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr

and·you·said ­to·them

when·you·enter⁺ ­to ­the·land

that ­I ­bringing·in ­°you⁺ ­➝there :

and·he·was ­when·you·eat⁺ ­from·the·bread·of ­the·land

you·heighten⁺ ­high·offering ­to·Yʜᴡʜ :

the·headmost·of ­your⁺·harissas⁺

pierced-challah ­you·heighten⁺ ­high·offering

as·high·offering·of ­threshingfloor

surely ­you·heighten⁺ ­°her :

from·the·headmost·of ­your⁺·harissas⁺

you·give⁺ ­to·Yʜᴡʜ ­high·offering

to·your⁺·saecula⁺ :

and·as ­you·stray⁺

and ­you·do·not·do⁺

°all·of ­the·commandments⁺ ­these

that ­he·spoke ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to ­Moseh :

°all ­that ­he·commanded ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to·you⁺ ­in·the·hand·of ­Moseh

from ­the·day ­that ­he·commanded ­Yʜᴡʜ ­and·out ­to·your⁺·saecula⁺ :

and·he·was ­if ­from·the·eyes²·of ­the·assembly ­she·was·done ­to·straying

and·they·did⁺ ­all·of ­the·assembly ­cow ­son·of ­plowcattle ­one ­to·upward·offering ­to·breath·of ­peace ­to·Yʜᴡʜ

and·his·tribute ­and·his·libation ­as·the·judgment

and·hairgoat·of ­mightygoats⁺ ­one ­to·sin :

and·he·atoned ­the·priest ­upon ­all·of ­the·assembly·of ­the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr ­and·he·was·pardoned ­to·them

as ­straying ­she

and·they⁺ ­they·brought·in⁺ ­°their·present ­fire-offering ­to·Yʜᴡʜ ­and·their·sin ­to·the·face⁺·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­upon ­their·straying :

and·he·was·pardoned ­to·all·of ­the·assembly·of ­the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr

and·to·the·lodger ­the·lodger ­in·their·midst

as ­to·all·of ­the·people ­in·straying :

and·if ­soul·of ­one ­she·sins ­in·straying

and·she·presented ­mightygoat ­the·daughter·of ­her·year ­to·sin :

and·he·atoned ­the·priest ­upon ­the·soul ­that·strays ­in·sin ­in·straying ­to·the·face⁺·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

to·atone ­upon·him ­and·he·was·pardoned ­to·him :

the·nativedawned ­in·the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr

and·to·the·lodger ­the·lodger ­in·their·midst

torah ­one ­he·is ­to·you⁺

to·that·does ­in·straying :

and·the·soul ­that ­she·does ­in·hand ­high ­from ­the·nativedawned ­and·from ­the·lodger

°Yʜᴡʜ ­he ­blasphemer

and·she·was·cut·down ­the·soul ­she ­from·the·impresence·of ­her·people :

as ­the·speech·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­he·despised

and·°his·commandment ­he·scuttled

being·cut·down ­she·is·cut·down ­the·soul ­she ­her·guilt ­in·her :


and·they·are⁺ ­the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr ­in·the·outspeak

and·they·find⁺ ­man ­stubbling·together ­treesticks⁺ ­in·the·day·of ­the·rest :

and·they·present⁺ ­°him

the·finders⁺ ­°him ­stubbling·together ­treesticks⁺

to ­Moseh ­and·to ­Aharon

and·to ­all·of ­the·assembly :

and·they·set·in·peace⁺ ­°him ­in·the·watch

as ­he·was·not·documented

¿what ­he·is·done ­to·him :

and·he·says ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to ­Moseh

dying ­he·is·put·to·death ­the·man

executing ­°him ­in·the·stones⁺ ­all·of ­the·assembly

from·the·exterior ­to·the·camp :

and·they·let·go⁺ ­°him ­all·of ­the·assembly ­to ­from·the·exterior ­to·the·camp

and·they·execute⁺ ­°him ­in·the·stones⁺ ­and·he·dies

as·how ­he·commanded ­Yʜᴡʜ ­°Moseh :


and·he·says ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to ­Moseh ­saying :

ꜝspeak ­to ­the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr ­and·you·said ­to·them

and·they·did⁺ ­to·them ­floret ­upon ­the·wings²·of ­their·coverings⁺ ­to·their·saecula⁺

and·they·gave⁺ ­upon ­the·floret·of ­the·wing ­knot·of ­blue :

and·he·was ­to·you⁺ ­to·floret

and·you·saw⁺ ­°him ­and·you·remembered⁺ ­°all·of ­the·commandments⁺·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·you·did⁺ ­°them

and ­you·do·not·scout⁺ ­after⁺ ­your⁺·heart ­and·after⁺ ­your⁺·eyes²

that ­you⁺ ­fornicators⁺ ­after⁺·them :

because·of ­ꜝremember⁺

and·you·did⁺ ­°all·of ­my·commandments⁺

and·you·were⁺ ­sacred⁺ ­to·your⁺·Powers⁺ :

I ­Yʜᴡʜ ­your⁺·Powers⁺ ­that ­I·let·go ­°you⁺ ­from·the·land·of ­Egypts²

to·be ­to·you⁺ ­to·Powers⁺

I ­Yʜᴡʜ ­your⁺·Powers⁺ :


and·he·takes ­Baldness

the·son·of ­Elixer ­the·son·of ­Associate ­the·son·of ­Debtorïte

and·Dathan ­and·Father-of-Height ­the·sons⁺·of ­Powr-of-Father ­and·Vitality ­the·son·of ­Courier ­the·sons⁺·of ­See-Son :

and·they·arise⁺ ­to·the·face⁺·of ­Moseh

and·mortals⁺ ­from·the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr ­fifty⁺ ­and·hundred²

wellborns⁺·of ­assembly ­called⁺·of ­assembly ­mortals⁺·of ­name :

and·they·congregate⁺ ­upon ­Moseh ­and·upon ­Aharon ­and·they·say⁺ ­to·them ­much ­to·you⁺

as ­all·of ­the·assembly ­all·of·them ­sacred⁺

and·in·their·midst ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·¿know·why ­you·bear·yourselves·up ­upon ­the·congregation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ :

and·he·hears ­Moseh

and·he·falls ­upon ­his·face⁺ :

and·he·speaks ­to ­Baldness ­and·to ­all·of ­his·assembly ­saying

dayplow ­and·ꜝlet·him·let·know ­Yʜᴡʜ ­°that ­to·him ­and·°the·sacred ­and·he·presented ­to·him

and·°that ­he·chooses ­in·him ­he·presents ­to·him :

this ­ꜝdo⁺

ꜝtake⁺ ­to·you⁺ ­firepans⁺

Baldness ­and·all·of ­his·assembly :

and·ꜝgive⁺ ­in·them ­fire ­and·ꜝplace⁺ ­upon·them ­incense ­to·the·face⁺·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­aftermorrow

and·he·was ­the·man ­that ­he·chooses ­Yʜᴡʜ ­he ­the·sacred

much ­to·you⁺ ­the·sons⁺·of ­Debtor :

and·he·says ­Moseh ­to ­Baldness

ꜝhear⁺ ­¡please! ­the·sons⁺·of ­Debtor :

¿little ­from·you⁺ ­as ­he·separated ­Powers⁺·of ­Princepowr ­°you⁺ ­from·the·assembly·of ­Princepowr

to·present ­°you⁺ ­to·him

to·serve ­°the·service·of ­the·dwelling·place·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·to·stand ­to·the·face⁺·of ­the·assembly ­to·assist·them :

and·he·presents ­°you

and·°all·of ­your·brothers⁺ ­the·sons⁺·of ­Debtor ­with·you

and·you·sought⁺ ­also ­priesthood :

to·surely ­you ­and·all·of ­your·assembly

that·assemble·themselves⁺ ­upon ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·Aharon ­¿what ­he

as ­you·oppose⁺ ­upon·him :

and·he·sends ­Moseh

to·call ­to·Dathan ­and·to·Father-of-Height ­the·sons⁺·of ­Powr-of-Father

and·they·say⁺ ­we·do·not·go·up⁺ :

¿little ­as ­you·offered·us·up ­from·land ­emitting·of ­fatmilk ­and·honey

to·put·us·to·death ­in·the·outspeak

as ­you·make·yourself·prince ­upon·us ­also ­making·oneself·prince :

¡yes! ­not ­to ­land ­emitting·of ­fatmilk ­and·honey ­you·brought·us·in

and·you·give ­to·us

derivation·of ­field ­and·orchard

¿the·eyes²·of ­the·mortals⁺ ­they⁺ ­you·gouge·out ­we·do·not·go·up⁺ :

and·he·is·scorched ­to·Moseh ­very

and·he·says ­to ­Yʜᴡʜ

ꜝdo·not·face ­to ­their·tribute

not ­donkey ­one ­from·them ­I·bore

and ­I·did·not·do·bad ­°one ­from·them :

and·he·says ­Moseh ­to ­Baldness

you ­and·all·of ­your·assembly

ꜝbe⁺ ­to·the·face⁺·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

you ­and·they⁺ ­and·Aharon ­aftermorrow :

and·ꜝtake⁺ ­man ­his·firepan ­and·you·gave⁺ ­upon·them ­incense

and·you·presented⁺ ­to·the·face⁺·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­man ­his·firepan

fifty⁺ ­and·hundred² ­firepans⁺

and·you ­and·Aharon ­man ­his·firepan :

and·they·take⁺ ­man ­his·firepan ­and·they·give⁺ ­upon·them ­fire

and·they·place⁺ ­upon·them ­incense

and·they·stand⁺ ­opening·of ­tent·of ­assembly ­and·Moseh ­and·Aharon :

and·he·congregates ­upon·them ­Baldness ­°all·of ­the·assembly

to ­opening·of ­tent·of ­assembly

and·he·is·seen ­the·weight·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to ­all·of ­the·assembly :


and·he·speaks ­Yʜᴡʜ

to ­Moseh ­and·to ­Aharon ­saying :


from·the·midst·of ­the·assembly ­this

and·I·am·all·done ­°them ­as·wink :

and·they·fall⁺ ­upon ­their·face⁺ ­and·they·say⁺

powr ­Powers⁺·of ­the·breaths⁺ ­to·all·of ­flesh

¿man ­one ­he·sins

and·upon ­all·of ­the·assembly ­you·are·angry :


and·he·speaks ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to ­Moseh ­saying :

ꜝspeak ­to ­the·assembly ­saying

ꜝbe·gone·up⁺ ­from·turninground

to·the·dwelling·place·of ­Baldness ­Dathan ­and·Father-of-Height :

and·he·arises ­Moseh

and·he·walks ­to ­Dathan ­and·Father-of-Height

and·they·walk⁺ ­after⁺·him ­the·elders⁺·of ­Princepowr :

and·he·speaks ­to ­the·assembly ­saying ­ꜝmove⁺ ­¡please! ­from·upon ­the·tents⁺·of ­the·mortals⁺ ­the·wicked⁺ ­these

and ­ꜝdo·not·touch⁺ ­in·all ­that ­to·them

lest ­you·are·swept·away ­in·all·of ­their·sins⁺ :

and·they·are·gone·up⁺ ­from·upon ­the·dwelling·place·of ­Baldness ­Dathan ­and·Father-of-Height ­from·turninground

and·Dathan ­and·Father-of-Height ­they·went⁺ ­posted⁺ ­the·opening·of ­their·tents⁺

and·their·women⁺ ­and·their·sons⁺ ­and·their·toddlers :

and·he·says ­Moseh

in·this ­you·know⁺

as ­Yʜᴡʜ ­he·sent·me

to·do ­°all·of ­the·doings⁺ ­these

as ­not ­from·my·heart :

if ­as·the·death·of ­all·of ­the·adam ­they·die⁺ ­these

and·the·reckoning·of ­all·of ­the·adam

he·is·reckoned ­upon·them

not ­Yʜᴡʜ ­he·sent·me :

and·if ­shaping ­he·shapes ­Yʜᴡʜ ­and·she·widened ­the·adamah ­°her·mouth ­and·she·devoured ­°them ­and·°all ­that ­to·them

and·they·descended⁺ ­living⁺ ­➝sheol

and·you·knew⁺ ­as ­they·disregarded⁺ ­the·mortals⁺ ­these ­°Yʜᴡʜ :

and·he·is ­as·he·is·all·done

to·speak ­°all·of ­the·speeches⁺ ­these

and·she·is·cleaved ­the·adamah ­that ­unders⁺·them :

and·she·opens ­the·land ­°her·mouth

and·she·devours ­°them ­and·°their·houses⁺

and·°all·of ­the·adam ­that ­to·Baldness

and·°all·of ­the·fortune :

and·they·descend⁺ ­they⁺ ­and·all ­that ­to·them ­living⁺ ­➝sheol

and·she·covers ­upon·them ­the·land

and·they·are·lost⁺ ­from·the·midst·of ­the·congregation :

and·all·of ­Princepowr ­that ­turninground·them ­they·fled⁺ ­to·their·voice

as ­they·said⁺

lest ­she·devours·us ­the·land :

and·fire ­she·went ­from·with ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·she·eats ­°the·fifty⁺ ­and·hundred² ­man

the·presenting⁺·of ­the·incense :


and·he·speaks ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to ­Moseh ­saying :

ꜝsay ­to ­Powr-Helped ­the·son·of ­Aharon ­the·priest ­and·ꜝlet·him·heighten ­°the·firepans⁺ ­from·between ­the·burning

and·°the·fire ­ꜝwinnow ­out

as ­they·were·sanctified⁺ :

°the·firepans⁺·of ­the·sinful⁺ ­these ­in·their·souls⁺ ­and·ꜝdo⁺ ­°them ­plating⁺·of ­trappings⁺ ­topping ­to·the·offering·place

as ­they·presented⁺·them ­to·the·face⁺·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­and·they·are·sanctified⁺

and·they·are⁺ ­to·sign ­to·the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr :

and·he·takes ­Powr-Helped ­the·priest ­°the·firepans⁺·of ­the·copper

that ­they·presented⁺ ­that·are·burned⁺

and·they·plate⁺·them ­topping ­to·the·offering·place :

memorial ­to·the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr ­because·of ­that ­he·is·not·present ­man ­stranger ­that ­not ­from·the·seed·of ­Aharon ­he

to·incendiate ­incense ­to·the·face⁺·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

and ­he·is·not ­as·Baldness ­and·as·his·assembly

as·how ­he·spoke ­Yʜᴡʜ ­in·the·hand·of ­Moseh ­to·him :

and·they·oppose·themselves⁺ ­all·of ­the·assembly·of ­the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr ­from·aftermorrow

upon ­Moseh ­and·upon ­Aharon ­saying

you⁺ ­you·put·to·death⁺ ­°the·people·of ­Yʜᴡʜ :

and·he·is ­when·congregating ­the·assembly ­upon ­Moseh ­and·upon ­Aharon

and·they·face⁺ ­to ­tent·of ­assembly

and·¡lo! ­he·covered·him ­the·cloud

and·he·is·seen ­the·weight·of ­Yʜᴡʜ :

and·he·enters ­Moseh ­and·Aharon

to ­face⁺·of ­tent·of ­assembly :


and·he·speaks ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to ­Moseh ­saying :

ꜝbe·heightened⁺ ­from·the·midst·of ­the·assembly ­this

and·I·am·all·done ­°them ­as·wink

and·they·fall⁺ ­upon ­their·face⁺ :

and·he·says ­Moseh ­to ­Aharon ­ꜝtake ­°the·firepan ­and·ꜝgive ­upon·her ­fire ­from·upon ­the·offering·place ­and·ꜝplace ­incense

and·ꜝcause·to·walk ­speedily ­to ­the·assembly ­and·ꜝatone ­upon·them

as ­he·went ­the·anger ­from·to·the·face⁺·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­he·pierced ­the·smiting :

and·he·takes ­Aharon ­as·how ­he·spoke ­Moseh ­and·he·runs ­to ­the·midst·of ­the·congregation

and·¡lo! ­he·pierced ­the·smiting ­in·the·people

and·he·gives ­°the·incense

and·he·atones ­upon ­the·people :

and·he·stands ­between ­the·dead⁺ ­and·between ­the·living⁺

and·she·is·restrained ­the·smiting :

and·they·are⁺ ­the·dead⁺ ­in·the·smiting

four ­and·ten ­thousand ­and·seven ­hundred⁺

from·aloneside ­the·dead⁺ ­upon ­the·speech·of ­Baldness :

and·he·returns ­Aharon ­to ­Moseh

to ­opening·of ­tent·of ­assembly

and·the·smiting ­she·was·restrained :


and·he·speaks ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to ­Moseh ­saying :

ꜝspeak ­to ­the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr ­and·ꜝtake ­from·with·them ­branch ­branch ­to·house·of ­father ­from·with ­all·of ­their·wellborns⁺ ­to·the·house·of ­their·fathers⁺

two² ­and·ten ­branches⁺

man ­°his·name

you·write ­upon ­his·branch :

and·°the·name·of ­Aharon

you·write ­upon ­the·branch·of ­Debtor

as ­branch ­one

to·the·head·of ­the·house·of ­their·fathers⁺ :

and·you·set·them·in·peace ­in·tent·of ­assembly

to·the·face⁺·of ­the·witness

that ­I·assemble·myself ­to·you⁺ ­➝there :

and·he·was ­the·man ­that ­I·choose ­in·him ­his·branch ­he·buds

and·I·caused·to·abate ­from·upon·me ­°the·oppositions⁺·of ­the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr

that ­they⁺ ­opposing⁺ ­upon·you⁺ :

and·he·speaks ­Moseh ­to ­the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr ­and·they·give⁺ ­to·him ­all·of ­their·wellborns⁺ ­branch ­to·wellborn ­one ­branch ­to·wellborn ­one ­to·the·house·of ­their·fathers⁺

two² ­and·ten ­branches⁺

and·the·branch·of ­Aharon ­in·the·midst·of ­their·branches⁺ :

and·he·sets·in·peace ­Moseh ­°the·branches⁺ ­to·the·face⁺·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

in·the·tent·of ­the·witness :

and·he·is ­from·aftermorrow ­and·he·enters ­Moseh ­to ­the·tent·of ­the·witness

and·¡lo! ­he·budded ­the·branch·of ­Aharon ­to·the·house·of ­Debtor

and·he·lets·go ­bud ­and·he·flowers ­flower

and·he·yields ­vigilalmonds⁺ :

and·he·lets·go ­Moseh ­°all·of ­the·branches⁺ ­from·to·the·face⁺·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

to ­all·of ­the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr

and·they·see⁺ ­and·they·take⁺ ­man ­his·branch :

and·he·says ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to ­Moseh ­ꜝreturn ­°the·branch·of ­Aharon ­to·the·face⁺·of ­the·witness

to·watch ­to·sign ­to·sons⁺·of ­bitterness

and·ꜝbe·all·done ­their·oppositions⁺ ­from·upon·me ­and ­they·do·not·die⁺ :

and·he·does ­Moseh

as·how ­he·commanded ­Yʜᴡʜ ­°him ­surely ­he·did :

and·they·say⁺ ­the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr

to ­Moseh ­saying

¡lo! ­we·expired⁺ ­we·were·lost⁺ ­all·of·us ­we·were·lost⁺ :

all ­the·presenting·himself ­the·presenting·himself ­to ­the·dwelling·place·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­he·dies

¿if ­we·were·completed⁺ ­to·expire :

and·he·says ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to ­Aharon

you ­and·your·sons⁺ ­and·the·house·of ­your·father ­with·you

you·bear⁺ ­°the·guilt·of ­the·sanctuary

and·you ­and·your·sons⁺ ­with·you

you·bear⁺ ­°the·guilt·of ­your⁺·priesthood :

and·also ­°your·brothers⁺ ­the·branch·of ­Debtor ­the·stem·of ­your·father ­ꜝpresent ­with·you

and·they·are·indebted⁺ ­upon·you ­and·they·assist⁺·you

and·you ­and·your·sons⁺ ­with·you

to·the·face⁺·of ­the·tent·of ­the·witness :

and·they·watched⁺ ­your·watch

and·the·watch·of ­all·of ­the·tent

surely ­to ­the·things⁺·of ­the·sanctuary ­and·to ­the·offering·place ­they·are·not·present⁺

and ­they·do·not·die⁺ ­also ­they⁺ ­also ­you⁺ :

and·they·were·indebted⁺ ­upon·you

and·they·watched⁺ ­°watch·of ­tent·of ­assembly

to·all·of ­the·service·of ­the·tent

and·stranger ­he·is·not·present ­to·you⁺ :

and·you·watched⁺ ­°the·watch·of ­the·sanctuary

and·°the·watch·of ­the·offering·place

and ­he·is·not ­again ­anger ­upon ­the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr :

and·I ­¡lo! ­I·took ­°your⁺·brothers⁺ ­the·Debtorïtes⁺

from·the·midst·of ­the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr

to·you⁺ ­gift ­given⁺ ­to·Yʜᴡʜ

to·serve ­°service·of ­tent·of ­assembly :

and·you ­and·your·sons⁺ ­with·you ­you·watch⁺ ­°your⁺·priesthood ­to·all·of ­the·speech·of ­the·offering·place ­and·to·from·the·house ­to·the·screen ­and·you·served⁺

service·of ­gift ­I·give ­°your⁺·priesthood

and·the·stranger ­the·presenting·himself ­he·is·put·to·death :

and·he·speaks ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to ­Aharon

and·I ­¡lo! ­I·gave ­to·you

°the·watch·of ­my·high·offerings⁺

to·all·of ­the·sanctuaries⁺·of ­the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr ­to·you ­I·gave·them ­to·anointment ­and·to·your·sons⁺ ­to·prescription·of ­eternity :

this ­he·is ­to·you ­from·the·sanctuary·of ­the·sanctuaries⁺ ­from ­the·fire

all·of ­their·present ­to·all·of ­their·tribute ­and·to·all·of ­their·sin ­and·to·all·of ­their·transgression ­that ­they·return⁺ ­to·me

sanctuary·of ­sanctuaries⁺ ­to·you ­he ­and·to·your·sons⁺ :

in·the·sanctuary·of ­the·sanctuaries⁺ ­you·eat·him

all ­membered ­he·eats ­°him

sanctuary ­he·is ­to·you :

and·this ­to·you ­the·high·offering·of ­their·gift ­to·all·of ­the·exaltationofferings⁺·of ­the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr

to·you ­I·gave·them ­and·to·your·sons⁺ ­and·to·your·daughters⁺ ­with·you ­to·prescription·of ­eternity

all ­pure ­in·your·house ­he·eats ­°him :

all·of ­fat·of ­elixer

and·all·of ­fat·of ­winemust ­and·grain

their·headmost ­that ­they·give⁺ ­to·Yʜᴡʜ ­to·you ­I·gave·them :

firstfruits⁺·of ­all ­that ­in·their·land ­that ­they·bring·in⁺ ­to·Yʜᴡʜ ­to·you ­he·is

all ­pure ­in·your·house ­he·eats·him :

all·of ­herem ­in·Princepowr ­to·you ­he·is :

all·of ­outspurt·of ­womb ­to·all·of ­flesh ­that ­they·present⁺ ­to·Yʜᴡʜ ­in·the·adam ­and·in·the·beast ­he·is ­to·you

surely ­ransoming ­you·ransom ­°the·firstborn·of ­the·adam

and·°the·firstborn·of ­the·beast ­the·defiled ­you·ransom :

and·his·ransom⁺ ­from·son·of ­new·moon ­you·ransom


silver·of ­five·of ­shekels⁺ ­in·the·shekel·of ­the·sanctuary

twenty⁺ ­chaw ­he :

surely ­firstborn·of ­bull ­or ­firstborn·of ­lamb ­or ­firstborn·of ­mightygoat ­you·do·not·ransom ­sanctuary ­they⁺

°their·blood ­you·asperse ­upon ­the·offering·place ­and·°their·fat ­you·incendiate

fire-offering ­to·breath·of ­peace ­to·Yʜᴡʜ :

and·their·flesh ­he·is ­to·you

as·the·brisket·of ­the·exaltationoffering ­and·as·the·leg·of ­the·right ­to·you ­he·is :

all·of ­the·high·offerings⁺·of ­the·sanctuaries⁺ ­that ­they·heighten⁺ ­the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr ­to·Yʜᴡʜ

I·gave ­to·you ­and·to·your·sons⁺ ­and·to·your·daughters⁺ ­with·you ­to·prescription·of ­eternity

covenant·of ­salt·of ­eternity ­she ­to·the·face⁺·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

to·you ­and·to·your·seed ­with·you :

and·he·says ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to ­Aharon ­in·their·land ­you·do·not·derive

and·dividend ­he·is·not ­to·you ­in·their·midst

I ­your·dividend ­and·your·derivation

in·the·midst·of ­the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr :

and·to·the·sons⁺·of ­Debtor

¡lo! ­I·gave ­all·of ­tenth·part ­in·Princepowr ­to·derivation

the·exchange·of ­their·service ­that ­they⁺ ­servants⁺

°service·of ­tent·of ­assembly :

and ­they·are·not·present⁺ ­again ­the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr ­to ­tent·of ­assembly

to·bear ­sin ­to·die :

and·he·served ­the·Debtorïte ­he ­°service·of ­tent·of ­assembly

and·they⁺ ­they·bear⁺ ­their·guilt

prescription·of ­eternity ­to·your⁺·saecula⁺

and·in·the·midst·of ­the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr

they·do·not·derive⁺ ­derivation :

as ­°the·tenth·part·of ­the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr ­that ­they·heighten⁺ ­to·Yʜᴡʜ ­high·offering

I·gave ­to·the·Debtorïtes⁺ ­to·derivation

upon ­surely ­I·said ­to·them

in·the·midst·of ­the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr

they·do·not·derive⁺ ­derivation :


and·he·speaks ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to ­Moseh ­saying :

and·to ­the·Debtorïtes⁺ ­you·speak ­and·you·said ­to·them

as ­you·take⁺ ­from·with ­the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr ­°the·tenth·part ­that ­I·gave ­to·you⁺ ­from·with·them ­in·your⁺·derivation

and·you·heightened⁺ ­from·him ­the·high·offering·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

tenth·part ­from ­the·tenth·part :

and·he·was·considered ­to·you⁺ ­your⁺·high·offering

as·the·grain ­from ­the·threshingfloor

and·as·the·fullness ­from ­the·vat :

surely ­you·heighten⁺ ­also ­you⁺ ­the·high·offering·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

from·all·of ­your⁺·tenth·parts⁺

that ­you·take⁺

from·with ­the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr

and·you·gave⁺ ­from·him ­°the·high·offering·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

to·Aharon ­the·priest :

from·all·of ­your⁺·gifts⁺

you·heighten⁺ ­°all·of ­the·high·offering·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

from·all·of ­his·fat

°his·sanctuary ­from·him :

and·you·said ­to·them

when·you·heighten⁺ ­°his·fat ­from·him

and·he·was·considered ­to·the·Debtorïtes⁺

as·inbringing·of ­threshingfloor ­and·as·inbringing·of ­vat :

and·you·ate⁺ ­°him ­in·all·of ­rising·place

you⁺ ­and·your⁺·house

as ­hire ­he ­to·you⁺

the·exchange·of ­your⁺·service ­in·tent·of ­assembly :

and ­you·do·not·bear⁺ ­upon·him ­sin

when·you·heighten⁺ ­°his·fat ­from·him

and·°the·sanctuaries⁺·of ­the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr ­you·do·not·pierce⁺ ­and ­you·do·not·die⁺ :


and·he·speaks ­Yʜᴡʜ

to ­Moseh ­and·to ­Aharon ­saying :

this ­the·prescription·of ­the·torah

that ­he·commanded ­Yʜᴡʜ ­saying

ꜝspeak ­to ­the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr ­and·they·take⁺ ­to·you ­cow ­bloodyred ­complete ­that ­there·is·ńot ­in·her ­smudge

that ­he·did·not·go·up ­upon·her ­harness :

and·you·gave⁺ ­°her

to ­Powr-Helped ­the·priest

and·he·let·go ­°her ­to ­from·the·exterior ­to·the·camp

and·he·slaughtered ­°her ­to·his·face⁺ :

and·he·took ­Powr-Helped ­the·priest ­from·her·blood ­in·his·finger

and·he·spattered ­to ­in·view·of ­face⁺·of ­tent·of ­assembly ­from·her·blood ­seven ­times⁺ :

and·he·burned ­°the·cow ­to·his·eyes²

°her·bareskin ­and·°her·flesh ­and·°her·blood

upon ­her·feces ­he·burns :

and·he·took ­the·priest ­tree·of ­cedar ­and·hyssop ­and·scarlet·of ­fangworm

and·he·dropped ­to ­the·midst·of ­the·burning·of ­the·cow :

and·he·washed ­his·coverings⁺ ­the·priest ­and·he·bathed ­his·flesh ­in·the·waters⁺

and·after ­he·enters ­to ­the·camp

and·he·was·defiled ­the·priest ­unto ­the·evening :

and·that·burns ­°her

he·washes ­his·coverings⁺ ­in·the·waters⁺

and·he·bathed ­his·flesh ­in·the·waters⁺

and·he·was·defiled ­unto ­the·evening :

and·he·gathered ­man ­pure ­°the·ash·of ­the·cow

and·he·set·in·peace ­from·the·exterior ­to·the·camp ­in·rising·place ­pure

and·she·was ­to·the·assembly·of ­the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr ­to·watch ­to·waters⁺·of ­retreatment ­sin ­she :

and·he·washed ­the·gatherer ­°the·ash·of ­the·cow ­°his·coverings⁺

and·he·was·defiled ­unto ­the·evening

and·she·was ­to·the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr ­and·to·the·lodger ­the·lodger ­in·their·midst ­to·prescription·of ­eternity :

that·touches ­in·dead ­to·all·of ­soul·of ­adam

and·he·was·defiled ­seven·of ­days⁺ :

he ­he·makes·himself·sinless ­in·him ­in·the·day ­the·third ­and·in·the·day ­the·seventh ­he·is·pure

and·if ­he·does·not·make·himself·sinless ­in·the·day ­the·third ­and·in·the·day ­the·seventh ­he·is·not·pure :

all ­that·touches ­in·dead ­in·the·soul·of ­the·adam ­that ­he·dies ­and ­he·does·not·make·himself·sinless ­°the·dwelling·place·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­he·defiled

and·she·was·cut·down ­the·soul ­she ­from·Princepowr

as ­waters⁺·of ­retreatment ­he·was·not·aspersed ­upon·him ­defiled ­he·is

again ­his·defilement ­in·him :

this ­the·torah

adam ­as ­he·dies ­in·tent

all ­that·enters ­to ­the·tent ­and·all ­that ­in·the·tent

he·is·defiled ­seven·of ­days⁺ :

and·all·of ­thing ­opened

that ­there·is·ńot ­coupling·of ­knot ­upon·him

defiled ­he :

and·all ­that ­he·touches ­upon ­the·face⁺·of ­the·field ­in·pierced·of ­sword ­or ­in·dead

or ­in·bone·of ­adam ­or ­in·tomb

he·is·defiled ­seven·of ­days⁺ :

and·they·took⁺ ­to·the·defiled

from·the·dust·of ­the·burning·of ­the·sin

and·he·gave ­upon·him ­waters⁺ ­living⁺ ­to ­thing :

and·he·took ­hyssop ­and·he·dipped ­in·the·waters⁺ ­man ­pure

and·he·spattered ­upon ­the·tent ­and·upon ­all·of ­the·things⁺

and·upon ­the·souls⁺ ­that ­they·were⁺ ­there

and·upon ­that·touches ­in·the·bone ­or ­in·the·pierced

or ­in·the·dead ­or ­in·the·tomb :

and·he·spattered ­the·pure ­upon ­the·defiled

in·the·day ­the·third ­and·in·the·day ­the·seventh

and·he·made·him·sinless ­in·the·day ­the·seventh

and·he·washed ­his·coverings⁺ ­and·he·bathed ­in·the·waters⁺ ­and·he·was·pure ­in·the·evening :

and·man ­that ­he·is·defiled ­and ­he·does·not·make·himself·sinless

and·she·was·cut·down ­the·soul ­she ­from·the·midst·of ­the·congregation

as ­°the·sanctuary·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­he·defiled ­waters⁺·of ­retreatment ­he·was·not·aspersed ­upon·him ­defiled ­he :

and·she·was ­to·them ­to·prescription·of ­eternity

and·the·spatterer·of ­the·waters⁺·of ­the·retreatment ­he·washes ­his·coverings⁺

and·that·touches ­in·the·waters⁺·of ­the·retreatment

he·is·defiled ­unto ­the·evening :

and·all ­that ­he·touches ­in·him ­the·defiled ­he·is·defiled

and·the·soul ­that·touches ­she·is·defiled ­unto ­the·evening :


and·they·enter⁺ ­the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr ­all·of ­the·assembly ­the·outspeak·of ­Tzin ­in·the·new·moon ­the·headmost

and·he·settles ­the·people ­in·Sanctuary

and·she·dies ­there ­Bitterness

and·she·is·entombed ­there :

and ­he·was·not ­waters⁺ ­to·the·assembly


upon ­Moseh ­and·upon ­Aharon :

and·he·argues ­the·people ­near ­Moseh

and·they·say⁺ ­saying

and·iᵮ·only ­we·expired⁺ ­when·expiring ­our·brothers⁺ ­to·the·face⁺·of ­Yʜᴡʜ :

and·to·¿what ­you·brought·in⁺ ­°the·congregation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

to ­the·outspeak ­this

to·die ­there

we⁺ ­and·our·consuming·animals :

and·to·¿what ­you·offered·us·up⁺ ­from·Egypts²

to·bring·in ­°us

to ­the·rising·place ­the·bad ­this

not ­rising·place·of ­seed ­and·fig ­and·vine ­and·pomegranate

and·waters⁺ ­there·is·ńot ­to·drink :

and·he·enters ­Moseh ­and·Aharon ­from·the·face⁺·of ­the·congregation ­to ­opening·of ­tent·of ­assembly

and·they·fall⁺ ­upon ­their·face⁺

and·he·is·seen ­the·weight·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to·them :


and·he·speaks ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to ­Moseh ­saying :

ꜝtake ­°the·branch ­and·ꜝcongregate ­°the·assembly ­you ­and·Aharon ­your·brother

and·you·spoke⁺ ­to ­the·clifftop ­to·their·eyes² ­and·he·gave ­his·waters⁺

and·you·let·go ­to·them ­waters⁺ ­from ­the·clifftop

and·you·gave·to·drink ­°the·assembly ­and·°their·consuming·animals :

and·he·takes ­Moseh ­°the·branch ­from·to·the·face⁺·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

as·how ­he·commanded·him :

and·they·congregate⁺ ­Moseh ­and·Aharon ­°the·congregation ­to ­the·face⁺·of ­the·clifftop

and·he·says ­to·them ­ꜝhear⁺ ­¡please! ­the·bitter⁺

¿from ­the·clifftop ­this

we·let·go⁺ ­to·you⁺ ­waters⁺ :

and·he·heightens ­Moseh ­°his·hand ­and·he·strikes ­°the·clifftop ­in·his·branch ­times²

and·they·go⁺ ­waters⁺ ­many⁺

and·she·drinks ­the·assembly ­and·their·consuming·animals :

and·he·says ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to ­Moseh ­and·to ­Aharon

because ­you·were·not·true⁺ ­in·me


to·the·eyes²·of ­the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr

to·surely ­you·do·not·bring·in⁺ ­°the·congregation ­this

to ­the·land ­that ­I·gave ­to·them :

they⁺ ­the·waters⁺·of ­Arguing

that ­they·argued⁺ ­the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr ­with ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·he·is·sacred ­in·them :

and·he·sends ­Moseh ­ministers⁺ ­from·Sanctuary ­to ­the·king·of ­Blood

thus ­he·said ­your·brother ­Princepowr

you ­you·knew

°all·of ­the·weariness ­that ­she·found·us :

and·they·descend⁺ ­our·fathers⁺ ­➝Egypts²

and·we·settle⁺ ­in·Egypts² ­days⁺ ­many⁺

and·they·do·bad⁺ ­to·us ­Egyptian ­and·to·our·fathers⁺ :

and·we·cry⁺ ­to ­Yʜᴡʜ ­and·he·hears ­our·voice

and·he·sends ­minister

and·he·lets·us·go ­from·Egypts²

and·¡lo! ­we⁺ ­in·Sanctuary

the·city·of ­the·end·of ­your·border :

ꜝlet·us·cross·over⁺ ­¡please! ­in·your·land ­we·do·not·cross·over⁺ ­in·field ­and·in·orchard

and ­we·do·not·drink⁺ ­waters⁺·of ­well

the·step·of ­the·king ­we·walk⁺ ­we·do·not·branch·out ­right ­and·left

unto ­that ­we·cross·over⁺ ­your·border :

and·he·says ­to·him ­Blood

you·do·not·cross·over ­in·me

lest ­in·the·sword ­I·go ­to·call·against·you :

and·they·say⁺ ­to·him ­the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr ­in·the·avenue ­we·go·up⁺

and·if ­your·waters⁺ ­we·drink⁺ ­I ­and·my·stock

and·I·gave ­their·saleables

only ­there·is·ńot ­speech ­in·my·feet² ­ꜝlet·me·cross·over :

and·he·says ­you·do·not·cross·over

and·he·goes ­Blood ­to·call·against·him

in·people ­weighty ­and·in·hand ­firm :

and·he·refuses ­Blood ­giving ­°Princepowr

crossing·over ­in·his·border

and·he·branches·out ­Princepowr ­from·upon·him :


and·they·journey⁺ ­from·Sanctuary

and·they·enter⁺ ­the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr ­all·of ­the·assembly ­the·mounting·of ­the·mount :

and·he·says ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to ­Moseh ­and·to ­Aharon ­in·the·mounting·of ­the·mount

upon ­the·border·of ­the·land·of ­Blood ­saying :

he·is·gathered ­Aharon ­to ­his·people⁺

as ­he·does·not·enter ­to ­the·land

that ­I·gave ­to·the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr

upon ­that ­you·were·bitter⁺ ­°my·mouth ­to·the·waters⁺·of ­Arguing :

ꜝtake ­°Aharon

and·°Powr-Helped ­his·son

and·offer·up ­°them ­the·mounting·of ­the·mount :

and·ꜝunmantle ­°Aharon ­°his·coverings⁺

and·you·robed·them ­°Powr-Helped ­his·son

and·Aharon ­he·is·gathered ­and·he·died ­there :

and·he·does ­Moseh

as·how ­he·commanded ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·they·go·up⁺ ­to ­the·mounting·of ­the·mount

to·the·eyes²·of ­all·of ­the·assembly :

and·he·unmantles ­Moseh ­°Aharon ­°his·coverings⁺ ­and·he·robes ­with·them ­°Powr-Helped ­his·son

and·he·dies ­Aharon ­there ­in·the·head·of ­the·mount

and·he·descends ­Moseh ­and·Powr-Helped ­from ­the·mount :

and·they·see⁺ ­all·of ­the·assembly

as ­he·expired ­Aharon

and·they·weep⁺ ­°Aharon ­thirty⁺ ­day

all·of ­the·house·of ­Princepowr :

and·he·hears ­the·Cashierïte ­the·king·of ­Burro ­settling ­the·Negev

as ­he·entered ­Princepowr

the·step·of ­the·Spotters⁺

and·he·battles ­in·Princepowr

and·he·captures ­from·him ­captivity :

and·he·vows ­Princepowr ­vow ­to·Yʜᴡʜ ­and·he·says

if ­giving ­you·give ­°the·people ­this ­in·my·hand

and·I·made·herem ­°their·cities⁺ :

and·he·hears ­Yʜᴡʜ ­in·the·voice·of ­Princepowr ­and·he·gives ­°the·Cashierïte

and·he·makes·herem ­°them ­and·°their·cities⁺

and·he·calls ­the·name·of ­the·rising·place ­Heremah :


and·they·journey⁺ ­from·the·mounting·of ­the·mount ­the·step·of ­the·sea·of ­Reeds

to·turn·around ­°the·land·of ­Blood

and·she·is·cropped·short ­the·soul·of ­the·people ­in·the·step :

and·he·speaks ­the·people ­in·Powers⁺ ­and·in·Moseh

to·¿what ­you·offered·us·up⁺ ­from·Egypts²

to·die ­in·the·outspeak

as ­there·is·ńot ­bread ­and·there·is·ńot ­waters⁺

and·our·soul ­she·was·vexed

in·the·bread ­the·slight-slight :

and·he·sends·out ­Yʜᴡʜ ­in·the·people ­°the·copperheads⁺ ­the·burners⁺

and·they·bite⁺ ­°the·people

and·he·dies ­people ­much ­from·Princepowr :

and·he·enters ­the·people ­to ­Moseh ­and·they·say⁺ ­we·sinned⁺ ­as ­we·spoke⁺ ­in·Yʜᴡʜ ­and·in·you

ꜝmediate ­to ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·ꜝlet·him·remove ­from·upon·us ­°the·copperhead

and·he·mediates ­Moseh ­about ­the·people :

and·he·says ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to ­Moseh ­ꜝdo ­to·you ­burner

and·ꜝplace ­°him ­upon ­flag

and·he·was ­all·of ­that·is·bitten

and·he·saw ­°him ­and·he·lived :

and·he·does ­Moseh ­copperhead·of ­copper

and·he·places·him ­upon ­the·flag

and·he·was ­if ­he·bit ­the·copperhead ­°man

and·he·looked ­to ­the·copperhead·of ­the·copper ­and·he·lived :

and·they·journey⁺ ­the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr

and·they·camp⁺ ­in·Ghosts⁺ :

and·they·journey⁺ ­from·Ghosts⁺

and·they·camp⁺ ­in·Guilts⁺·of ­the·Crossers⁺ ­in·the·outspeak ­that ­upon ­the·face⁺·of ­From-Father

from·the·dawn·of ­the·sun :

from·there ­they·journeyed⁺

and·they·camp⁺ ­in·the·river·of ­Zered :

from·there ­they·journeyed⁺

and·they·camp⁺ ­from·the·region·across ­Shouting ­that ­in·the·outspeak

that·goes ­from·the·border·of ­the·Amurruïte

as ­Shouting ­the·border·of ­From-Father

between ­From-Father ­and·between ­the·Amurruïte :

upon ­surely ­he·is·said

in·the·account·of ­the·battles⁺·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

°¬what·He·Did ­in·Blast

and·°the·rivers⁺ ­Shouting :

and·the·slope·of ­the·rivers⁺

that ­he·branched·out ­to·settle ­City

and·he·was·staffed ­to·the·border·of ­From-Father :

and·from·there ­➝Well

she ­the·well ­that ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to·Moseh

ꜝgather ­°the·people

and·ꜝlet·me·give ­to·them ­waters⁺ :

then ­he·sings ­Princepowr

°the·song ­this

go·up ­well ­ꜝrespond⁺ ­to·her :

well ­they·dug⁺·her ­princes⁺ ­they·drilled⁺·her ­the·nobles⁺·of ­the·people

in·prescribing ­in·their·staffs⁺

and·from·outspeak ­Gift :

and·from·Gift ­River-of-Powr

and·from·River-of-Powr ­Daises⁺ :

and·from·Daises⁺ ­the·valley ­that ­in·the·field·of ­From-Father

the·head·of ­the·Pondering

and·peering·out ­upon ­the·face⁺·of ­the·desolation :


and·he·sends ­Princepowr ­ministers⁺

to ­Rubbler ­the·king·of ­the·Amurruïte ­saying :

ꜝlet·me·cross·over ­in·your·land ­we·do·not·branch·out ­in·field ­and·in·orchard

we·do·not·drink⁺ ­waters⁺·of ­well

in·the·step·of ­the·king ­we·walk⁺

unto ­that ­we·cross·over⁺ ­your·border :

and ­he·did·not·give ­Rubbler ­°Princepowr ­crossing·over ­in·his·border

and·he·gathers ­Rubbler ­°all·of ­his·people ­and·he·goes ­to·call·against ­Princepowr ­➝the·outspeak

and·he·enters ­➝Yahatz

and·he·battles ­in·Princepowr :

and·he·strikes·him ­Princepowr ­to·mouth·of ­sword

and·he·inherits ­°his·land ­from·Shouting ­unto ­Vacuum ­unto ­the·sons⁺·of ­Peopled

as ­mighty

the·border·of ­the·sons⁺·of ­Peopled :

and·he·takes ­Princepowr

°all·of ­the·cities⁺ ­these

and·he·settles ­Princepowr ­in·all·of ­the·cities⁺·of ­the·Amurruïte

in·Consideration ­and·in·all·of ­her·daughters⁺ :

as ­Consideration

the·city·of ­Rubbler ­the·king·of ­the·Amurruïte ­she

and·he ­he·battled ­in·the·king·of ­From-Father ­the·headmost

and·he·takes ­°all·of ­his·land ­from·his·hand ­unto ­Shouting :

upon ­surely ­they·say⁺ ­that·make·a·simile⁺ ­ꜝenter⁺ ­Consideration

she·is·built ­and·she·makes·herself·sure ­the·city·of ­Rubbler :

as ­fire ­she·went ­from·Consideration

flame ­from·the·walledcity·of ­Rubbler

she·ate ­City ­From-Father

the·masters⁺·of ­the·daises⁺·of ­Shouting :

¡woe! ­to·you ­From-Father

you·were·lost ­the·people·of ­Kemosh

he·gave ­his·sons⁺ ­self-rescuers⁺ ­and·his·daughters⁺ ­in·the·captives⁺

to·the·king·of ­Amurruïte ­Rubbler :

and·we·torah·them ­he·was·lost ­Consideration ­unto ­Sobbing

and·we·desolate⁺ ­unto ­¬Nophah

that ­unto ­Tough-Waters :

and·he·settles ­Princepowr

in·the·land·of ­the·Amurruïte :

and·he·sends ­Moseh ­to·footspy ­°He-Helps

and·they·seize⁺ ­her·daughters⁺

and·he·disinherits ­°the·Amurruïte ­that ­there :

and·they·face⁺ ­and·they·go·up⁺

the·step·of ­the·Bashan

and·he·goes ­Loaf ­the·king·of ­the·Bashan ­to·call·against·them ­he ­and·all·of ­his·people ­to·the·battle ­Arm :

and·he·says ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to ­Moseh ­ꜝdo·not·fear ­°him

as ­in·your·hand ­I·gave ­°him ­and·°all·of ­his·people ­and·°his·land

and·you·did ­to·him

as·how ­you·did ­to·Rubbler ­the·king·of ­the·Amurruïte

that ­settling ­in·Consideration :

and·they·strike⁺ ­°him ­and·°his·sons⁺ ­and·°all·of ­his·people

unto ­if·not ­he·let·survive ­to·him ­escapee

and·they·inherit⁺ ­°his·land :

and·they·journey⁺ ­the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr

and·they·camp⁺ ­in·Arabahs⁺·of ­From-Father

from·the·region·across ­to·Descender·of ­Breath :

and·he·sees ­Ravager ­the·son·of ­Skippingbird

°all ­that ­he·did ­Princepowr ­to·the·Amurruïte :

and·he·is·dislodged ­From-Father ­from·the·face⁺·of ­the·people ­very ­as ­much ­he

and·he·is·vexed ­From-Father

from·the·face⁺·of ­the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr :

and·he·says ­From-Father ­to ­the·elders⁺·of ­Vindictiveness ­now ­they·lick·up ­the·congregation ­°all·of ­turninground·us

as·licking·up ­the·bull

°the·green·of ­the·field

and·Ravager ­the·son·of ­Skippingbird ­king ­to·From-Father ­in·the·season ­she :

and·he·sends ­ministers⁺ ­to ­Devouring-People ­the·son·of ­Consuming ­➝Petowr ­that ­upon ­the·stream ­the·land·of ­the·sons⁺·of ­his·people ­to·call ­to·him

saying ­¡lo! ­people ­he·went ­from·Egypts² ­¡lo! ­he·covered ­°the·eye·of ­the·land

and·he ­settling ­from·my·snip :

and·now ­ꜝwalk! ­¡please! ­ꜝcurse! ­to·me ­°the·people ­this ­as ­strongboned ­he ­from·me

¿maybe ­I·am·able ­we·strike⁺ ­in·him

and·I·drive·him·off ­from ­the·land

as ­I·knew ­°that ­you·kneel ­knelt·to

and·that ­you·curse ­he·is·cursed :

and·they·walk⁺ ­the·elders⁺·of ­From-Father ­and·the·elders⁺·of ­Vindictiveness

and·divinations⁺ ­in·their·hand

and·they·enter⁺ ­to ­Devouring-People

and·they·speak⁺ ­to·him ­the·speeches⁺·of ­Ravager :

and·he·says ­to·them ­ꜝrepose⁺ ­ẖere ­the·night

and·I·returned ­°you⁺ ­speech

as·how ­he·speaks ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to·me

and·they·settle⁺ ­the·princes⁺·of ­From-Father ­near ­Devouring-People :

and·he·enters ­Powers⁺ ­to ­Devouring-People

and·he·says ­¿who ­the·mortals⁺ ­these ­near·you :

and·he·says ­Devouring-People ­to ­the·Powers⁺

Ravager ­the·son·of ­Skippingbird ­the·king·of ­From-Father ­he·sent ­to·me :

¡lo! ­the·people ­that·goes ­from·Egypts²

and·he·covers ­°the·eye·of ­the·land

now ­ꜝwalk! ­ꜝstomachcurse! ­to·me ­°him

¿maybe ­I·am·able ­to·battle ­in·him ­and·I·drove·him·off :

and·he·says ­Powers⁺ ­to ­Devouring-People

you·do·not·walk ­near·them

you·do·not·curse ­°the·people

as ­knelt·to ­he :

and·he·arises ­Devouring-People ­in·the·dayplow

and·he·says ­to ­the·princes⁺·of ­Ravager

ꜝwalk⁺ ­to ­your⁺·land

as ­he·refused ­Yʜᴡʜ

to·give·me ­to·walk ­near·you⁺ :

and·they·arise⁺ ­the·princes⁺·of ­From-Father

and·they·enter⁺ ­to ­Ravager


he·refused ­Devouring-People ­walking ­near·us :

and·he·adds ­again ­Ravager

sending ­princes⁺

many⁺ ­and·weighty⁺ ­from·these :

and·they·enter⁺ ­to ­Devouring-People

and·they·say⁺ ­to·him ­thus ­he·said ­Ravager ­the·son·of ­Skippingbird

¡please! ­ꜝdo·not·be·deprived ­from·walking ­to·me :

as ­giving·weight ­I·give·you·weight ­very

and·all ­that ­you·say ­to·me ­I·do

and·ꜝwalk! ­¡please! ­ꜝstomachcurse! ­to·me

°the·people ­this :

and·he·responds ­Devouring-People ­and·he·says ­to ­the·servants⁺·of ­Ravager

if ­he·gives ­to·me ­Ravager ­the·fullness·of ­his·house ­silver ­and·gold

I·am·not·able ­to·cross·over ­°the·mouth·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­my·Powers⁺

to·do ­small ­or ­great :

and·now ­ꜝsettle⁺ ­¡please! ­in·this ­also ­you⁺ ­the·night


¿what ­ꜝlet·him·add ­Yʜᴡʜ ­speaking ­near·me :

and·he·enters ­Powers⁺ ­to ­Devouring-People ­night

and·he·says ­to·him ­if ­to·call ­to·you ­they·entered⁺ ­the·mortals⁺

ꜝarise ­ꜝwalk ­with·them

and·surely ­°the·speech ­that ­I·speak ­to·you ­°him ­you·do :

and·he·arises ­Devouring-People ­in·the·dayplow

and·he·wraps ­°his·ruggedmule

and·he·walks ­near ­the·princes⁺·of ­From-Father :

and·he·is·scorched ­the·nostrils·of ­Powers⁺ ­as ­walking ­he

and·he·posts·himself ­the·minister·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­in·the·step ­to·accuser ­to·him

and·he ­charioting ­upon ­his·ruggedmule

and·the·two²·of ­his·youths⁺ ­near·him :

and·she·sees ­the·ruggedmule ­°the·minister·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­posted ­in·the·step ­and·his·sword ­unsheathed ­in·his·hand

and·she·branches·out ­the·ruggedmule ­from ­the·step

and·she·walks ­in·the·field

and·he·strikes ­Devouring-People ­°the·ruggedmule

to·branch·out·her ­the·step :

and·he·stands ­the·minister·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

in·the·clutchway·of ­the·orchards⁺

fence ­from·this ­and·fence ­from·this :

and·she·sees ­the·ruggedmule ­°the·minister·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­and·she·is·squeezed ­to ­the·wall

and·she·squeezes ­°the·foot·of ­Devouring-People ­to ­the·wall

and·he·adds ­to·strike·her :

and·he·adds ­the·minister·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­crossing·over

and·he·stands ­in·rising·place ­rocky

that ­there·is·ńot ­step ­to·branch·out ­right ­and·left :

and·she·sees ­the·ruggedmule ­°the·minister·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·she·lies·down ­under ­Devouring-People

and·he·is·scorched ­the·nostrils·of ­Devouring-People

and·he·strikes ­°the·ruggedmule ­in·the·rod :

and·he·opens ­Yʜᴡʜ ­°the·mouth·of ­the·ruggedmule

and·she·says ­to·Devouring-People ­¿what ­I·did ­to·you

as ­you·struck·me

this ­three ­feet⁺ :

and·he·says ­Devouring-People ­to·the·ruggedmule

as ­you·exploited·yourself ­in·me

iᵮ·only ­there·is ­sword ­in·my·hand

as ­now ­I·killed·you :

and·she·says ­the·ruggedmule ­to ­Devouring-People ­¿not ­I ­your·ruggedmule ­that ­you·charioted ­upon·me ­from·you·are·still ­unto ­the·day ­this

¿taking·care ­I·took·care

to·do ­to·you ­thus

and·he·says ­not :

and·he·strips ­Yʜᴡʜ ­°the·eyes²·of ­Devouring-People

and·he·sees ­°the·minister·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­posted ­in·the·step

and·his·sword ­unsheathed ­in·his·hand

and·he·downscalps ­and·he·prostrates·himself ­to·his·nostrils² :

and·he·says ­to·him ­the·minister·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

upon ­¿what ­you·struck ­°your·ruggedmule

this ­three ­feet⁺

¡lo! ­I ­I·went ­to·accuser

as ­he·was·√perverse ­the·step ­to·before·me :

and·she·sees·me ­the·ruggedmule

and·she·branches·out ­to·my·face⁺

this ­three ­feet⁺

¿maybe ­she·branched·out ­from·my·face⁺

as ­now ­also ­°you ­I·killed ­and·°her ­I·kept·alive :

and·he·says ­Devouring-People ­to ­the·minister·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­I·sinned

as ­I·did·not·know

as ­you ­posted ­to·call·against·me ­in·the·step

and·now ­if ­he·was·bad ­in·your·eyes² ­ꜝlet·me·return ­to·me :

and·he·says ­the·minister·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to ­Devouring-People ­ꜝwalk ­near ­the·mortals⁺

and·limit ­°the·speech ­that ­I·speak ­to·you ­°him ­you·speak

and·he·walks ­Devouring-People ­near ­the·princes⁺·of ­Ravager :

and·he·hears ­Ravager ­as ­he·entered ­Devouring-People

and·he·goes ­to·call·on·him ­to ­the·city·of ­From-Father ­that ­upon ­the·border·of ­Shouting

that ­in·the·end·of ­the·border :

and·he·says ­Ravager ­to ­Devouring-People ­¿not ­sending ­I·sent ­to·you ­to·call ­to·you

to·¿what ­you·did·not·walk ­to·me


I·am·not·able ­your·giving·weight :

and·he·says ­Devouring-People ­to ­Ravager ­¡lo! ­I·entered ­to·you

now ­¿able ­I·am·able ­speaking ­smidge

the·speech ­that ­he·places ­Powers⁺ ­in·my·mouth ­°him ­I·speak :

and·he·walks ­Devouring-People ­near ­Ravager

and·they·enter⁺ ­Walledcity·of ­Exteriorses⁺ :

and·he·offers ­Ravager ­plowcattle ­and·sheep

and·he·sends·out ­to·Devouring-People

and·to·the·princes⁺ ­that ­with·him :

and·he·is ­in·the·dayplow

and·he·takes ­Ravager ­°Devouring-People

and·he·offers·him·up ­Daises⁺·of ­Master

and·he·sees ­from·there ­the·end·of ­the·people :

and·he·says ­Devouring-People ­to ­Ravager

ꜝbuild ­to·me ­in·this ­seven ­offering·places⁺

and·ꜝmake·sure ­to·me ­in·this

seven ­cows⁺ ­and·seven ­powrrams⁺ :

and·he·does ­Ravager

as·how ­he·spoke ­Devouring-People

and·he·offers·up ­Ravager ­and·Devouring-People ­cow ­and·powrram ­in·the·offering·place :

and·he·says ­Devouring-People ­to·Ravager ­ꜝpost·yourself ­upon ­your·upward·offering

and·ꜝlet·me·walk ­¿maybe ­he·is·fated·upon ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to·call·on·me

and·speech·of ­¿what ­he·shows·me ­and·I·told·forth ­to·you

and·he·walks ­ridge :

and·he·is·fated·upon ­Powers⁺ ­to ­Devouring-People

and·he·says ­to·him ­°the·seven·of ­the·offering·places⁺ ­I·lined·up

and·I·offer·up ­cow ­and·powrram ­in·the·offering·place :

and·he·places ­Yʜᴡʜ ­speech ­in·the·mouth·of ­Devouring-People

and·he·says ­ꜝreturn ­to ­Ravager ­and·thus ­you·speak :

and·he·returns ­to·him

and·¡lo! ­posted ­upon ­his·upward·offering

he ­and·all·of ­the·princes⁺·of ­From-Father :

and·he·bears ­his·simile ­and·he·says

from ­Height ­he·guides·me ­Ravager ­the·king·of ­From-Father ­from·mountains⁺·of ­frontmost

ꜝwalk! ­ꜝcurse! ­to·me ­Heeler

and·ꜝwalk! ­ꜝdamn! ­Princepowr :

¿what ­I·stomachcurse

he·did·not·stomachcurse·him ­powr

and·¿what ­I·damn

he·did·not·damn ­Yʜᴡʜ :

as ­from·head·of ­rocks⁺ ­I·see·him

and·from·hills⁺ ­I·glimpse·him

¡lo! ­people ­to·alone ­he·dwells

and·in·the·clans⁺ ­he·does·not·consider·himself :

¿who ­he·allotted ­the·dust·of ­Heeler

and·count ­°the·fourth·of ­Princepowr

ꜝlet·her·die ­my·soul ­death·of ­straight⁺

and·ꜝlet·her·be ­my·afterward ­as·him :

and·he·says ­Ravager ­to ­Devouring-People

¿what ­you·did ­to·me

to·stomachcurse ­my·enemies⁺ ­I·took·you

and·¡lo! ­you·knelt ­kneeling :

and·he·responds ­and·he·says

¿not ­°that ­he·places ­Yʜᴡʜ ­in·my·mouth

°him ­I·watch ­to·speak :

and·he·says ­to·him ­Ravager ­ꜝwalk! ­¡please! ­with·me ­to ­rising·place ­after ­that ­you·see·him ­from·there

limit ­his·end ­you·see

and·all·of·him ­you·do·not·see

and·ꜝstomachcurse·him ­to·me ­from·there :

and·he·takes·him ­the·field·of ­Sentries⁺

to ­the·head·of ­the·Pondering

and·he·builds ­seven ­offering·places⁺

and·he·offers·up ­cow ­and·powrram ­in·the·offering·place :

and·he·says ­to ­Ravager

ꜝpost·yourself ­thus ­upon ­your·upward·offering

and·I ­I·am·fated·upon ­thus :

and·he·is·fated·upon ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to ­Devouring-People

and·he·places ­speech ­in·his·mouth

and·he·says ­ꜝreturn ­to ­Ravager ­and·thus ­you·speak :

and·he·enters ­to·him ­and·¡lo!·him ­posted ­upon ­his·upward·offering

and·the·princes⁺·of ­From-Father ­with·him

and·he·says ­to·him ­Ravager

¿what ­he·spoke ­Yʜᴡʜ :

and·he·bears ­his·simile ­and·he·says

ꜝarise ­Ravager ­and·ꜝhear

give·ear! ­unto·me ­his·son ­Skippingbird :

not ­man ­powr ­and·he·lìes

and·son·of ­adam ­and·he·sighs·within

¿he ­he·said ­and ­he·does·not·do

and·he·spoke ­and ­he·does·not·raise·her :

¡lo! ­kneeling ­I·took

and·he·knelt ­and ­I·do·not·return·her :

he·did·not·look ­iniquity ­in·Heeler

and ­he·did·not·see ­toil ­in·Princepowr

Yʜᴡʜ ­his·Powers⁺ ­near·him

and·cheer·of ­king ­in·him :

powr ­that·lets·them·go ­from·Egypts²

as·crests⁺·of ­highauroch ­to·him :

as ­not ­copper-reading ­in·Heeler

and·not ­divination ­in·Princepowr

as·the·season ­he·is·said ­to·Heeler ­and·to·Princepowr

¿what ­he·worked ­powr :

¡lo! ­people ­as·coyote ­he·arises

and·as·lion ­he·bears·himself·up

he·does·not·bed ­unto ­he·eats ­prey

and·blood·of ­pierced⁺ ­he·drinks :

and·he·says ­Ravager ­to ­Devouring-People

also ­stomachcursing ­you·do·not·stomachcurse·him

also ­kneeling ­you·do·not·kneel·him :

and·he·responds ­Devouring-People

and·he·says ­to ­Ravager

¿not ­I·spoke ­to·you ­saying

all ­that ­he·speaks ­Yʜᴡʜ ­°him ­I·do :

and·he·says ­Ravager ­to ­Devouring-People

ꜝwalk! ­¡please! ­I·take·you

to ­rising·place ­after

¿maybe ­he·is·straight ­in·the·eyes²·of ­the·Powers⁺

and·you·stomachcursed·him ­to·me ­from·there :

and·he·takes ­Ravager ­°Devouring-People

the·head·of ­the·Gap

that·peers·out ­upon ­the·face⁺·of ­the·desolation :

and·he·says ­Devouring-People ­to ­Ravager

ꜝbuild ­to·me ­in·this ­seven ­offering·places⁺

and·ꜝmake·sure ­to·me ­in·this

seven ­cows⁺ ­and·seven ­powrrams⁺ :

and·he·does ­Ravager

as·how ­he·said ­Devouring-People

and·he·offers·up ­cow ­and·powrram ­in·the·offering·place :

and·he·sees ­Devouring-People ­as ­he·was·good ­in·the·eyes²·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to·kneel ­°Princepowr

and ­he·did·not·walk ­as·time ­in·time ­to·call·against ­copper-readings⁺

and·he·puts ­to ­the·outspeak ­his·face⁺ :

and·he·bears ­Devouring-People ­°his·eyes² ­and·he·sees ­°Princepowr

dwelling ­to·his·stems⁺

and·she·is ­upon·him ­the·breath·of ­Powers⁺ :

and·he·bears ­his·simile ­and·he·says

the·revelation·of ­Devouring-People ­his·son ­Consuming

and·the·revelation·of ­the·hero ­the·keen·of ­the·eye :

revelation·of ­hearing·of ­sayings⁺·of ­powr

that ­the·vision·of ­Breasted ­he·visions

falling ­and·stripped·of ­eyes² :

¿what ­they·were·good⁺ ­your·tents⁺ ­Heeler

your·dwelling·places⁺ ­Princepowr :

as·rivers⁺ ­they·were·branched·out

as·guardens⁺ ­upon ­stream

as·aloes⁺ ­he·planted ­Yʜᴡʜ

as·cedars⁺ ­upon ­waters⁺ :

he·cascades ­waters⁺ ­from·his·pullbucket

and·his·seed ­in·waters⁺ ­many⁺

and·ꜝlet·him·be·high ­from·Agag ­his·king

and·she·bears·herself·up ­his·kingship :

powr ­that·lets·him·go ­from·Egypts²

as·crests⁺·of ­highauroch ­to·him

he·eats ­clans⁺ ­his·rockers⁺ ­and·their·bones⁺ ­he·unframes ­and·his·arrows⁺ ­he·impales :

he·stooped ­he·bedded ­as·lion ­and·as·coyote ­¿who ­he·raises·him

that·kneel⁺·you ­knelt·to

and·your·cursers⁺ ­cursed :

and·he·is·scorched ­the·nostrils·of ­Ravager ­to ­Devouring-People

and·he·pounds ­°his·spoons²

and·he·says ­Ravager ­to ­Devouring-People ­to·stomachcurse ­my·enemies⁺ ­I·called·you

and·¡lo! ­you·knelt ­kneeling

this ­three ­times⁺ :

and·now ­ꜝbolt ­to·you ­to ­your·rising·place

I·said ­giving·weight ­I·give·you·weight

and·¡lo! ­he·deprived·you ­Yʜᴡʜ ­from·weight :

and·he·says ­Devouring-People ­to ­Ravager

¿not ­also ­to ­your·ministers⁺ ­that ­you·sent ­to·me ­I·spoke ­saying :

if ­he·gives ­to·me ­Ravager ­the·fullness·of ­his·house ­silver ­and·gold

I·am·not·able ­to·cross·over ­°the·mouth·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

to·do ­goodness ­or ­bad ­from·my·heart

that ­he·speaks ­Yʜᴡʜ ­°him ­I·speak :

and·now ­¡lo!·me ­walking ­to·my·people

ꜝwalk! ­I·counsel·you

that ­he·does ­the·people ­this ­to·your·people ­in·the·afterward·of ­the·days⁺ :

and·he·bears ­his·simile ­and·he·says

the·revelation·of ­Devouring-People ­his·son ­Consuming

and·the·revelation·of ­the·hero ­the·keen·of ­the·eye :

revelation·of ­hearing·of ­sayings⁺·of ­powr

and·knowing·of ­knowledge·of ­uppermost

the·vision·of ­Breasted ­he·visions

falling ­and·stripped·of ­eyes² :

I·see·him ­and·not ­now

I·glimpse·him ­and·not ­present

he·stepped·forward ­star ­from·Heeler ­and·he·arose ­stem ­from·Princepowr

and·he·impaled ­the·edges²·of ­From-Father

and·he·fountained·over ­all·of ­the·sons⁺·of ­Put :

and·he·was ­Blood ­inheritance ­and·he·was ­inheritance ­Hair ­his·enemies⁺

and·Princepowr ­doing ­strength :

and·ꜝlet·him·govern ­from·Heeler

and·he·caused·to·be·lost ­escapee ­from·city :

and·he·sees ­°Amalek

and·he·bears ­his·simile ­and·he·says

headmost·of ­clans⁺ ­Amalek

and·his·afterward ­unto ­lost :

and·he·sees ­°the·Stockïte

and·he·bears ­his·simile ­and·he·says

rugged ­your·seat

and·placed ­in·the·clifftop ­your·nest :

but ­rather ­he·is ­to·consume·by·fire ­Stock

unto ­¿what ­Blessed ­she·captures·you :

and·he·bears ­his·simile ­and·he·says

¡woe! ­¿who ­he·lives ­from·his·placing ­powr :

and·boats⁺ ­from·the·hand·of ­Kittïtes⁺

and·they·humiliated⁺ ­Blessed ­and·they·humiliated⁺ ­Across

and·also ­he ­unto ­lost :

and·he·arises ­Devouring-People

and·he·walks ­and·he·returns ­to·his·rising·place

and·also ­Ravager ­he·walked ­to·his·step :


and·he·settles ­Princepowr ­in·the·Paddlewoods⁺

and·he·pierces ­the·people

to·fornicate ­to ­the·daughters⁺·of ­From-Father :

and·they·call⁺ ­to·the·people

to·the·offerings⁺·of ­their·Powers⁺

and·he·eats ­the·people

and·they·prostrate·themselves⁺ ­to·their·Powers⁺ :

and·he·is·coupled ­Princepowr ­to·Master·of ­Gap

and·he·is·scorched ­the·nostrils·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­in·Princepowr :

and·he·says ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to ­Moseh ­ꜝtake ­°all·of ­the·heads⁺·of ­the·people

and·ꜝquarter ­°them ­to·Yʜᴡʜ ­before ­the·sun

and·ꜝlet·him·return ­the·scorching·of ­the·nostrils·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­from·Princepowr :

and·he·says ­Moseh

to ­the·judges⁺·of ­Princepowr

ꜝkill⁺ ­man ­his·mortals⁺

that·are·coupled⁺ ­to·Master·of ­Gap :

and·¡lo! ­man ­from·the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr ­he·entered ­and·he·presents ­to ­his·brothers⁺ ­°the·Vindictivenessïte

to·the·eyes²·of ­Moseh

and·to·the·eyes²·of ­all·of ­the·assembly·of ­the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr

and·they⁺ ­weeping⁺

opening·of ­tent·of ­assembly :

and·he·sees ­Copper-Mouth ­the·son·of ­Powr-Helped

the·son·of ­Aharon ­the·priest

and·he·arises ­from·the·midst·of ­the·assembly

and·he·takes ­spear ­in·his·hand :

and·he·enters ­after ­the·man·of ­Princepowr ­to ­the·stomachtent ­and·he·stabs ­°the·two²·of·them

°the·man·of ­Princepowr

and·°the·woman ­to ­her·stomach

and·she·is·restrained ­the·smiting

from·upon ­the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr :

and·they·are⁺ ­the·dead⁺ ­in·the·smiting

four ­and·twenty⁺ ­thousand :


and·he·speaks ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to ­Moseh ­saying :

Copper-Mouth ­the·son·of ­Powr-Helped ­the·son·of ­Aharon ­the·priest ­he·returned ­°my·heat ­from·upon ­the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr

when·he·is·jealous ­°my·jealousy ­in·their·midst

and ­I·was·not·all·done ­°the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr ­in·my·jealousy :

to·surely ­ꜝsay

¡lo!·me ­giving ­to·him ­°my·covenant ­shalom :

and·she·was ­to·him ­and·to·his·seed ­after⁺·him

covenant·of ­priesthood·of ­eternity

under ­that ­he·was·jealous ­to·his·Powers⁺

and·he·atones ­upon ­the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr :

and·the·name·of ­the·man·of ­Princepowr ­that·is·struck ­that ­he·was·struck ­with ­the·Vindictivenessïte

Musical ­the·son·of ­¬Sallai

wellborn·of ­house·of ­father ­to·the·Heardïte :

and·the·name·of ­the·woman ­that·is·struck ­the·Vindictivenessïte ­Lying ­the·daughter·of ­Rock

head·of ­mamaclans⁺ ­house·of ­father ­in·Vindictiveness ­he :


and·he·speaks ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to ­Moseh ­saying :

rocking ­°the·Vindictivenessïtes⁺

and·you·struck⁺ ­°them :

as ­rockers⁺ ­they⁺ ­to·you⁺

in·their·conspiracies⁺ ­that ­they·conspired⁺ ­to·you⁺ ­upon ­the·speech·of ­Gap

and·upon ­the·speech·of ­Lying ­the·daughter·of ­the·wellborn·of ­Vindictiveness ­their·sister

that·is·struck ­in·the·day·of ­the·smiting ­upon ­the·speech·of ­Gap :

and·he·is ­after⁺ ­the·smiting


and·he·says ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to ­Moseh

and·to ­Powr-Helped ­the·son·of ­Aharon ­the·priest ­saying :

ꜝbear⁺ ­°the·head·of ­all·of ­the·assembly·of ­the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr ­from·son·of ­twenty⁺ ­year ­and➝upward ­to·the·house·of ­their·fathers⁺

all·of ­going ­host ­in·Princepowr :

and·he·speaks ­Moseh ­and·Powr-Helped ­the·priest ­with·them ­in·Arabahs⁺·of ­From-Father

upon ­Descender·of ­Breath ­saying :

from·son·of ­twenty⁺ ­year ­and➝upward

as·how ­he·commanded ­Yʜᴡʜ ­°Moseh ­and·the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr

that·go⁺ ­from·the·land·of ­Egypts² :

See-Son ­the·firstborn·of ­Princepowr

the·sons⁺·of ­See-Son ­Dedicated ­the·family·of ­the·Dedicatedïte

to·Markedout ­the·family·of ­the·¬Palluite :

to·Courtyard ­the·family·of ­the·Courtyardïte

to·Orchardïte ­the·family·of ­the·Orchardïte :

these ­the·families⁺·of ­the·See-Sonïte

and·they·are⁺ ­that·are·reckoned⁺·them ­three ­and·forty⁺ ­thousand

and·seven ­hundred⁺·of ­and·thirty⁺ :

and·the·sons⁺·of ­Markedout ­Powr-of-Father :

and·the·sons⁺·of ­Powr-of-Father

Daying-of-Powr ­and·Dathan ­and·Father-of-Height

he ­Dathan ­and·Father-of-Height ­the·called⁺·of ­the·assembly ­that ­they·strove⁺ ­upon ­Moseh ­and·upon ­Aharon ­in·the·assembly·of ­Baldness

when·they·strive⁺ ­upon ­Yʜᴡʜ :

and·she·opens ­the·land ­°her·mouth ­and·she·devours ­°them ­and·°Baldness ­in·the·death·of ­the·assembly

when·eating ­the·fire ­°fifty⁺ ­and·hundred² ­man

and·they·are⁺ ­to·flag :

and·the·sons⁺·of ­Baldness ­they·did·not·die⁺ :

the·sons⁺·of ­Heard ­to·their·families⁺

to·Daying-of-Powr ­the·family·of ­the·¬Nemuelite

to·Right ­the·family·of ­the·Rightïte

to·He-Assures ­the·family·of ­the·He-Assuresïte :

to·Dawn ­the·family·of ­the·Dawnïte

to·Requested ­the·family·of ­the·¬Shaulite :

these ­the·families⁺·of ­the·Heardïte

two² ­and·twenty⁺ ­thousand ­and·hundred² :

the·sons⁺·of ­Clout ­to·their·families⁺

to·Sentinel ­the·family·of ­the·¬Tsephonite

to·Festive ­the·family·of ­the·Festive

to·Serene ­the·family·of ­the·¬Shunite :

to·My-Ear ­the·family·of ­the·My-Ear

to·Cityïte ­the·family·of ­the·Cityïte :

to·Ramblery ­the·family·of ­the·Rambleryïte


the·family·of ­the·Lionpowrïte :

these ­the·families⁺·of ­the·sons⁺·of ­Clout ­to·that·are·reckoned⁺·them

forty⁺ ­thousand ­and·five·of ­hundred⁺ :

the·sons⁺·of ­Gloryhand ­City ­and·Vital

and·he·dies ­City ­and·Vital ­in·the·land·of ­Cashier :

and·they·are⁺ ­the·sons⁺·of ­Gloryhand ­to·their·families⁺

to·Request ­the·family·of ­the·Requestïte

to·Rupture ­the·family·of ­the·¬Partsite

to·Dawn ­the·family·of ­the·Dawnïte :

and·they·are⁺ ­the·sons⁺·of ­Rupture

to·Courtyard ­the·family·of ­the·Courtyardïte

to·Pitied ­the·family·of ­the·¬Hamulites :

these ­the·families⁺·of ­Gloryhand ­to·that·are·reckoned⁺·them

six ­and·seventy⁺ ­thousand ­and·five·of ­hundred⁺ :

the·sons⁺·of ­He-Is-Hire ­to·their·families⁺

Fangworm ­the·family·of ­the·Fangwormïte

to·Edger ­the·family·of ­the·¬Punite :

to·Returns ­the·family·of ­the·Returnïte

to·Watching ­the·family·of ­the·Watchingïte :

these ­the·families⁺·of ­He-Is-Hire ­to·that·are·reckoned⁺·them

four ­and·sixty⁺ ­thousand ­and·three·of ­hundred⁺ :

the·sons⁺·of ­Residence ­to·their·families⁺

to·Sered ­the·family·of ­the·Seredïte

to·Powrtree ­the·family·of ­the·¬Elonite


the·family·of ­the·¬Jachleelite :

these ­the·families⁺·of ­the·Residenceïte ­to·that·are·reckoned⁺·them

sixty⁺ ­thousand ­and·five·of ­hundred⁺ :

the·sons⁺·of ­He-Adds ­to·their·families⁺

Frustration ­and·Fruits² :

the·sons⁺·of ­Frustration ­to·Seller ­the·family·of ­the·¬the·Machirites

and·Seller ­he·bechilded ­°Roll-of-Witness

to·Roll-of-Witness ­the·family·of ­the·Roll-of-Witnessïte :

these ­the·sons⁺·of ­Roll-of-Witness

¬Jeezer ­the·family·of ­the·¬an·Iezrite

to·Dividend ­the·family·of ­the·Dividendïte :


the·family·of ­the·Blest-of-Powrïte

and·Yoke ­the·family·of ­the·Yokeïte :

and·Name-Knows ­the·family·of ­the·Nameknowsïte

and·Digging ­the·family·of ­the·Diggingïte :

and·Tzalaf-One ­the·son·of ­Digging ­they·were·not⁺ ­to·him ­sons⁺ ­but ­rather ­daughters⁺

and·the·name·of ­the·daughters⁺·of ­Tzalaf-One

Pierced ­and·Rattle

Partridge ­Queen ­and·Favored :

these ­the·families⁺·of ­Frustration


two² ­and·fifty⁺ ­thousand ­and·seven ­hundred⁺ :

these ­the·sons⁺·of ­Fruits² ­to·their·families⁺

to·Roar-of-Telach ­the·family·of ­the·¬Shuthalchite

to·First ­the·family·of ­the·Firstïte

to·Camp ­the·family·of ­the·Campïte :

and·these ­the·sons⁺·of ­Roar-of-Telach

to·Citizen ­the·family·of ­the·Citizenïte :

these ­the·families⁺·of ­the·sons⁺·of ­Fruits² ­to·that·are·reckoned⁺·them

two² ­and·thirty⁺ ­thousand ­and·five·of ­hundred⁺

these ­the·sons⁺·of ­He-Adds ­to·their·families⁺ :

the·sons⁺·of ­Son-of-Right ­to·their·families⁺

to·Devourment ­the·family·of ­the·Devourmentïte

to·Shooting ­the·family·of ­the·Shootingïte

to·High-Brother ­the·family·of ­the·Highbrotherïte :

to·Bruisersnake ­the·family·of ­the·Bruisersnakeïte

to·Shroudy ­the·family·of ­the·Shroudyïte :

and·they·are⁺ ­the·sons⁺·of ­Devourment ­Rambler ­and·Amiability

the·family·of ­the·Ramblerïte


the·family·of ­the·Amiableïte :

these ­the·sons⁺·of ­Son-of-Right ­to·their·families⁺


five ­and·forty⁺ ­thousand ­and·six·of ­hundred⁺ :

these ­the·sons⁺·of ­Vindicator ­to·their·families⁺

to·Pitly ­the·family·of ­the·Pitlyïte

these ­the·families⁺·of ­Vindicator ­to·their·families⁺ :

all·of ­the·families⁺·of ­the·Pitlyïte ­to·that·are·reckoned⁺·them

four ­and·sixty⁺ ­thousand ­and·four·of ­hundred⁺ :

the·sons⁺·of ­Blessed ­to·their·families⁺

to·Right ­the·family·of ­the·Right

to·Level ­the·family·of ­the·Levelïte

to·In-Badness ­the·family·of ­the·¬Beriite :

to·the·sons⁺·of ­In-Badness

to·Alliance ­the·family·of ­the·Allianceïte


the·family·of ­the·King-of-Powrïte :

and·the·name·of ­the·daughter·of ­Blessed ­Dangling :

these ­the·families⁺·of ­the·sons⁺·of ­Blessed ­to·that·are·reckoned⁺·them

three ­and·fifty⁺ ­thousand ­and·four·of ­hundred⁺ :

the·sons⁺·of ­Knot ­to·their·families⁺


the·family·of ­the·¬Jachtseelite

to·Guarden ­the·family·of ­the·Guardenïte :

to·Form·of ­the·family·of ­the·Formïte

to·Shalom-Making ­the·family·of ­the·Myshalomïte :

these ­the·families⁺·of ­Knot ­to·their·families⁺


five ­and·forty⁺ ­thousand ­and·four·of ­hundred⁺ :

these ­the·reckoned⁺·of ­the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr

six·of ­hundred⁺·of ­thousand ­and·thousand

seven ­hundred⁺ ­and·thirty⁺ :


and·he·speaks ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to ­Moseh ­saying :

to·these ­she·is·divided ­the·land ­in·derivation ­in·count·of ­names⁺ :

to·the·much ­you·multiply ­his·derivation

and·to·the·little ­you·make·little ­his·derivation

man ­to·mouth·of ­that·are·reckoned⁺·him

he·is·given ­his·derivation :

surely ­in·lot ­he·is·divided ­°the·land

to·the·names⁺·of ­the·branches⁺·of ­their·fathers⁺ ­they·derive⁺ :

upon ­the·mouth·of ­the·lot

she·is·divided ­his·derivation

between ­much ­to·little :

and·these ­the·reckoned⁺·of ­the·Debtorïte ­to·their·families⁺

to·Driven ­the·family·of ­the·Drivenïte

to·Associate ­the·family·of ­the·Associateïte

to·Bitterness ­the·family·of ­the·Bitternessïte :

these ­the·families⁺·of ­Debtor ­the·family·of ­the·Whiteïte ­the·family·of ­the·Allianceïte ­the·family·of ­the·Piercedïte ­the·family·of ­the·Budgeïte

the·family·of ­the·Baldnessïte

and·Associate ­he·bechilded ­°People-High :

and·the·name·of ­the·woman·of ­People-High ­Yᴡ-Makes-Weighty ­the·daughter·of ­Debtor

that ­she·enchilded ­°her ­to·Debtor ­in·Egypts²

and·she·enchilds ­to·People-High ­°Aharon ­and·°Moseh

and·°Bitterness ­their·sister :

and·he·is·enchilded ­to·Aharon

°Noble ­and·°Father-of-Him

°Powr-Helped ­and·°Island-of-Palm :

and·he·dies ­Noble ­and·Father-of-Him

when·they·present⁺ ­fire ­stranger ­to·the·face⁺·of ­Yʜᴡʜ :

and·they·are⁺ ­that·are·reckoned⁺·them ­three ­and·twenty⁺ ­thousand

all ­membered ­from·son·of ­new·moon ­and➝upward

as ­they·were·not·reckoned⁺ ­in·the·midst·of ­the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr

as ­he·was·not·given ­to·them ­derivation

in·the·midst·of ­the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr :

these ­the·reckoned⁺·of ­Moseh

and·Powr-Helped ­the·priest

that ­they·reckoned⁺ ­°the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr ­in·Arabahs⁺·of ­From-Father

upon ­Descender·of ­Breath :

and·in·these ­he·was·not ­man

from·the·reckoned⁺·of ­Moseh

and·Aharon ­the·priest

that ­they·reckoned⁺ ­°the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr ­in·the·outspeak·of ­Syny :

as ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to·them

dying ­they·die⁺ ­in·the·outspeak

and ­he·did·not·remain ­from·them ­man

but ­rather ­Dog ­the·son·of ­He-Faces

and·Yʜᴡ-Saved ­the·son·of ­Issuer :

and·they·are·present⁺ ­the·daughters⁺·of ­Tzalaf-One ­the·son·of ­Digging ­the·son·of ­Roll-of-Witness ­the·son·of ­Seller ­the·son·of ­Frustration

to·the·families⁺·of ­Frustration ­the·son·of ­He-Adds

and·these ­the·names⁺·of ­his·daughters⁺

Pierced ­Rattle

and·Partridge ­and·Queen ­and·Favored :

and·they·stand⁺ ­to·the·face⁺·of ­Moseh ­and·to·the·face⁺·of ­Powr-Helped ­the·priest

and·to·the·face⁺·of ­the·wellborns⁺ ­and·all·of ­the·assembly

opening·of ­tent·of ­assembly ­saying :

our·father ­he·died ­in·the·outspeak

and·he ­he·was·not ­in·the·midst·of ­the·assembly ­that·assemble·themselves⁺ ­upon ­Yʜᴡʜ ­in·the·assembly·of ­Baldness

as ­in·his·sin ­he·died

and·sons⁺ ­they·were·not⁺ ­to·him :

to·¿what ­he·is·diminished ­the·name·of ­our·father ­from·the·midst·of ­his·family

as ­there·is·ńot ­to·him ­son

ꜝgive! ­to·us ­freehold

in·the·midst·of ­the·brothers⁺·of ­our·father :

and·he·presents ­Moseh ­°their·judgment ­to·the·face⁺·of ­Yʜᴡʜ :

and·he·says ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to ­Moseh ­saying :

sure ­the·daughters⁺·of ­Tzalaf-One ­speakers⁺

giving ­you·give ­to·them ­freehold·of ­derivation

in·the·midst·of ­the·brothers⁺·of ­their·father

and·you·made·cross·by ­°the·derivation·of ­their·father ­to·them :

and·to ­the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr ­you·speak ­saying

man ­as ­he·dies ­and·son ­there·is·ńot ­to·him

and·you·made·cross·by⁺ ­°his·derivation ­to·his·daughter :

and·if ­there·is·ńot ­to·him ­daughter

and·you·gave⁺ ­°his·derivation ­to·his·brothers⁺ :

and·if ­there·is·ńot ­to·him ­brothers⁺

and·you·gave⁺ ­°his·derivation ­to·the·brothers⁺·of ­his·father :

and·if ­there·is·ńot ­brothers⁺ ­to·his·father

and·you·gave⁺ ­°his·derivation ­to·his·meat ­the·present ­to·him ­from·his·family ­and·he·inherited ­°her

and·she·was ­to·the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr ­to·prescription·of ­judgment

as·how ­he·commanded ­Yʜᴡʜ ­°Moseh :

and·he·says ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to ­Moseh

go·up ­to ­the·mount·of ­the·Regions·Across⁺ ­this

and·ꜝsee ­°the·land

that ­I·gave ­to·the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr :

and·you·saw ­°her

and·you·were·gathered ­to ­your·people⁺ ­also ­you

as·how ­he·was·gathered ­Aharon ­your·brother :

as·how ­you·were·bitter⁺ ­my·mouth ­in·the·outspeak·of ­Tzin ­in·the·arguing·of ­the·assembly

to·make·me·sacred ­in·the·waters⁺ ­to·their·eyes²

they⁺ ­the·waters⁺·of ­Arguing·of ­Sanctuary ­the·outspeak·of ­Tzin :


and·he·speaks ­Moseh

to ­Yʜᴡʜ ­saying :

he·reckons ­Yʜᴡʜ

Powers⁺·of ­the·breaths⁺ ­to·all·of ­flesh

man ­upon ­the·assembly :

that ­he·goes ­to·their·face⁺ ­and·that ­he·enters ­to·their·face⁺

and·that ­he·lets·them·go ­and·that ­he·brings·them·in

and ­she·is·not ­the·assembly·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

as·the·sheep ­that ­there·is·ńot ­to·them ­tendent :

and·he·says ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to ­Moseh ­ꜝtake ­to·you ­°Yʜᴡ-Saved ­the·son·of ­Issuer

man ­that ­breath ­in·him

and·you·propped·up ­°your·hand ­upon·him :

and·you·caused·to·stand ­°him ­to·the·face⁺·of ­Powr-Helped ­the·priest

and·to·the·face⁺·of ­all·of ­the·assembly

and·you·commanded ­°him ­to·their·eyes² :

and·you·gave ­from·your·splendor ­upon·him

because·of ­ꜝlet·them·hear⁺

all·of ­the·assembly·of ­the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr :

and·to·the·face⁺·of ­Powr-Helped ­the·priest ­he·stands

and·he·requested ­to·him ­in·the·judgment·of ­the·Lights⁺ ­to·the·face⁺·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

upon ­his·mouth ­they·go⁺ ­and·upon ­his·mouth ­they·enter⁺ ­he ­and·all·of ­the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr ­with·him ­and·all·of ­the·assembly :

and·he·does ­Moseh

as·how ­he·commanded ­Yʜᴡʜ ­°him

and·he·takes ­°Yʜᴡ-Saved ­and·he·causes·him·to·stand ­to·the·face⁺·of ­Powr-Helped ­the·priest

and·to·the·face⁺·of ­all·of ­the·assembly :

and·he·props·up ­°his·hands² ­upon·him ­and·he·commands·him

as·how ­he·spoke ­Yʜᴡʜ ­in·the·hand·of ­Moseh :


and·he·speaks ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to ­Moseh ­saying :

ꜝcommand ­°the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr

and·you·said ­to·them

°my·present ­my·bread ­to·my·fire-offerings⁺ ­the·breath·of ­my·peace

you·watch⁺ ­to·present ­to·me ­in·his·assembly·time :

and·you·said ­to·them

this ­the·fire-offering

that ­you·present⁺ ­to·Yʜᴡʜ

lambs⁺ ­sons⁺·of ­year ­complete⁺ ­two² ­to·the·day ­upward·offering ­always :

°the·lamb ­one ­you·do ­in·the·dayplow

and·°the·lamb ­the·second

you·do ­between ­the·evenings² :

and·the·tenth·of ­the·bucket ­flour ­to·tribute

mixed ­in·oil·of ­finely·beaten ­the·fourth·of ­the·hin :

upward·offering·of ­always

that·is·done ­in·the·mount·of ­Syny

to·breath·of ­peace

fire-offering ­to·Yʜᴡʜ :

and·his·libation ­the·fourth·of ­the·hin

to·the·lamb ­one

in·the·Sanctuary ­libating·out ­libation·of ­strong·drink ­to·Yʜᴡʜ :

and·°the·lamb ­the·second

you·do ­between ­the·evenings²

as·the·tribute·of ­the·dayplow ­and·as·his·libation ­you·do

fire-offering·of ­breath·of ­peace ­to·Yʜᴡʜ :


and·in·the·day·of ­the·rest

two²·of ­lambs⁺ ­sons⁺·of ­year ­complete⁺

and·two²·of ­tenths⁺ ­flour ­tribute ­mixed ­in·the·oil ­and·his·libation :

the·upward·offering·of ­the·rest ­in·his·rest

upon ­the·upward·offering·of ­the·always ­and·her·libation :

and·in·the·heads⁺·of ­your⁺·new·moons⁺

you·present⁺ ­upward·offering ­to·Yʜᴡʜ

cows⁺ ­sons⁺·of ­plowcattle ­two² ­and·powrram ­one

lambs⁺ ­sons⁺·of ­year ­seven ­complete⁺ :

and·three ­tenths⁺ ­flour ­tribute ­mixed ­in·the·oil

to·the·cow ­one

and·two²·of ­tenths⁺ ­flour ­tribute ­mixed ­in·the·oil

to·the·powrram ­one :

and·a·tenth ­a·tenth·of ­flour ­tribute ­mixed ­in·the·oil

to·the·lamb ­one

upward·offering ­breath·of ­peace

fire-offering ­to·Yʜᴡʜ :

and·their·libations⁺ ­the·half·of ­the·hin ­he·is ­to·the·cow ­and·the·third·of ­the·hin ­to·the·powrram ­and·the·fourth·of ­the·hin ­to·the·lamb ­wine

this ­upward·offering·of ­new·moon ­in·his·new·moon

to·the·new·moons⁺·of ­the·year :

and·hairgoat·of ­mightygoats⁺ ­one ­to·sin ­to·Yʜᴡʜ

upon ­the·upward·offering·of ­the·always ­he·is·done ­and·his·libation :

and·in·the·new·moon ­the·headmost ­in·four ­and·ten ­day ­to·the·new·moon

Hopover ­to·Yʜᴡʜ :

and·in·five ­and·ten ­day ­to·the·new·moon ­this ­feast

seven·of ­days⁺

matzahs⁺ ­he·is·eaten :

in·the·day ­the·headmost ­called·gathering·of ­sanctuary

all·of ­ministry·of ­service ­you·do·not·do⁺ :

and·you·presented⁺ ­fire-offering ­upward·offering ­to·Yʜᴡʜ

cows⁺ ­sons⁺·of ­plowcattle ­two² ­and·powrram ­one

and·seven ­lambs⁺ ­sons⁺·of ­year

complete⁺ ­they·are⁺ ­to·you⁺ :


flour ­mixed ­in·the·oil

three ­tenths⁺ ­to·the·cow ­and·two²·of ­tenths⁺ ­to·the·powrram ­you·do⁺ :

a·tenth ­a·tenth ­you·do

to·the·lamb ­one

to·the·seven·of ­the·lambs⁺ :

and·hairgoat·of ­sin ­one

to·atone ­upon·you⁺ :

from·aloneside ­the·upward·offering·of ­the·dayplow

that ­to·the·upward·offering·of ­the·always

you·do⁺ ­°these :

as·these ­you·do⁺ ­to·the·day ­seven·of ­days⁺

bread·of ­fire-offering·of ­breath·of ­peace ­to·Yʜᴡʜ

upon ­the·upward·offering·of ­the·always ­he·is·done ­and·his·libation :

and·in·the·day ­the·seventh

called·gathering·of ­sanctuary ­he·is ­to·you⁺

all·of ­ministry·of ­service ­you·do·not·do⁺ :

and·in·the·day·of ­the·firstfruits⁺ ­when·you·present⁺ ­tribute ­new ­to·Yʜᴡʜ


called·gathering·of ­sanctuary ­he·is ­to·you⁺

all·of ­ministry·of ­service ­you·do·not·do⁺ :

and·you·presented⁺ ­upward·offering ­to·breath·of ­peace ­to·Yʜᴡʜ

cows⁺ ­sons⁺·of ­plowcattle ­two² ­powrram ­one

seven ­lambs⁺ ­sons⁺·of ­year :


flour ­mixed ­in·the·oil

three ­tenths⁺ ­to·the·cow ­one

two²·of ­tenths⁺

to·the·powrram ­one :

a·tenth ­a·tenth

to·the·lamb ­one

to·the·seven·of ­the·lambs⁺ :

hairgoat·of ­mightygoats⁺ ­one

to·atone ­upon·you⁺ :

from·aloneside ­the·upward·offering·of ­the·always ­and·his·tribute ­you·do⁺

complete⁺ ­they·are⁺ ­to·you⁺ ­and·their·libations⁺ :


and·in·the·new·moon ­the·seventh ­in·one ­to·the·new·moon ­called·gathering·of ­sanctuary ­he·is ­to·you⁺

all·of ­ministry·of ­service ­you·do·not·do⁺

day·of ­cheer ­he·is ­to·you⁺ :

and·you·did⁺ ­upward·offering ­to·breath·of ­peace ­to·Yʜᴡʜ

cow ­son·of ­plowcattle ­one ­powrram ­one

lambs⁺ ­sons⁺·of ­year ­seven ­complete⁺ :


flour ­mixed ­in·the·oil

three ­tenths⁺ ­to·the·cow

two²·of ­tenths⁺ ­to·the·powrram :

and·a·tenth ­one

to·the·lamb ­one

to·the·seven·of ­the·lambs⁺ :

and·hairgoat·of ­mightygoats⁺ ­one ­sin

to·atone ­upon·you⁺ :

from·aloneside ­the·upward·offering·of ­the·new·moon ­and·her·tribute ­and·the·upward·offering·of ­the·always ­and·her·tribute

and·their·libations⁺ ­as·their·judgment

to·breath·of ­peace

fire-offering ­to·Yʜᴡʜ :

and·in·the·tenth ­to·the·new·moon ­the·seventh ­this ­called·gathering·of ­sanctuary ­he·is ­to·you⁺

and·you·humiliated⁺ ­°your⁺·souls⁺

all·of ­ministry ­you·do·not·do⁺ :

and·you·presented⁺ ­upward·offering ­to·Yʜᴡʜ ­breath·of ­peace

cow ­son·of ­plowcattle ­one ­powrram ­one

lambs⁺ ­sons⁺·of ­year ­seven

complete⁺ ­they·are⁺ ­to·you⁺ :


flour ­mixed ­in·the·oil

three ­tenths⁺ ­to·the·cow

two²·of ­tenths⁺

to·the·powrram ­one :

a·tenth ­a·tenth

to·the·lamb ­one

to·the·seven·of ­the·lambs⁺ :

hairgoat·of ­mightygoats⁺ ­one ­sin

from·aloneside ­the·sin·of ­the·atonements⁺ ­and·the·upward·offering·of ­the·always

and·her·tribute ­and·their·libations⁺ :


and·in·five ­and·ten ­day ­to·the·new·moon ­the·seventh ­called·gathering·of ­sanctuary ­he·is ­to·you⁺

all·of ­ministry·of ­service ­you·do·not·do⁺

and·you·feasted⁺ ­feast ­to·Yʜᴡʜ ­seven·of ­days⁺ :

and·you·presented⁺ ­upward·offering ­fire-offering·of ­breath·of ­peace ­to·Yʜᴡʜ

cows⁺ ­sons⁺·of ­plowcattle ­three ­and·ten ­powrrams⁺ ­two²

lambs⁺ ­sons⁺·of ­year ­four ­and·ten ­complete⁺ ­they·are⁺ :


flour ­mixed ­in·the·oil

three ­tenths⁺ ­to·the·cow ­one ­to·three ­and·ten·of ­cows⁺

two²·of ­tenths⁺ ­to·the·powrram ­one

to·the·two²·of ­the·powrrams⁺ :

and·a·tenth ­a·tenth

to·the·lamb ­one

to·four ­and·ten·of ­lambs⁺ :

and·hairgoat·of ­mightygoats⁺ ­one ­sin

from·aloneside ­the·upward·offering·of ­the·always

her·tribute ­and·her·libation :

and·in·the·day ­the·second ­cows⁺ ­sons⁺·of ­plowcattle ­two² ­and·ten ­powrrams⁺ ­two²

lambs⁺ ­sons⁺·of ­year ­four ­and·ten ­complete⁺ :

and·their·tribute ­and·their·libations⁺ ­to·the·cows⁺ ­to·the·powrrams⁺ ­and·to·the·lambs⁺ ­in·their·count ­as·the·judgment :

and·hairgoat·of ­mightygoats⁺ ­one ­sin

from·aloneside ­the·upward·offering·of ­the·always

and·her·tribute ­and·their·libations⁺ :

and·in·the·day ­the·third ­cows⁺ ­øne ­and·ten ­powrrams⁺ ­two²

lambs⁺ ­sons⁺·of ­year ­four ­and·ten ­complete⁺ :

and·their·tribute ­and·their·libations⁺ ­to·the·cows⁺ ­to·the·powrrams⁺ ­and·to·the·lambs⁺ ­in·their·count ­as·the·judgment :

and·hairgoat·of ­sin ­one

from·aloneside ­the·upward·offering·of ­the·always

and·her·tribute ­and·her·libation :

and·in·the·day ­the·fourth ­cows⁺ ­ten ­powrrams⁺ ­two²

lambs⁺ ­sons⁺·of ­year ­four ­and·ten ­complete⁺ :

their·tribute ­and·their·libations⁺ ­to·the·cows⁺ ­to·the·powrrams⁺ ­and·to·the·lambs⁺ ­in·their·count ­as·the·judgment :

and·hairgoat·of ­mightygoats⁺ ­one ­sin

from·aloneside ­the·upward·offering·of ­the·always

her·tribute ­and·her·libation :

and·in·the·day ­the·fifth ­cows⁺ ­nine ­powrrams⁺ ­two²

lambs⁺ ­sons⁺·of ­year ­four ­and·ten ­complete⁺ :

and·their·tribute ­and·their·libations⁺ ­to·the·cows⁺ ­to·the·powrrams⁺ ­and·to·the·lambs⁺ ­in·their·count ­as·the·judgment :

and·hairgoat·of ­sin ­one

from·aloneside ­the·upward·offering·of ­the·always

and·her·tribute ­and·her·libation :

and·in·the·day ­the·sixth ­cows⁺ ­eight ­powrrams⁺ ­two²

lambs⁺ ­sons⁺·of ­year ­four ­and·ten ­complete⁺ :

and·their·tribute ­and·their·libations⁺ ­to·the·cows⁺ ­to·the·powrrams⁺ ­and·to·the·lambs⁺ ­in·their·count ­as·the·judgment :

and·hairgoat·of ­sin ­one

from·aloneside ­the·upward·offering·of ­the·always

her·tribute ­and·her·libations⁺ :


and·in·the·day ­the·seventh ­cows⁺ ­seven ­powrrams⁺ ­two²

lambs⁺ ­sons⁺·of ­year ­four ­and·ten ­complete⁺ :

and·their·tribute ­and·their·libations⁺ ­to·the·cows⁺ ­to·the·powrrams⁺ ­and·to·the·lambs⁺ ­in·their·count ­as·their·judgment :

and·hairgoat·of ­sin ­one

from·aloneside ­the·upward·offering·of ­the·always

her·tribute ­and·her·libation :


in·the·day ­the·eighth

constrained-assembly ­she·is ­to·you⁺

all·of ­ministry·of ­service ­you·do·not·do⁺ :

and·you·presented⁺ ­upward·offering ­fire-offering·of ­breath·of ­peace ­to·Yʜᴡʜ

cow ­one ­powrram ­one

lambs⁺ ­sons⁺·of ­year ­seven ­complete⁺ :

their·tribute ­and·their·libations⁺ ­to·the·cow ­to·the·powrram ­and·to·the·lambs⁺ ­in·their·count ­as·the·judgment :

and·hairgoat·of ­sin ­one

from·aloneside ­the·upward·offering·of ­the·always

and·her·tribute ­and·her·libation :

these ­you·do⁺ ­to·Yʜᴡʜ ­in·your⁺·assemblies⁺

aloneside ­from·your⁺·vows⁺ ­and·your⁺·noble·offerings⁺ ­to·your⁺·upward·offerings⁺ ­and·to·your⁺·tributes⁺

and·to·your⁺·libations⁺ ­and·to·your⁺·shaloms⁺ :

and·he·says ­Moseh ­to ­the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr

as·all ­that ­he·commanded ­Yʜᴡʜ ­°Moseh :


and·he·speaks ­Moseh ­to ­the·heads⁺·of ­the·branches⁺

to·the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr ­saying

this ­the·speech

that ­he·commanded ­Yʜᴡʜ :

man ­as ­he·vows ­vow ­to·Yʜᴡʜ ­or ­vowing·seven ­seven ­to·chain ­enchainment ­upon ­his·soul

he·does·not·pierce ­his·speech

as·all·of ­that·goes ­from·his·mouth ­he·does :

and·woman ­as ­she·vows ­vow ­to·Yʜᴡʜ

and·she·chained ­enchainment ­in·the·house·of ­her·father ­in·her·youth⁺ :

and·he·heard ­her·father ­°her·vow ­and·her·enchainment ­that ­she·chained ­upon ­her·soul

and·he·crafted·silence ­to·her ­her·father

and·they·arose⁺ ­all·of ­her·vows⁺

and·all·of ­enchainment ­that ­she·chained ­upon ­her·soul ­he·arises :

and·if ­he·negated ­her·father ­°her ­in·the·day·of ­his·hearing

all·of ­her·vows⁺ ­and·her·enchainments⁺ ­that ­she·chained ­upon ­her·soul ­he·does·not·arise

and·Yʜᴡʜ ­he·pardons ­to·her

as ­he·negated ­her·father ­°her :

and·if ­being ­she·is ­to·man

and·her·vows⁺ ­upon·her

or ­the·blurting·of ­her·lips²

that ­she·chained ­upon ­her·soul :

and·he·heard ­her·man ­in·the·day·of ­his·hearing ­and·he·crafted·silence ­to·her

and·they·arose⁺ ­her·vows⁺ ­and·her·enchainments⁺ ­that ­she·chained ­upon ­her·soul ­they·arise⁺ :

and·if ­in·the·day·of ­hearing ­her·man ­he·negates ­°her

and·he·scuttled ­°her·vow ­that ­upon·her

and·°the·blurting·of ­her·lips²

that ­she·chained ­upon ­her·soul

and·Yʜᴡʜ ­he·pardons ­to·her :

and·vow·of ­widow ­and·driven·off

all ­that ­she·chained ­upon ­her·soul ­he·arises ­upon·her :

and·if ­the·house·of ­her·man ­she·vowed

or ­she·chained ­enchainment ­upon ­her·soul ­in·seven :

and·he·heard ­her·man ­and·he·crafted·silence ­to·her

he·did·not·negate ­°her

and·they·arose⁺ ­all·of ­her·vows⁺

and·all·of ­enchainment ­that ­she·chained ­upon ­her·soul ­he·arises :

and·if ­scuttling ­he·scuttles ­°them ­her·man ­in·the·day·of ­his·hearing

all·of ­the·going·of ­her·lips² ­to·her·vows⁺ ­and·to·the·enchainment·of ­her·soul ­he·does·not·arise

her·man ­he·scuttled·them

and·Yʜᴡʜ ­he·pardons ­to·her :

all·of ­vow ­and·all·of ­seven·of ­enchainment ­to·humiliate ­soul

her·man ­he·raises·him ­and·her·man ­he·scuttles·him :

and·if ­crafting·silence ­he·crafts·silence ­to·her ­her·man ­from·day ­to ­day

and·he·raised ­°all·of ­her·vows⁺

or ­°all·of ­her·enchainments⁺ ­that ­upon·her

he·raised ­°them

as ­he·crafted·silence ­to·her ­in·the·day·of ­his·hearing :

and·if ­scuttling ­he·scuttles ­°them ­after⁺ ­his·hearing

and·he·bore ­°her·guilt :

these ­the·prescriptions⁺ ­that ­he·commanded ­Yʜᴡʜ ­°Moseh

between ­man ­to·his·woman

between ­father ­to·his·daughter

in·her·youth⁺ ­the·house·of ­her·father :


and·he·speaks ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to ­Moseh ­saying :

ꜝavenge ­the·vengeance·of ­the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr

from·with ­the·Vindictivenessïtes⁺

after ­you·are·gathered ­to ­your·people⁺ :

and·he·speaks ­Moseh ­to ­the·people ­saying

ꜝbe·dressed·up ­from·with·you⁺ ­mortals⁺ ­to·the·host

and·they·are⁺ ­upon ­Vindictiveness

to·give ­the·vengeance·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­in·Vindictiveness :

thousand ­to·the·branch

thousand ­to·the·branch

to·all·of ­the·branches⁺·of ­Princepowr

you·send⁺ ­to·the·host :

and·they·are·rendered⁺ ­from·the·thousands⁺·of ­Princepowr

thousand ­to·the·branch

two² ­and·ten ­thousand ­dressed⁺·of ­host :

and·he·sends ­°them ­Moseh ­thousand ­to·the·branch ­to·the·host

°them ­and·°Copper-Mouth ­the·son·of ­Powr-Helped ­the·priest ­to·the·host

and·the·things⁺·of ­the·sanctuary ­and·the·trumpets⁺·of ­the·cheer ­in·his·hand :

and·they·host·together ­upon ­Vindictiveness

as·how ­he·commanded ­Yʜᴡʜ ­°Moseh

and·they·kill⁺ ­all ­membered :

and·°the·kings⁺·of ­Vindictiveness ­they·killed⁺ ­upon ­their·pierced⁺ ­°Yearning ­and·°¬Rekem ­and·°Rock ­and·°Brilliant ­and·°¬Reba·of

the·five·of ­the·kings⁺·of ­Vindictiveness

and·°Devouring-People ­the·son·of ­Consuming

they·killed⁺ ­in·the·sword :

and·they·capture⁺ ­the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr ­°the·women⁺·of ­Vindictiveness ­and·°their·toddlers

and·°all·of ­their·beast ­and·°all·of ­their·stock ­and·°all·of ­their·strength ­they·spoiled⁺ :

and·°all·of ­their·cities⁺ ­in·their·seats⁺

and·°all·of ­their·colonnades⁺

they·burned⁺ ­in·the·fire :

and·they·take⁺ ­°all·of ­the·plunder

and·°all·of ­the·taken

in·the·adam ­and·in·the·beast :

and·they·bring·in⁺ ­to ­Moseh ­and·to ­Powr-Helped ­the·priest ­and·to ­the·assembly·of ­the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr ­°the·captivity ­and·°the·taken ­and·°the·plunder ­to ­the·camp

to ­Arabahs⁺·of ­From-Father

that ­upon ­Descender·of ­Breath :

and·they·go⁺ ­Moseh ­and·Powr-Helped ­the·priest ­and·all·of ­the·wellborns⁺·of ­the·assembly ­to·call·on·them

to ­from·the·exterior ­to·the·camp :

and·he·is·angry ­Moseh

upon ­the·reckoned⁺·of ­the·strength

the·princes⁺·of ­the·thousands⁺ ­and·the·princes⁺·of ­the·hundred⁺

that·enter⁺ ­from·the·host·of ­the·battle :

and·he·says ­to·them ­Moseh

¿you·kept·alive⁺ ­all ­punctured :

¡lo! ­they⁺ ­they·were⁺ ­to·the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr ­in·the·speech·of ­Devouring-People

to·render ­disguisal ­in·Yʜᴡʜ ­upon ­the·speech·of ­Gap

and·she·is ­the·smiting ­in·the·assembly·of ­Yʜᴡʜ :

and·now ­ꜝkill⁺ ­all ­membered ­in·the·toddlers

and·all·of ­woman ­knowing ­man ­to·bed·of ­membered ­ꜝkill⁺ :

and·all·of ­the·toddlers ­in·the·women⁺

that ­they·did·not·know⁺ ­bed·of ­membered

keep·alive⁺ ­to·you⁺ :

and·you⁺ ­ꜝcamp⁺ ­from·the·exterior ­to·the·camp ­seven·of ­days⁺

all ­killing ­soul ­and·all ­touching ­in·the·pierced ­you·make·yourselves·sinless⁺ ­in·the·day ­the·third ­and·in·the·day ­the·seventh

you⁺ ­and·your⁺·captivity :

and·all·of ­covering ­and·all·of ­thing·of ­bareskin ­and·all·of ­doing·of ­mightygoats⁺ ­and·all·of ­thing·of ­tree

you·make·yourselves·sinless⁺ :

and·he·says ­Powr-Helped ­the·priest ­to ­the·mortals⁺·of ­the·host

that·enter⁺ ­to·the·battle

this ­the·prescription·of ­the·torah

that ­he·commanded ­Yʜᴡʜ ­°Moseh :

surely ­°the·gold ­and·°the·silver

°the·copper ­°the·iron

°the·separating-metal ­and·°the·dustylead :

all·of ­speech ­that ­he·enters ­in·the·fire ­you·make·cross·by⁺ ­in·the·fire ­and·he·was·pure

surely ­in·waters⁺·of ­retreatment ­he·makes·himself·sinless

and·all ­that ­he·does·not·enter ­in·the·fire ­you·make·cross·by⁺ ­in·the·waters⁺ :

and·you·washed⁺ ­your⁺·coverings⁺ ­in·the·day ­the·seventh ­and·you·were·pure⁺

and·after ­you·enter⁺ ­to ­the·camp :


and·he·says ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to ­Moseh ­saying :

ꜝbear ­°the·head·of ­the·taken·of ­the·captivity

in·the·adam ­and·in·the·beast

you ­and·Powr-Helped ­the·priest

and·the·heads⁺·of ­the·fathers⁺·of ­the·assembly :

and·you·halved ­°the·taken

between ­the·clenchers⁺·of ­the·battle

that·go⁺ ­to·the·host

and·between ­all·of ­the·assembly :

and·you·heightened ­levy ­to·Yʜᴡʜ ­from·with ­the·mortals⁺·of ­the·battle ­that·go⁺ ­to·the·host

one ­soul

from·the·five·of ­the·hundred⁺

from ­the·adam ­and·from ­the·plowcattle

and·from ­the·donkeys⁺ ­and·from ­the·sheep :

from·their·half ­you·take⁺

and·you·gave ­to·Powr-Helped ­the·priest ­the·high·offering·of ­Yʜᴡʜ :

and·from·the·half·of ­the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr ­you·take ­one ­held ­from ­the·fifty⁺ ­from ­the·adam ­from ­the·plowcattle ­from ­the·donkeys⁺ ­and·from ­the·sheep ­from·all·of ­the·beast

and·you·gave ­°them ­to·the·Debtorïtes⁺

the·watching⁺·of ­the·watch·of ­the·dwelling·place·of ­Yʜᴡʜ :

and·he·does ­Moseh

and·Powr-Helped ­the·priest

as·how ­he·commanded ­Yʜᴡʜ ­°Moseh :

and·he·is ­the·taken

the·remainder·of ­the·spoil

that ­they·spoiled⁺ ­the·people·of ­the·host

sheep ­six·of ­hundred⁺ ­thousand ­and·seventy⁺ ­thousand ­and·five·of ­thousands⁺ :

and·plowcattle ­two² ­and·seventy⁺ ­thousand :

and·donkeys⁺ ­one ­and·sixty⁺ ­thousand :

and·soul·of ­adam

from ­the·women⁺

that ­they·did·not·know⁺ ­bed·of ­membered

all·of ­soul ­two² ­and·thirty⁺ ­thousand :

and·she·is ­the·half

the·dividend·of ­that·go⁺ ­in·the·host

the·count·of ­the·sheep ­three·of ­hundred⁺ ­thousand ­and·thirty⁺ ­thousand

and·seven·of ­thousands⁺ ­and·five·of ­hundred⁺ :

and·he·is ­the·levy ­to·Yʜᴡʜ ­from ­the·sheep

six·of ­hundred⁺ ­five ­and·seventy⁺ :


six ­and·thirty⁺ ­thousand

and·their·levy ­to·Yʜᴡʜ ­two² ­and·seventy⁺ :

and·donkeys⁺ ­thirty⁺ ­thousand ­and·five·of ­hundred⁺

and·their·levy ­to·Yʜᴡʜ ­one ­and·sixty⁺ :

and·soul·of ­adam

six ­and·ten ­thousand

and·their·levy ­to·Yʜᴡʜ

two² ­and·thirty⁺ ­soul :

and·he·gives ­Moseh ­°the·levy·of ­the·high·offering·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

to·Powr-Helped ­the·priest

as·how ­he·commanded ­Yʜᴡʜ ­°Moseh :

and·from·the·half·of ­the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr

that ­he·halved ­Moseh

from ­the·mortals⁺ ­the·host⁺ :

and·she·is ­the·half·of ­the·assembly ­from ­the·sheep

three·of ­hundred⁺ ­thousand ­and·thirty⁺ ­thousand

seven·of ­thousands⁺ ­and·five·of ­hundred⁺ :

and·plowcattle ­six ­and·thirty⁺ ­thousand :

and·donkeys⁺ ­thirty⁺ ­thousand ­and·five·of ­hundred⁺ :

and·soul·of ­adam

six ­and·ten ­thousand :

and·he·takes ­Moseh ­from·the·half·of ­the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr ­°that·is·held ­one ­from ­the·fifty⁺

from ­the·adam ­and·from ­the·beast

and·he·gives ­°them ­to·the·Debtorïtes⁺ ­the·watching⁺·of ­the·watch·of ­the·dwelling·place·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

as·how ­he·commanded ­Yʜᴡʜ ­°Moseh :

and·they·are·present⁺ ­to ­Moseh

that·are·reckoned⁺ ­that ­to·the·thousands⁺·of ­the·host

the·princes⁺·of ­the·thousands⁺ ­and·the·princes⁺·of ­the·hundred⁺ :

and·they·say⁺ ­to ­Moseh

your·servants⁺ ­they·bore⁺ ­°the·head·of ­the·mortals⁺·of ­the·battle ­that ­in·our·hand

and ­he·was·not·reckoned ­from·him ­man :

and·we·present⁺ ­°the·present·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­man ­that ­he·found ­thing·of ­gold ­pacelette ­and·couplet

ring ­wagonette ­and·ingot

to·atone ­upon ­our·souls⁺ ­to·the·face⁺·of ­Yʜᴡʜ :

and·he·takes ­Moseh ­and·Powr-Helped ­the·priest ­°the·gold ­from·with·them

all·of ­thing·of ­doing :

and·he·is ­all·of ­the·gold·of ­the·high·offering ­that ­they·heightened⁺ ­to·Yʜᴡʜ

six ­and·ten ­thousand ­seven·of ­hundred⁺ ­and·fifty⁺ ­shekel

from·with ­the·princes⁺·of ­the·thousands⁺

and·from·with ­the·princes⁺·of ­the·hundred⁺ :

the·mortals⁺·of ­the·host

they·spoiled⁺ ­man ­to·him :

and·he·takes ­Moseh ­and·Powr-Helped ­the·priest ­°the·gold

from·with ­the·princes⁺·of ­the·thousands⁺ ­and·the·hundred⁺

and·they·bring·in⁺ ­°him ­to ­tent·of ­assembly

memorial ­to·the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr ­to·the·face⁺·of ­Yʜᴡʜ :


and·stock ­much ­he·was ­to·the·sons⁺·of ­See-Son ­and·to·the·sons⁺·of ­Clout ­strongboned ­very

and·they·see⁺ ­°the·land·of ­He-Helps ­and·°the·land·of ­Roll-of-Witness

and·¡lo! ­the·rising·place ­rising·place·of ­stock :

and·they·enter⁺ ­the·sons⁺·of ­Clout ­and·the·sons⁺·of ­See-Son

and·they·say⁺ ­to ­Moseh ­and·to ­Powr-Helped ­the·priest

and·to ­the·wellborns⁺·of ­the·assembly ­saying :

Crownses⁺ ­and·Sobbing ­and·He-Helps ­and·Leopardess

and·Consideration ­and·Powr-Went-Up

and·Spice ­and·Prophet ­and·¬Beon :

the·land ­that ­he·struck ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to·the·face⁺·of ­the·assembly·of ­Princepowr

land·of ­stock ­she

and·to·your·servants⁺ ­stock :

and·they·say⁺ ­if ­we·found⁺ ­grace ­in·your·eyes²

he·is·given ­°the·land ­this ­to·your·servants⁺ ­to·freehold

you·do·not·make·us·cross·by ­°the·Descender :

and·he·says ­Moseh

to·the·sons⁺·of ­Clout ­and·to·the·sons⁺·of ­See-Son

¿your⁺·brothers⁺ ­they·enter⁺ ­to·the·battle

and·you⁺ ­you·settle⁺ ­ẖere :

and·to·¿what ­you·negate⁺

°the·heart·of ­the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr

from·crossing·over ­to ­the·land

that ­he·gave ­to·them ­Yʜᴡʜ :

thus ­they·did⁺ ­your⁺·fathers⁺

when·I·send ­°them ­from·Sanctuary ­Son-of-Rattle ­to·see ­°the·land :

and·they·go·up⁺ ­unto ­the·river·of ­Cluster ­and·they·see⁺ ­°the·land

and·they·negate⁺ ­°the·heart·of ­the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr

to·not ­entering ­to ­the·land

that ­he·gave ­to·them ­Yʜᴡʜ :

and·he·is·scorched ­the·nostrils·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­in·the·day ­he

and·he·vows·seven ­saying :

if ­they·see⁺ ­the·mortals⁺ ­that·go·up⁺ ­from·Egypts² ­from·son·of ­twenty⁺ ­year ­and➝upward


that ­I·vowed·seven ­to·Father-Hi-Hum ­to·Laugher ­and·to·Heeler

as ­they·did·not·fill⁺ ­after⁺·me :

if·not ­Dog ­the·son·of ­He-Faces ­the·Trackerïte

and·Yʜᴡ-Saved ­the·son·of ­Issuer

as ­they·filled⁺ ­after⁺ ­Yʜᴡʜ :

and·he·is·scorched ­the·nostrils·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­in·Princepowr

and·he·rattles·them·around ­in·the·outspeak

forty⁺ ­year

unto ­completed ­all·of ­the·saeculum

that·does ­the·bad ­in·the·eyes²·of ­Yʜᴡʜ :

and·¡lo! ­you·arose⁺ ­under ­your⁺·fathers⁺

multiplication·of ­mortals⁺ ­sinful⁺

to·sweep·away ­again ­upon ­the·scorching·of ­the·nostrils·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to ­Princepowr :

as ­you·return⁺ ­from·after⁺·him

and·he·added ­again

to·set·him·in·peace ­in·the·outspeak

and·you·ruined⁺ ­to·all·of ­the·people ­this :

and·they·approach⁺ ­to·him ­and·they·say⁺

fences⁺·of ­sheep ­we·build⁺ ­to·our·stock ­ẖere

and·cities⁺ ­to·our·toddlers :

and·we⁺ ­we·are·dressed·up ­hurried⁺ ­to·the·face⁺·of ­the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr

unto ­that ­if ­we·brought·them·in⁺ ­to ­their·rising·place

and·he·settled ­our·toddlers ­in·the·cities⁺·of ­the·fortification

from·the·face⁺·of ­the·settling⁺·of ­the·land :

we·do·not·return⁺ ­to ­our·houses⁺

unto ­deriving·for·oneself ­the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr

man ­his·derivation :

as ­we·do·not·derive⁺ ­with·them

from·the·region·across ­to·the·Descender ­and·out

as ­she·entered ­our·derivation ­to·us

from·the·region·across ­the·Descender ­➝dawn :


and·he·says ­to·them ­Moseh

if ­you·do⁺ ­°the·speech ­this

if ­you·are·dressed·up ­to·the·face⁺·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to·the·battle :

and·he·crossed·over ­to·you⁺ ­all·of ­dressed ­°the·Descender ­to·the·face⁺·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

unto ­his·disinheriting ­°his·enemies⁺ ­from·his·face⁺ :

and·she·was·subdued ­the·land ­to·the·face⁺·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­and·after ­you·return⁺

and·you·were⁺ ­innocent⁺ ­from·Yʜᴡʜ ­and·from·Princepowr

and·she·was ­the·land ­this ­to·you⁺ ­to·freehold ­to·the·face⁺·of ­Yʜᴡʜ :

and·if ­you·do·not·do⁺ ­surely

¡lo! ­you·sinned⁺ ­to·Yʜᴡʜ

and·ꜝknow⁺ ­your⁺·sin

that ­she·finds ­°you⁺ :

ꜝbuild⁺ ­to·you⁺ ­cities⁺ ­to·your⁺·toddlers

and·fences⁺ ­to·your⁺·sheep

and·that·goes ­from·your⁺·mouth ­you·do⁺ :

and·he·says ­the·sons⁺·of ­Clout ­and·the·sons⁺·of ­See-Son

to ­Moseh ­saying

your·servants⁺ ­they·do⁺

as·how ­my·lord ­commanding :

our·toddlers ­our·women⁺

our·stock ­and·all·of ­our·beast

they·are⁺ ­there ­in·the·cities⁺·of ­the·Roll-of-Witness :

and·your·servants⁺ ­they·cross·over⁺ ­all·of ­dressed·of ­host ­to·the·face⁺·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to·the·battle

as·how ­my·lord ­speaker :

and·he·commands ­to·them ­Moseh

°Powr-Helped ­the·priest

and·°Yʜᴡ-Saved ­the·son·of ­Issuer

and·°the·heads⁺·of ­the·fathers⁺·of ­the·branches⁺ ­to·the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr :

and·he·says ­Moseh ­to·them ­if ­they·cross·over⁺ ­the·sons⁺·of ­Clout ­and·the·sons⁺·of ­See-Son ­with·you⁺ ­°the·Descender ­all·of ­dressed ­to·the·battle ­to·the·face⁺·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·she·was·subdued ­the·land ­to·your⁺·face⁺

and·you·gave⁺ ­to·them ­°the·land·of ­the·Roll-of-Witness ­to·freehold :

and·if ­they·do·not·cross·over⁺ ­dressed⁺ ­with·you⁺

and·they·were·held⁺ ­in·your⁺·midst ­in·the·land·of ­Cashier :

and·they·respond⁺ ­the·sons⁺·of ­Clout ­and·the·sons⁺·of ­See-Son ­saying

°that ­he·spoke ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to ­your·servants⁺ ­surely ­we·do⁺ :

we⁺ ­we·cross·over⁺ ­dressed⁺ ­to·the·face⁺·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­the·land·of ­Cashier

and·with·us ­the·freehold·of ­our·derivation

from·the·region·across ­to·the·Descender :

and·he·gives ­to·them ­Moseh ­to·the·sons⁺·of ­Clout ­and·to·the·sons⁺·of ­See-Son ­and·to·the·half·of ­the·stem·of ­Frustration ­the·son·of ­He-Adds ­°the·kingdom·of ­Rubbler ­the·king·of ­the·Amurruïte


Loaf ­the·king·of ­the·Bashan

the·land ­to·her·cities⁺ ­in·the·borders⁺·of

the·cities⁺·of ­the·land ­turninground :

and·they·build⁺ ­the·sons⁺·of ­Clout

°Sobbing ­and·°Crowns

and·°Bare-Bare :

and·°Crowns ­Panelled ­and·°He-Helps ­and·Climb :

and·°House·of ­Leopardess ­and·°House·of ­¬haran

cities⁺·of ­fortification ­and·fences⁺·of ­sheep :

and·the·sons⁺·of ­See-Son ­they·built⁺

°Consideration ­and·°Powr-Went-Up

and·°Wallings² :

and·°Prophet ­and·°Master·of ­Home ­turned⁺ ­name ­and·°Spice

and·they·call⁺ ­in·names⁺

°the·names⁺·of ­the·cities⁺ ­that ­they·built⁺ :

and·they·walk⁺ ­the·sons⁺·of ­Seller ­the·son·of ­Frustration ­➝Roll-of-Witness ­and·they·seize⁺·her

and·he·disinherits ­°the·Amurruïte ­that ­in·her :

and·he·gives ­Moseh ­°the·Roll-of-Witness

to·Seller ­the·son·of ­Frustration

and·he·settles ­in·her :

and·Enlightener ­the·son·of ­Frustration ­he·walked

and·he·seizes ­°their·lifeplaces⁺

and·he·calls ­°them ­the·lifeplaces⁺·of ­Forest :

and·Barking ­he·walked

and·he·seizes ­°¬Kenath ­and·°her·daughters⁺

and·he·calls ­to·her ­Barking ­in·his·name :


these ­the·journeys⁺·of ­the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr ­that ­they·went⁺ ­from·the·land·of ­Egypts² ­to·their·hosts⁺

in·the·hand·of ­Moseh ­and·Aharon :

and·he·writes ­Moseh ­°their·goings⁺ ­to·their·journeys⁺ ­upon ­the·mouth·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·these ­their·journeys⁺ ­to·their·goings⁺ :

and·they·journey⁺ ­from·Ra-Mose ­in·the·new·moon ­the·headmost

in·five ­and·ten ­day ­to·the·new·moon ­the·headmost

from·the·aftermorrow·of ­the·Hopover ­they·went⁺ ­the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr ­in·hand ­high

to·the·eyes²·of ­all·of ­Egyptian :

and·Egyptian ­entombing⁺ ­°that ­he·struck ­Yʜᴡʜ ­in·them ­all·of ­firstborn


he·did ­Yʜᴡʜ ­judgments⁺ :

and·they·journey⁺ ­the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr ­from·Ra-Mose

and·they·camp⁺ ­in·Knitshelters :

and·they·journey⁺ ­from·Knitshelters

and·they·camp⁺ ­in·Etam

that ­in·the·end·of ­the·outspeak :

and·they·journey⁺ ­from·Etam

and·he·returns ­upon ­Mouth·of ­the·Crevices⁺

that ­upon ­the·face⁺·of ­Master·of ­North

and·they·camp⁺ ­to·the·face⁺·of ­Greattower :

and·they·journey⁺ ­from·the·face⁺·of ­the·Crevices⁺

and·they·cross·over⁺ ­in·the·midst·of ­the·sea ­➝the·outspeak

and·they·walk⁺ ­step·of ­three·of ­days⁺ ­in·the·outspeak·of ­Etam

and·they·camp⁺ ­in·Bitterness :

and·they·journey⁺ ­from·Bitterness

and·they·enter⁺ ­➝Powrtrees⁺·of

and·in·Powrtrees⁺·of ­two² ­and·ten·of ­eyewells⁺·of ­waters⁺ ­and·seventy⁺ ­palms⁺ ­and·they·camp⁺ ­there :

and·they·journey⁺ ­from·Powrtrees⁺·of

and·they·camp⁺ ­upon ­the·sea·of ­Reeds :

and·they·journey⁺ ­from·the·sea·of ­Reeds

and·they·camp⁺ ­in·the·outspeak·of ­Syn :

and·they·journey⁺ ­from·the·outspeak·of ­Syn

and·they·camp⁺ ­in·Knockout :

and·they·journey⁺ ­from·Knockout

and·they·camp⁺ ­in·Aluwsh :

and·they·journey⁺ ­from·Aluwsh

and·they·camp⁺ ­in·Spreads⁺

and ­he·was·not ­there ­waters⁺ ­to·the·people ­to·drink :

and·they·journey⁺ ­from·Spreads⁺

and·they·camp⁺ ­in·the·outspeak·of ­Syny :

and·they·journey⁺ ­from·the·outspeak·of ­Syny

and·they·camp⁺ ­in·Tombs ­the·Yearning :

and·they·journey⁺ ­from·Tombs ­the·Yearning

and·they·camp⁺ ­in·Courtyards :

and·they·journey⁺ ­from·Courtyards

and·they·camp⁺ ­in·Link :

and·they·journey⁺ ­from·Link

and·they·camp⁺ ­in·Pomegranate·of ­Rupture :

and·they·journey⁺ ­from·Pomegranate·of ­Rupture

and·they·camp⁺ ­in·Whitetree :

and·they·journey⁺ ­from·Whitetree

and·they·camp⁺ ­in·Drizzle :

and·they·journey⁺ ­from·Drizzle

and·they·camp⁺ ­in·Congregation :

and·they·journey⁺ ­from·Congregation

and·they·camp⁺ ­in·the·mount·of ­Shofair :

and·they·journey⁺ ­from·the·mount·of ­Shofair

and·they·camp⁺ ­in·Shuddering :

and·they·journey⁺ ­from·Shuddering

and·they·camp⁺ ­in·Congregations⁺ :

and·they·journey⁺ ­from·Congregations⁺

and·they·camp⁺ ­in·Under :

and·they·journey⁺ ­from·Under

and·they·camp⁺ ­in·Tarach :

and·they·journey⁺ ­from·Tarach

and·they·camp⁺ ­in·Sweetness :

and·they·journey⁺ ­from·Sweetness

and·they·camp⁺ ­in·Opulent :

and·they·journey⁺ ­from·Opulent

and·they·camp⁺ ­in·Chains⁺ :

and·they·journey⁺ ­from·Chains⁺

and·they·camp⁺ ­in·Sons⁺·of ­Aqan :

and·they·journey⁺ ­from·Sons⁺·of ­Aqan

and·they·camp⁺ ­in·Crevice·of ­the·Cloutclout :

and·they·journey⁺ ­from·Crevice·of ­the·Cloutclout

and·they·camp⁺ ­in·She-Is-Good :

and·they·journey⁺ ­from·She-Is-Good

and·they·camp⁺ ­in·Crossing :

and·they·journey⁺ ­from·Crossing

and·they·camp⁺ ­in·Shell·of ­Hero :

and·they·journey⁺ ­from·Shell·of ­Hero

and·they·camp⁺ ­in·the·outspeak·of ­Tzin ­she ­Sanctuary :

and·they·journey⁺ ­from·Sanctuary

and·they·camp⁺ ­in·the·mounting·of ­the·mount

in·the·end·of ­the·land·of ­Blood :

and·he·goes·up ­Aharon ­the·priest ­to ­the·mounting·of ­the·mount ­upon ­the·mouth·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­and·he·dies ­there

in·the·year·of ­the·forty⁺ ­to·go ­the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr ­from·the·land·of ­Egypts²

in·the·new·moon ­the·fifth ­in·one ­to·the·new·moon :


son·of ­three ­and·twenty⁺ ­and·hundred·of ­year

when·he·dies ­in·the·mounting·of ­the·mount :

and·he·hears ­the·Cashierïte ­the·king·of ­Burro

and·he ­settling ­in·the·Negev ­in·the·land·of ­Cashier

when·entering ­the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr :

and·they·journey⁺ ­from·the·mounting·of ­the·mount

and·they·camp⁺ ­in·Shady :

and·they·journey⁺ ­from·Shady

and·they·camp⁺ ­in·Facing :

and·they·journey⁺ ­from·Facing

and·they·camp⁺ ­in·Ghosts⁺ :

and·they·journey⁺ ­from·Ghosts⁺

and·they·camp⁺ ­in·Guilts⁺·of ­the·Crossers⁺ ­in·the·border·of ­From-Father :

and·they·journey⁺ ­from·Guilts

and·they·camp⁺ ­in·Sobbing ­Clout :

and·they·journey⁺ ­from·Sobbing ­Clout

and·they·camp⁺ ­in·Girlish ­Lumps² :

and·they·journey⁺ ­from·Girlish ­Lumps²

and·they·camp⁺ ­in·the·mounts⁺·of ­the·Regions·Across⁺ ­to·the·face⁺·of ­Prophet :

and·they·journey⁺ ­from·the·mounts⁺·of ­the·Regions·Across⁺

and·they·camp⁺ ­in·Arabahs⁺·of ­From-Father

upon ­Descender·of ­Breath :

and·they·camp⁺ ­upon ­the·Descender ­from·House·of ­the·Desolations⁺

unto ­Meadow ­the·Paddlewoods⁺

in·Arabahs⁺·of ­From-Father :

and·he·speaks ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to ­Moseh ­in·Arabahs⁺·of ­From-Father

upon ­Descender·of ­Breath ­saying :

ꜝspeak ­to ­the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr

and·you·said ­to·them

as ­you⁺ ­crossers⁺ ­°the·Descender ­to ­the·land·of ­Cashier :

and·you·disinherited⁺ ­°all·of ­the·settling⁺·of ­the·land ­from·your⁺·face⁺


°all·of ­their·imageries⁺

and·°all·of ­the·shadows⁺·of ­their·libated·metals⁺ ­you·lose⁺

and·°all·of ­their·daises⁺ ­you·destroy⁺ :

and·you·disinherited⁺ ­°the·land ­and·you·settled⁺ ­in·her

as ­to·you⁺ ­I·gave ­°the·land ­to·inherit ­°her :

and·you·derived·for·yourselves⁺ ­°the·land ­in·lot ­to·your⁺·families⁺ ­to·the·much ­you·multiply⁺ ­°his·derivation ­and·to·the·little ­you·make·little ­°his·derivation

to ­that ­he·goes ­to·him ­➝there ­the·lot ­to·him ­he·is

to·the·branches⁺·of ­your⁺·fathers⁺ ­you·derive·for·yourselves⁺ :

and·if ­you·do·not·disinherit⁺ ­°the·settling⁺·of ­the·land ­from·your⁺·face⁺

and·he·was ­that ­you·let·remain⁺ ­from·them

to·knitters⁺ ­in·your⁺·eyes²

and·to·shieldbriars⁺ ­in·your⁺·hips⁺

and·they·rocked⁺ ­°you⁺

upon ­the·land ­that ­you⁺ ­settling⁺ ­in·her :

and·he·was ­as·how ­I·likened ­to·do ­to·them ­I·do ­to·you⁺ :


and·he·speaks ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to ­Moseh ­saying :

ꜝcommand ­°the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr ­and·you·said ­to·them

as ­you⁺ ­entering⁺ ­to ­the·land ­Cashier

this ­the·land ­that ­she·falls ­to·you⁺ ­in·derivation

the·land·of ­Cashiers⁺ ­to·her·borders⁺ :

and·he·was ­to·you⁺ ­edge·of ­negev ­from·the·outspeak·of ­Tzin ­upon ­the·hands²·of ­Blood

and·he·was ­to·you⁺ ­border·of ­negev

from·the·end·of ­the·sea·of ­the·salt ­➝frontward :

and·he·was·turned·around ­to·you⁺ ­the·border ­from·negev ­to·Upward·Way·of ­Scorpions⁺ ­and·he·crossed·over ­➝Tzin

and·they·were⁺ ­his·outgoings⁺

from·negev ­to·Sanctuary ­Son-of-Rattle

and·he·went ­Courtyard·of ­Regal ­and·he·crossed·over ­➝Bony :

and·he·was·turned·around ­the·border ­from·Bony ­➝the·river·of ­Egypts²

and·they·were⁺ ­his·outgoings⁺ ­➝the·sea :

and·border·of ­sea

and·he·was ­to·you⁺ ­the·sea ­the·great ­and·border

this ­he·is ­to·you⁺ ­border·of ­sea :

and·this ­he·is ­to·you⁺ ­border·of ­north

from ­the·sea ­the·great

you·mark·a·tau ­to·you⁺ ­the·mounting·of ­the·mount :

from·the·mounting·of ­the·mount

you·mark·a·tau ­to·Entrance·of ­Rampart

and·they·were⁺ ­the·outgoings⁺·of ­the·border ­➝Hip :

and·he·went ­the·border ­➝Zipron

and·they·were⁺ ­his·outgoings⁺ ­Courtyard·of ­Eyewell

this ­he·is ­to·you⁺ ­border·of ­north :

and·you·designated·yourselves⁺ ­to·you⁺ ­to·border·of ­➝frontward

from·Courtyard·of ­Eyewell ­➝Ridgeplace :

and·he·descended ­the·border ­from·Ridgeplace ­the·Riblah ­from·the·frontmost ­to·the·Eyewell

and·he·descended ­the·border

and·he·wiped ­upon ­the·shoulder·of ­the·sea·of ­Lyre ­➝frontward :

and·he·descended ­the·border ­➝the·Descender

and·they·were⁺ ­his·outgoings⁺ ­the·sea·of ­the·salt

this ­she·is ­to·you⁺ ­the·land ­to·her·borders⁺ ­turninground :

and·he·commands ­Moseh

°the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr ­saying

this ­the·land ­that ­you·derive·for·yourselves⁺ ­°her ­in·lot

that ­he·commanded ­Yʜᴡʜ

to·give ­to·the·nine·of ­the·branches⁺ ­and·the·half·of ­the·branch :

as ­they·took⁺ ­the·branch·of ­the·sons⁺·of ­the·See-Sonïte ­to·the·house·of ­their·fathers⁺

and·the·branch·of ­the·sons⁺·of ­the·Cloutïte ­to·the·house·of ­their·fathers⁺

and·the·half·of ­the·branch·of ­Frustration

they·took⁺ ­their·derivation :

the·two²·of ­the·branches⁺ ­and·the·half·of ­the·branch

they·took⁺ ­their·derivation ­from·the·region·across ­to·Descender·of ­Breath ­➝frontward ­➝dawn :


and·he·speaks ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to ­Moseh ­saying :

these ­the·names⁺·of ­the·mortals⁺

that ­they·derive⁺ ­to·you⁺ ­°the·land

Powr-Helped ­the·priest

and·Yʜᴡ-Saved ­the·son·of ­Issuer :

and·wellborn ­one ­wellborn ­one ­from·branch

you·take⁺ ­to·derive ­°the·land :

and·these ­the·names⁺·of ­the·mortals⁺

to·the·branch·of ­Gloryhand

Dog ­the·son·of ­He-Faces :

and·to·the·branch·of ­the·sons⁺·of ­Heard

Heard-by-Powr ­the·son·of ­People-of-Splendor :

to·the·branch·of ­Son-of-Right

Powr-of-Intimacy ­the·son·of ­Fool :

and·to·the·branch·of ­the·sons⁺·of ­Vindicator ­wellborn

Vacant ­the·son·of ­Stripped :

to·the·sons⁺·of ­He-Adds

to·the·branch·of ­the·sons⁺·of ­Frustration ­wellborn

Grace-of-Powr ­the·son·of ­¬Ephod :

and·to·the·branch·of ­the·sons⁺·of ­Fruits² ­wellborn

Raised-of-Powr ­the·son·of ­Judgy :

and·to·the·branch·of ­the·sons⁺·of ­Residence ­wellborn

Powr-Secret ­the·son·of ­¬Parnach :

and·to·the·branch·of ­the·sons⁺·of ­He-Is-Hire ­wellborn

Rescue-of-Powr ­the·son·of ­Mightiest :

and·to·the·branch·of ­the·sons⁺·of ­Blessed ­wellborn

Brother-of-Splendor ­the·son·of ­My-Shalom :

and·to·the·branch·of ­the·sons⁺·of ­Knot ­wellborn

Ransom-of-Powr ­the·son·of ­People-of-Splendor :

these ­that ­he·commanded ­Yʜᴡʜ

to·give·as·derivation ­°the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr ­in·the·land·of ­Cashier :


and·he·speaks ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to ­Moseh ­in·Arabahs⁺·of ­From-Father

upon ­Descender·of ­Breath ­saying :

ꜝcommand ­°the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr

and·they·gave⁺ ­to·the·Debtorïtes⁺ ­from·the·derivation·of ­their·freehold ­cities⁺ ­to·settle

and·cattle·drive ­to·the·cities⁺ ­turninground·them

you·give⁺ ­to·the·Debtorïtes⁺ :

and·they·were⁺ ­the·cities⁺ ­to·them ­to·settle

and·their·cattle·drives⁺ ­they·are⁺ ­to·their·beast ­and·to·their·fortune

and·to·all·of ­their·life :

and·the·cattle·drives⁺·of ­the·cities⁺

that ­you·give⁺ ­to·the·Debtorïtes⁺

from·the·wall·of ­the·city ­and➝exterior

thousand·of ­mamacubit ­turninground :

and·you·measured⁺ ­from·the·exterior ­to·the·city ­°edge·of ­➝frontward ­thousands² ­in·the·mamacubit ­and·°edge·of ­negev ­thousands² ­in·the·mamacubit ­and·°edge·of ­sea ­thousands² ­in·the·mamacubit ­and·°edge·of ­north ­thousands² ­in·the·mamacubit ­and·the·city ­in·the·midst

this ­he·is ­to·them

the·cattle·drives⁺·of ­the·cities⁺ :

and·°the·cities⁺ ­that ­you·give⁺ ­to·the·Debtorïtes⁺

°the·six·of ­the·cities⁺·of ­the·shelter

that ­you·give⁺

to·flee ­➝there ­the·murderer

and·upon·them ­you·give⁺

forty⁺ ­and·two² ­city :

all·of ­the·cities⁺ ­that ­you·give⁺ ­to·the·Debtorïtes⁺

forty⁺ ­and·eight ­city

°them ­and·°their·cattle·drives⁺ :

and·the·cities⁺ ­that ­you·give⁺ ­from·the·freehold·of ­the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr

from·with ­the·much ­you·multiply⁺

and·from·with ­the·little ­you·make·little⁺

man ­as·the·mouth·of ­his·derivation ­that ­they·derive⁺

he·gives ­from·his·cities⁺ ­to·the·Debtorïtes⁺ :


and·he·speaks ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to ­Moseh ­saying :

ꜝspeak ­to ­the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr

and·you·said ­to·them

as ­you⁺ ­crossers⁺ ­°the·Descender ­➝the·land·of ­Cashier :

and·you·fated·out ­to·you⁺ ­cities⁺

cities⁺·of ­shelter ­they·are⁺ ­to·you⁺

and·he·fled ­➝there ­murderer

striking·of ­soul ­in·straying :

and·they·were⁺ ­to·you⁺ ­the·cities⁺ ­to·shelter ­from·goel

and ­he·does·not·die ­the·murderer

unto ­his·standing ­to·the·face⁺·of ­the·assembly ­to·the·judgment :

and·the·cities⁺ ­that ­you·give⁺

six ­cities⁺·of ­shelter ­they·are⁺ ­to·you⁺ :

°the·three·of ­the·cities⁺ ­you·give⁺ ­from·the·region·across ­to·the·Descender

and·°the·three·of ­the·cities⁺

you·give⁺ ­in·the·land·of ­Cashier

cities⁺·of ­shelter ­they·are⁺ :

to·the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr ­and·to·the·lodger ­and·to·the·settler ­in·their·midst

they·are⁺ ­the·six·of ­the·cities⁺ ­these ­to·shelter

to·flee ­➝there

all ­striking·of ­soul ­in·straying :

and·if ­in·thing·of ­iron ­he·struck·him ­and·he·dies ­murderer ­he

dying ­he·is·put·to·death ­the·murderer :

and·if ­in·stone·of ­hand ­that ­he·dies ­in·her ­he·struck·him ­and·he·dies ­murderer ­he

dying ­he·is·put·to·death ­the·murderer :

or ­in·thing·of ­treestick·of ­hand ­that ­he·dies ­in·him ­he·struck·him ­and·he·dies ­murderer ­he

dying ­he·is·put·to·death ­the·murderer :

the·goel·of ­the·blood

he ­he·puts·to·death ­°the·murderer

when·he·pegs ­in·him ­he ­he·puts·him·to·death :

and·if ­in·hatred ­he·thrusts·him

or ­he·dropped ­upon·him ­in·plotting ­and·he·dies :

or ­in·enmity ­he·struck·him ­in·his·hand ­and·he·dies

dying ­he·is·put·to·death ­that·strikes ­murderer ­he

the·goel·of ­the·blood ­he·puts·to·death ­°the·murderer ­when·he·pegs ­in·him :

and·if ­in·suddenly ­in·not ­enmity ­he·thrusted·him

or ­he·dropped ­upon·him ­all·of ­thing ­in·not ­plotting :

or ­in·all·of ­stone ­that ­he·dies ­in·her ­in·not ­seeing

and·he·lets·fall ­upon·him ­and·he·dies

and·he ­not ­enemy ­to·him

and·not ­seeker ­his·badness :

and·they·judged⁺ ­the·assembly

between ­that·strikes

and·between ­the·goel·of ­the·blood

upon ­the·judgments⁺ ­these :

and·they·snatched·away ­the·assembly ­°the·murderer ­from·the·hand·of ­the·goel·of ­the·blood

and·they·returned⁺ ­°him ­the·assembly

to ­the·city·of ­his·shelter ­that ­he·fled ­➝there

and·he·settled ­in·her ­unto ­the·death·of ­the·priest ­the·great

that ­he·anointed ­°him ­in·the·oil·of ­the·sanctuary :

and·if ­going ­he·goes ­the·murderer

°the·border·of ­the·city·of ­his·shelter

that ­he·flees ­➝there :

and·he·found ­°him ­the·goel·of ­the·blood

from·exterior ­to·the·border·of ­the·city·of ­his·shelter

and·he·murdered ­the·goel·of ­the·blood ­°the·murderer

there·is·ńot ­to·him ­blood :

as ­in·the·city·of ­his·shelter ­he·settles

unto ­the·death·of ­the·priest ­the·great

and·after⁺ ­the·death·of ­the·priest ­the·great

he·returns ­the·murderer

to ­the·land·of ­his·freehold :

and·they·were⁺ ­these ­to·you⁺ ­to·prescription·of ­judgment ­to·your⁺·saecula⁺

in·all·of ­your⁺·seats⁺ :

all·of ­striking·of ­soul

to·mouth·of ­witnesses⁺

he·murders ­°the·murderer

and·witness ­one

he·does·not·respond ­in·soul ­to·die :

and ­you·do·not·take⁺ ­atonement·price ­to·soul·of ­murderer

that ­he ­wicked ­to·die

as ­dying ­he·is·put·to·death :

and ­you·do·not·take⁺ ­atonement·price

to·flee ­to ­the·city·of ­his·shelter

to·return ­to·settle ­in·the·land

unto ­the·death·of ­the·priest :

and ­you·do·not·profane⁺ ­°the·land ­that ­you⁺ ­in·her

as ­the·blood

he ­he·profanes ­°the·land

and·to·the·land ­he·is·not·atoned ­to·the·blood ­that ­he·was·spilled ­in·her

as ­rather ­in·the·blood·of ­his·spiller :

and ­you·do·not·defile ­°the·land ­that ­you⁺ ­settling⁺ ­in·her

that ­I ­dwelling ­in·her·midst

as ­I ­Yʜᴡʜ

dwelling ­in·the·midst·of ­the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr :


and·they·are·present⁺ ­the·heads⁺·of ­the·fathers⁺ ­to·the·family·of ­the·sons⁺·of ­Roll-of-Witness ­the·son·of ­Seller ­the·son·of ­Frustration

from·the·families⁺·of ­the·sons⁺·of ­He-Adds

and·they·speak⁺ ­to·the·face⁺·of ­Moseh ­and·to·the·face⁺·of ­the·wellborns⁺

heads⁺·of ­fathers⁺ ­to·the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr :

and·they·say⁺ ­°my·lord ­he·commanded ­Yʜᴡʜ

to·give ­°the·land ­in·derivation ­in·lot ­to·the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr

and·my·lord ­he·was·commanded ­in·Yʜᴡʜ

to·give ­°the·derivation·of ­Tzalaf-One ­our·brother ­to·his·daughters⁺ :

and·they·were⁺ ­to·one ­from·the·sons⁺·of ­the·stems⁺·of ­the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr ­to·women⁺

and·she·was·diminished ­their·derivation ­from·the·derivation·of ­our·fathers⁺

and·he·was·added ­upon ­the·derivation·of ­the·branch

that ­they·are⁺ ­to·them

and·from·the·lot·of ­our·derivation ­he·is·diminished :

and·if ­he·is ­the·recourse ­to·the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr

and·she·was·added ­their·derivation

upon ­the·derivation·of ­the·branch

that ­they·are⁺ ­to·them

and·from·the·derivation·of ­the·branch·of ­our·fathers⁺

he·is·diminished ­their·derivation :

and·he·commands ­Moseh ­°the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr

upon ­the·mouth·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­saying

sure ­the·branch·of ­the·sons⁺·of ­He-Adds ­speakers⁺ :

this ­the·speech ­that ­he·commanded ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to·the·daughters⁺·of ­Tzalaf-One ­saying

to·the·good ­in·their·eyes² ­they·are⁺ ­to·women⁺

surely ­to·the·family·of ­the·branch·of ­their·father ­they·are⁺ ­to·women⁺ :

and ­she·does·not·turn·around ­derivation ­to·the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr

from·branch ­to ­branch

as ­man ­in·the·derivation·of ­the·branch·of ­his·fathers⁺

they·are·joined⁺ ­the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr :

and·all·of ­daughter ­heir ­derivation ­from·the·branches⁺·of ­the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr

to·one ­from·the·family·of ­the·branch·of ­her·father ­she·is ­to·woman

because·of ­ꜝlet·them·inherit⁺ ­the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr

man ­the·derivation·of ­his·fathers⁺ :

and ­she·does·not·turn·around ­derivation ­from·branch ­to·branch ­after

as ­man ­in·his·derivation

they·are·joined⁺ ­the·branches⁺·of ­the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr :

as·how ­he·commanded ­Yʜᴡʜ ­°Moseh

surely ­they·did⁺ ­the·daughters⁺·of ­Tzalaf-One :

and·they·are⁺ ­Pierced ­Favored ­and·Partridge ­and·Queen ­and·Rattle ­the·daughters⁺·of ­Tzalaf-One

to·the·sons⁺·of ­their·intimate·uncles⁺ ­to·women⁺ :

from·the·families⁺·of ­the·sons⁺·of ­Frustration ­the·son·of ­He-Adds ­they·were⁺ ­to·women⁺

and·she·is ­their·derivation

upon ­the·branch·of ­the·family·of ­their·father :

these ­the·commandments⁺ ­and·the·judgments⁺ ­that ­he·commanded ­Yʜᴡʜ ­in·the·hand·of ­Moseh ­to ­the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr

in·Arabahs⁺·of ­From-Father

upon ­Descender·of ­Breath :

1:20 1:22 1:24 1:26 1:28 1:30 1:32 1:34 1:36 1:38 1:40 1:42 1:44 1:48 2:1 2:32 3:5 3:11 3:44 4:1 4:21 4:29 5:1 5:5 5:11 6:1 6:22 7:1 7:18 7:24 7:30 7:36 7:42 7:48 7:54 7:59 7:60 7:66 7:72 7:78 7:84 8:1 8:5 9:1 9:9 9:15 10:1 10:11 11:16 11:23 12:1 12:14 13:1 14:11 14:26 15:1 15:17 15:32 15:37 16:1 16:20 16:23 16:36 16:44 17:1 18:25 19:1 20:1 20:7 20:22 21:4 21:21 25:1 25:10 25:16 26:1 26:52 27:15 28:1 28:9 29:1 29:12 29:32 29:35 30:1 31:1 31:25 32:1 32:20 33:1 34:1 34:16 35:1 35:9 36:1